***** Action Call For All Patriots Across This Great State and - TopicsExpress


***** Action Call For All Patriots Across This Great State and Nation***** I just wanted to tell you all that I had an amazing meeting last night with a true patriot! For those of you who dont know, Mr. Joe Gilbert is a local North Country guy who is ready and willing to stand up FOR YOUR RIGHTS if we are willing to support him and his campaign as he runs for office as a congressional cannidate for the NYS 21st Congressional District... This man took over an hour of his valuable time to sit down and speak with me about the issues we here in the north country face and how he feels that standing for a limited and Constitutional Government can bring us back to the prosperity our country has seen before. This is a call to all patriots! We are asking for your support in a time of great need. I understand completely how difficult it is in these times to open ones wallet, but I ask you; What is the price of freedom? What will your excuse be next time your rights and liberties are trampled on by politicians who dont care? This our chance people! Lets rally and prove to the establishment that the grassroots are a force to be reckoned with!!! Below is a message from Mr Gilbert... My name is Joe Gilbert. I am running for Congress in NY. Im up against not only the Democrats, but also the GOP establishment. My primary opponent is a former George W. Bush employee and is supported by none other than Karl Rove. My primary opponent worked as an intern in George Bushs Domestic Policy office, then was on the debate preparation team for Paul Ryan. We do not need any more establishment, George Bush representatives in Washington. We all know where that gets us. Incidentally, Paul Ryan lost that debate with Joe Biden. I am the underdog. The establishment has already chosen their Bush protégé candidate. So I will not receive ANY help from the party. There are enough fed up and angry conservative patriots to make a serious impact on this race. I do feel now is our time. Either we step up and prove that we are not the pawns of the establishment or our influence on American politics fades. This can be our high water mark. If we can take this, there is no turning back and the establishment will be forced to take us seriously forever onward. This is our opportunity to change the very nature of American politics. All I am asking for is a one-time donation of $25. Together, that will be enough to send a clear message across America that we have had enough. Your $25 contribution to this all important fight will be enough to put career politicians on notice that We the People are the ultimate check on their power. I really need your help on this one. America really needs all of our help on this one. I have been prepared to give that last full measure of devotion to this country and its founding principles all my life. My oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States that I first swore to when I was 18 years old did not come with an expiration date. I am still prepared to give my all to defend it and all of you. Are you with me? Follow the donation Give Now link on my facebook page or click donate on my website joegilbertforcongress.org. https://facebook/JoeGilbertForCongress?ref=hl Joe Gilbert for Congress
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 23:41:47 +0000

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