Activate Your Eagle Eyes ************************* Setting goals - TopicsExpress


Activate Your Eagle Eyes ************************* Setting goals and resolutions doesnt have to be a strenuous and tedious task. I know how daunting it can be to put your whole life up on the table and have it metaphorically look like phone charger cables all twisted up on themselves. Where do you start first? The answer is simple: you just start! Afterwards, after the tangles of life have been unraveled and you are clear on where you are in your life it can be easy to slip back into autopilot and find your life tangled up again. How do you prevent this from happening? I will invite you to take a look at how your view your life. Are you constantly in the thick of your life and thus not able to see the forest for the trees? If this is you then have hope! You simply have to learn how to fly. There is a difference between using what I call your unconscious Mole Eyes and consciously choosing to use your Eagle Eyes. Let me explain. Moles cannot see very well. They stay mostly underground and are at the mercy of whatever is right in front of them. They have no tactical advantage. Eagles, on the other hand, have eyesight that is an estimated four to eight times better than humans. As an eagle descends from the sky to attack its prey, the muscles in the eyes continuously adjust the curvature of the eyeballs to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception throughout the approach and attack. Applying Eagle Eyes is rocket fuel when applied to your goals and resolutions. As you set an intention and set off on your course you must continuously adjust your strategy to maintain sharp focus and accurate perception of your goal all the way until its completion. For those that like tactics I am about to share a fantastic one that has helped me reach results ten to twenty times faster than normal. Look at your goals with your Eagle Eyes every morning and every night. Take flight out of the day to day to look above your life and see your course and direction from this vantage point. People get crazy excited when forming new goals and resolutions at the start of every year. Why? Because its exciting to see and map out your life! The high that you get from crafting your life and putting it down on paper, social media, journal, or memory is mind blowing. You see that you can achieve your goals one step at a time. Why do you get that rush of excitement and passion? You wouldnt get excited if you didnt think you could achieve it. What baffles me is why people dont do this more often! If you are able to give yourself these great feelings and create your life consciously any time you want then why dont we do it every chance we get? Life gets in the way. I get that. But you always have time. Its not that you dont have enough time. Its that youre not making time for what counts. You dont find time; you make time. I recommend starting this simple strategy at the beginning of each day. Try it out first. Do it for 30 days. Look at your life with your Eagle Eyes and watch your created life take off at warp speed. Why does this work? Where focus goes energy flows. You get more of what youre focused on. You magnify and multiply your efforts and results when you commit to using Eagle Eyes in your life. Activate your Eagle Eyes and watch life become your own personal Play-Dough. Keep Growing, Ben Perry
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:16:36 +0000

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