Action Starts With US, The One People, You and Me and the Ones - TopicsExpress


Action Starts With US, The One People, You and Me and the Ones Around us United! The FREeToll Coalition, Freedom of Movement Campaign: We are meant to be living in a Democratic Country with a Constitution in support of our Human Rights, as our inalienable right to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Movement of People and Goods across the land... These Constitutional Rights have been grossly undermined by the enforcement of the eTolling system in Gauteng. This is a fraudulent attempt to extort more money from us without just cause, and to perpetuate disguised systems of Slavery. We are Living, Breathing Human Beings on The Land of South Africa with In-alienable and Un-Alienable Human Rights. As Terrestrial beings, we have the right to move freely across the land of our birth and/or of our choice. This principle really applies to all people of all countries, and eTolls have been proven not to work anywhere in the world where they have been implemented. Tax-payers are being imposed an unconstitutionally incurred financial burden without their consent. Furthermore, in order to do this, they will have to give government direct access to their bank accounts, as government has proven themselves incapable of managing their traffic fines system through the AARTO vehicle that they instituted for this purpose. This is despite having more civil servants per ratio to tax-payer and population, than any other country in the world. Does this mean that you and I have become the ‘money-slaves’ of our government, and that they see us merely as their ‘money printing machines’ and not as the flesh and blood human-beings that we are, with our inalienable human rights? Empowering the People: This information release serves to inform those who purport to be in power, that we are A) Actively and peacefully going to protest against a slow and systematic derogation and destruction of our Human Rights, and simultaneously B) Taking back our Sovereignty in order to Be and move freely as Human-Beings, in this case as Acting Citizens of Gauteng and South Africa. The FREeTOLL “No Numberplates Campaign” is much more than a campaign against “eTolls”. It is a campaign that intends asserting the Human and Constitutional Rights of all South Africans. By declaring your own Sovereignty. You are a Free Unlimited Human-Being with Unlimited Value. You are Creative, You can Act, Move, Think and Imagine. You have the Power to Sign Documents and DO anything that your Being feels adequate to Prosper and Peacefully Co-Operate with other Similar Beings, Co-Existing and Co-Creating in Common Consent agreements for the Benefit of All. You Do No Harm, Cause No Loss and Do Not Impede the Freedom of Another. We, The People of South Africa came together on the 18 day of December, 1996 and Co-Created a Document called “The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa”, with effective day of commencement on the 4 of February of 1997. This Document sets up the guidelines under the Constitutional Court of the Land of South-Africa whereby an Administrative Government set up by The People, in order to Serve and Administrate for the Benefit and the best interests of all the People living on the Land of South-Africa Therefore, We, The People Stand in Truth and Above any, A) Unlawful governmental intimidation, harassment and prosecution, B) Being “criminalized” for trying to earn a decent living as an ordinary South African C) We are taking back our power for all eternity and for all to see. D) You shall no longer allow the government to make decisions about your monetary value, without your direct consent and signed authorization. For the people, by the people: Governments are supposedly democratically elected to manage, act and serve for the betterment of each and every citizen. In other words, they only exist because you and I have put them there. Why would we allow our government to destroy our infrastructure, kill our economy, undermine our quality of living across all areas of function – health, education, security, industry, etc? These are the “benefits, rights and dispensations” of creating a serving government that have been “taken from us without our involvement, without informing us, and most certainly without our consent or authorization.” If we would have to put I Blatantly... This Is an Act of Treason Against The People! So... What is our Strategy? Common Law Is The Only Law That Really Applies to Living, Breathing Souls moving On The Land... All other Types of Law are a Deceptive Trick to Extort Value from The Living Human... And that Includes all Commercial Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, and all Law that falls under the