Acting President Mnangagwa finally succeeds President - TopicsExpress


Acting President Mnangagwa finally succeeds President Mugabe Published on 02 January 2015 Written by The Telescope Newly promoted first vice president, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, has now quietly succeeded President Robert Mugabe, as Zimbabwes next leader taking office possibly during 2015, according to a secret gentlemens agreement between the two hardline Zanu PF politicians, The Telescope News, today puts speculation around the contentious issue to rest. Although an offended splinter group from within Zanu PF called the Gang of Four or G4 said to be comprising of ministers Oppah Muchinguri, Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere and Mugabes nephew Patrick Zhuwao, is reportedly burning the midnight oil to decampaign and stop Mnangagwa from taking over, their political assault has come late, as the vice president has garnered not only the closet support of Mugabe himself, but one of the countrys most powerful man, Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) Commander, General Constantine Chiwenga, who is operating from behind the scenes in this big power equation. The Gang of Four is a term that was recently coined by expelled former Zanu PF spokesman, Rugare Gumbo, who told a private daily in Harare in November 2014, that the G4 are mafikizolos (freshman party members with no orientation or experience) bent on destroying the ruling party from within. The Telescope News, has been told that the G4 has no political base or muscle in the bigger scheme of things in Zimbabwes murky political waters, apart from suspicion that they are allegedly close to first lady Grace Mugabe, who again just happens to be Mugabes wife, but lacks a critical mass electoral constituency to takeover from her husband Zanu PF insiders contend. This reporter first brought to light disclosures of Mugabe and Mnangagwas tight lipped secret gentlemens agreement in 2012, after it emerged that the latter had played a critical role in saving Mugabe and Zanu PF from losing power in 2008 and 2013. Mnangagwa has doubled as Mugabes election campaign manager and strategist since 2008, and there are accusations that he might have sought the aid of a leading foreign intelligence agency, to gerrymander political votes in Mugabes favour. The intelligence outfit, reputed as one of the best in the world, allegedly still maintains a strong presence in the country, courtesy of not so clear security agreements between government and the agency, our sources said this week. People might ignore the truth, but it will never change. Zanu PF was defeated by the MDC in 2008, and it took the cunning Mnangagwa to evoke a legal provision he had engineered and smuggled into the old amended constitution, that a political party needed to win over 50 percent of the vote to attain power, failure which would result in a run-off election. We all know what happened, the rest is history, said a serving cabinet minister from their holiday resort inside Zimbabwe. Those who have good enough proximity to the presidency in government, can tell you that Mnangagwa deserves the high position. Former vice president Joice Mujuru, almost cost the party both in the 2008 and 2013 polls, as she was reportedly working with opposition forces, supported by the West to effect regime change in our land. Mnangagwa had his hands on the ball, and alerted Mugabe to this treachery. Zimbabweans dont even realise that Zanu PF was forced into a coalition government with Tsvangirai due to disloyalty on the part of high ranking cadres whom I shall not name today, but perhaps later if you do a follow-up on the issue. Investigations by this publication further reveal that Mugabe has been communicating with Mnangagwa almost on a daily basis from his Singapore holiday resort, thus explaining why additional ministers have been fired from government, while Mugabe himself is away. We have also been informed that Mugabe is aware of the machinasations of the G4, and that they allegedly hope to use his wife as their lu
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:19:51 +0000

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