Act On What You Hear “And he, casting away his garment, rose - TopicsExpress


Act On What You Hear “And he, casting away his garment, rose and came to Jesus.” Mark 10:5 Anytime we hear the word of God, it will trigger hope and when hope comes, it is a tree of life. The word of God builds faith in you that makes do what you will ordinarily not attempt to do. We read the story of Blind Bartimaeus yesterday. The moment he heard about Jesus, he cried out. But that was not all. The people tried to shut him down, but he refused. Look at the story, when Jesus sent for him, he did not go to Jesus with the garment of blindness. He was so sure that his healing had come. He cast away his garment of blindness and went to Jesus. Can you see faith in action? Bartimaeus, what made you think you won’t need that garment again? Who spoke faith into you? Simply, he thought on what he heard and acted on it and his life changed. The same thing happened with the woman with the issue of blood. She heard about Jesus and in spite of the crowd, she made up her mind to draw on her last strength because she knew that if she could just touch the helm of His garment, her healing was sure. You want to ask: woman, who told you His garment can bring healing? What she heard built up faith in her. She acted on it and she was healed. The same with Zacchaeus the tax collector. He heard about Jesus, realized he was too short to catch a glimpse of him climbed on the tree. When Jesus got to where he was, faith drew his attention, he looked up and asked the tax collector to come down for salvation reached out to him. Child of God, what are you hearing? What you hear has the capacity to determine what you become. Take hed what you hear. Feed your faith and starve your doubt. Get the word of God inside you, think and meditate on the word. That was why when God was giving Joshua charge to take over from Moses, He said to him: this book of the law shall not depart from you, but rather meditate on it day and night for theirein lies the key to success. As you listen to the undiluted word of God, faith will rise up big in you. You will gain speed. Lost opportunities will be recovered. Restoration will come to you. Your heaven will remain open and your earth will produce. Favour will attend your ways. The treasures of darkness and riches in secret places will gravitate to you. You will see no more disappointment neither will you be stranded. Your meal barrels will not be empty. They will speak concerning you in high places, in the name of Jesus. It is a new season in your life and your testimony begins now In Jesus Mighty name Amen. Joshua 1: 4-9; Luke 19:1-10, Psalms 40-42; Acts 27:1-26
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:27:23 +0000

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