Roman/Merchant/Maritime/Admiralty Law. (Please seek advice from any Legal Practitioner). Under Common Law There are only three simple Principles: Do No Harm, Cause No Loss and Do Not Impede the Freedom of Another! Nothing Complicated... A Child Comprehends these Principles Very Easily. These Principles are applied by Mutual Consent between Human Beings Living Anywhere on the Planet and through Values such as Truth, Transparency and Accountability. Please Note that Any Action from any Individual is Met with Full Responsibility and Accountability, and that Includes Any Law Enforcement Agent that under Common Law, He/She, The Individual Behind the Uniform, Can NOT Hide Behind The Corporation that He/She Represents... (SAPS, METRO Police or any Other Corporate Entity) So it Is Very Important to Always Take Full Details and if Possible Video Record or Photograph Every Detail and Personal Information of all Individuals Involved in any Incident or Accident. South Africans have finally heard the “bell tolling” and are “standing up for their rights and freedoms”… and truly doing so in way which makes sense. The outcry for resistance and noncompliance by all road-users has transformed into the “No Numberplates = No eTolls” Campaign, which will ultimately make the mass intimidation eTolling system unworkable and unsustainable for our top-heavy government. This is what we as Human-beings with Freedom of Thought, Action and Speech, intend and are auctioning for the first time, for our beloved South Africa. Our “silence would be our compliance” to undemocratic, anti-humanist and anti-economic government policies. We are not going to let that happen! What to do? 1. Cut-out a “No eTolls” sign that will cover your Number Plate. 2. Laminate it. 3. Attach to front and rear number plates – obscuring your number plate/identification plates. 4. Have erected on your vehicle(s) by 1 November 2013. 5. Do not remove your “New Number Plates” until this Draconian and illegally enforced system of intimidation and extolling more money from you has been completely revoked by the current South African government. 6. In future, be very careful about a) who you vote into power/Service, and b) whether they actually have your rights, freedoms and interests at heart. What to do if stopped by an “Enforcement Agent”: 1. Remain Peaceful, Friendly, and Calm at all times… Smile, Greet him/her in their language whenever possible and ask for their name and Nametag. (The Human Being behind the uniform is NOT the Enemy, The Corporation that he/she represents, IS.) Note: Always remember to smile and joke if possible, and dont even get confrontational. However, be firm about your common law rights and your Sovereignty. 2. Every action of a “Law Enforcement Agent” is an Offer to Contract for which you do not have to Consent to, by a) Not stepping out of your car, b) Not handing over your Driver’s License, and c) Not Consenting to having your vehicle or person searched. d) Reminding the “Agent” that you are a Free Human-Being and you abide by Common Law, Therefore He Has No Jurisdiction e) Not giving your name (this is also your private property) – you could give your first name if pressed f) If pressed further, refuse to reveal your ‘family’ name, you Do Not wish to Contract. State clearly: “I am not prepared to Contract with you.” If he interjects with “the law says…” ask him “what law exactly?” and ask him to show it to you. (Statutes are Not Law.) 3. Your vehicle is your Private Property (Ship) and you remain the Captain and Sovereign. Besides, they would need a Warrant Signed by a Judge in order for them to have Legal Authority to search your property, unless You give them Authority by submitting to their intimidation tactics. (As Captain you Hold The Authority, any attempt to board your Ship is an Act of Piracy.) 4. Determine if the Police Officer is acting in his capacity as a “Peace Officer” or a “Law Enforcement Agent” (One Cannot be both Simultaneously)… ask: a) Was the Peace Disturbed? Was there a Crime Committed? Am I Being Detained? Can I Proceed? b) Is this a Public Road? Why are you stopping me? Has this road been Privatized? Can you show me evidence of ownership? Can I Proceed? 5. Stand within your Common Law rights, Do Not Contract with Commercial, Maritime or Admiralty law. (You Are Not a Commercial Entity! You Are a Free Living Breathing Embodiment of Soul!) (Common Law Principles: Do No Harm, Cause No Loss and Do Not Impede the Freedom of Another.) 6. State clearly: I Am acting in Peace and I Uphold Ownership and Authority over my Person, my assets, my belongings and my vehicle. What to do when “Involved in an Accident”: Always remember to Cause no Loss, Do no Harm and Always Act Responsibly 1. Take everyone’s contacts and address details. 2. Take photographs of the accident scene.. 3. Report the accident to the police or your local Common Law jury. (Anyone can Create a Common Law Grand Jury, Anywhere, Anytime. Knowledge and Information Required) 4. Get a Case Number. 5. Standard Procedures apply. What to do if anyone “Attempts to arrest you”: 1. Do Not Contract in anyway, Verbally or in Writing. 2. Do Not resist arrest. 3. Inform them that they are Acting against your Common Law and Constitutional Rights and that they will be individually held Accountable for their actions. Demand Their Full Names and Identification. (Use your Cellphone to record, photograph or video the Entire Event) 4. State that you have the Right to Waiver or to Uphold your right to remain Silent as you see fit, but be Conscious of what you say as they can use it against you. 5. Know and let them Know that under Common Law you will always Remain Innocent until proven Guilty, for which evidence of a crime committed by you needs to be presented before an Impartial Jury. 6. If forced to Sign any Document always State “All Rights Reserved” and “Signed Under Duress”. 7. Do Not show Fear nor Submit to any form of Intimidation. Intimidation Tactics are a Violation of your Human Rights. What to do if “criminally prosecuted”: 1. One can only be Criminally Prosecuted if and when there is Evidence Beyond any Reasonable Doubt linking you to a crime of injury, loss or restriction of someone else’s freedom, in acting against someone’s consent. (If there is No Injured Party and No Claim, There is No Crime). 2. The State can Never be an Injured party, as the State is Not a Living Entity... Neither can it lay a Complaint or Claim. The State is a Corporation, therefore they try to Impose Corporate Regulations called Statutes. The best advice is to AVOID THEIR COURTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. No Justice can ever be found in those Courts. They are only Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble Courts and their Judges are mere Executive Administrators posing as Judges and operating under Admiralty Law. The Only Court on the Land of SA is the Constitutional Court. 3. Etolling Statutes are Not Law, therefore Unlawful and Unconstitutional. “When Injustice becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty” 4. Common Law is The Basis of our Constitution, and a Civilian Constitutional Government is what We, The People of South Africa Created on 18th December 1996. The Current Corporate Government of South Africa are Impostors, their only interest is profit, not your wellbeing. You have the Right to Demand a Trial by Jury according to Common Law Principles. Golden Rule: All Commercial or Admiralty or Civil law is Commerce, all Commerce is Contract. No Contract, no Case. Some of your basic inalienable human rights and freedoms”: 1. Freedom of Self-Determination 2. Freedom of Speech 3. Freedom of Movement 4. Freedom of Religious Choice 5. Freedom of Economic Activity 6. For a detailed list…. Go to: SA Freedom Charter / United Nations Declaration of Human Rights / Earth Charter / SA Constitution Outcome: In all likelihood eTolls will suffer a similar fate to the traffic fine payment ratio (below 20% in Gauteng, in fact roughly 7%), but long before that statistic becomes a reality we intend ensuring that not a single Gauteng road-user pays for these excessive eTolls – a ill thought-through creation of our government. To succeed, the e-Toll process must have extremely high compliance (it requires around 95%). There are about 2.4 million users who will collectively generate over 75 million gantry transactions each month. If we translate these 75 million gantry transactions into money on a monthly basis this means... How Much? ... Money that wont even stay in SA! MORE STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW AND ARE NOT BEING TOLD!! Quietly passing laws without notifying us, the public: In 2005 SANRAL quietly changed the rules so that they could toll any road, and the alternate route rule fell away. Who told them they could do that? Have you and I agreed to this? Would we have agreed to this, had we been made formally, publicly aware of this? NO! All provinces will ultimately be affected by toll systems. Gauteng is only the litmus test for whether this will be possible or not. Well... lets not extend this email much further... Feel free to reply in case you need more info or research... Please Note: This is No Legal Advice of any Kind and the Use of Any of these Strategies are Entirely Your Responsibility as an Individual. Empower Yourself By Studying and Researching... The Real Value Is In YOU! Stay in Peace and Travel Safe!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:38:20 +0000

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