Activists letter to facilitate IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE - TopicsExpress


Activists letter to facilitate IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE PROCEDINGS ON OBAMA. This is a letter full of hyperlinks. If you are interested in accessing any link, and cannot, please pm me and I will get you the web address associated with the link. OBAMA IS ANTI-AMERICAN AND MUST GO. I KNOW THIS IS LONG-----I WILL TRY TO GET THE WEBSIETE ADDRESSES--as I see NO links came through. all my love in an OBAMA-FREE COUNTRY. m. Pledge To Impeach UPDATE #2 March 14, 2014 PledgeToImpeach Houston, TX Dear patriotic American, Again, our many thanks for signing the PETITION in support of those House and Senate candidates who are willing to impeach and remove Barack Obama and his fellow collaborators, including the vice president. To bring about this constitutional remedy, we need to elect an impeachment Congress in 2014. That will require the best efforts of ALL of us between now and November 4—as we seek to elect good candidates who will honor their oath to defend the Constitution against all its enemies. This UPDATE is the second in a series of activist alerts intended to help you do your part as a citizen to impeach and remove the power-usurping Mr. Obama. Please look over its offerings and suggestions and share these with other concerned citizens. May God bless us all in our sincere efforts to preserve America in fundamental liberty, Stefani Williams Executive Director of Pledge To Impeach URGE CANDIDATES TO SIGN THE PLEDGE TO IMPEACH As our website suggests, the way to ensure an impeachment Congress is to help the most committed conservative candidates get past the PRIMARIES—so they are on the ballot in the fall—while we use our influence to persuade them to sign the CANDIDATE PLEDGE TO IMPEACH. The 2010 election proved it is not enough to elect those who profess to believe in upholding the Constitution and then repeatedly renege by enabling Obamas despotic rule. We need courageous stalwarts who will publicly pledge in writing to stop the presidents unbridled tyranny and dismantling of our constitutional republic through initiating impeachment and removal. And make no mistake, impeachment and removal is the Constitutions prescription for someone like Obama: The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors (Article 2, Section 4). In all our history, weve never had a president, or administration, more lawless, dictatorial, criminal, or deserving of this legislative remedy than the one currently occupying the White House. (See the downloadable one-page flier, The Case for Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama.) Knowing this, informed voters will gladly pick the pledged stalwart over the professing patriot in the vitally important contest underway this election for the future of America. HOW TO PROCEED Begin by printing off the following one-page PDF items posted at our Take Action page: •The Candidate Pledge To Impeach (Senate version / House version)—along with the instructions to volunteers it automatically prints out. •The letter to candidates, Sign the Candidate Pledge To Impeach. •The flier, The Case for Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama. This packet is all you need to challenge candidates to sign the pledge. Read the instructions carefully and make good use of the talking points suggested. Next, target one or more conservative candidates in your district or state youd like to see sign the Candidate Pledge. Focus on the best candidates in the running—and once youve talked with them (or their campaign staff) and tried your best to persuade them to sign (something you may need to do more than once, on different occasions), then branch out and start approaching other candidates, until youve succeeded in getting at least a handful of signatures. You can often talk briefly with candidates at rallies, speeches, and meet and greets, as well as at their headquarters. This voter activism all needs to be done in a timely way. Check your states election schedule to see when nominating conventions or primaries will be held, so you can stay well ahead of things. (Also go to Politics1 to find up-to-date information about U.S. House and Senate candidates in your state.) The goal is to influence the early selection process, so good conservatives will be available to voters in the general election. The more candidates there are who are willing to sign the pledge early in the process, the more voters and delegates will know who is worthy of support throughout the process. (The Candidate Pledge, at the bottom, tells signers where to fax or email a copy of the signed original, so you dont need to give them any forwarding information beyond pointing out that brief notice.) Finally, as you have success handing out the above packet and obtaining candidate signatures, let us know. Wed love to hear of your exploits, so we can follow your success and encourage others to emulate your efforts. Nothing motivates others to try something new and challenging more than to hear inspiring experiences from people like themselves, to know they are not alone. Speaking of not being alone, be sure to take friends and family with you as you talk with candidates. And bear in mind that candidates do want to hear from voters—but be respectful of their time and viewpoint. If things go well, see if you can obtain business cards or contact information from candidates and their staff for follow-up, and provide the same for them. Email us your success stories and learning experiences at contact@pledgetoimpeach. POINT PEOPLE At the Take Action page of the website, we invite all of you who would like to be mentors and helpers to other volunteers in your area to sign up as point people. Just click on the box that is labeled for that. Well put you to use as a liaison between our Executive Director, Stefani Williams, and our grassroots volunteers. TAKE COURAGE Do all you can—time-wise, talent-wise, and means-wise—to get behind good candidates and help. If youre a novice at such activism, no problem. We all need to start somewhere in fulfilling our citizen vocation to do more than just vote on election day upon choices given us by others. Get involved in the electoral process at the entry level—prior to the primaries. Thats what good citizenship is all about. Above all, do what you expect your elected representatives to do and exhibit moral courage about what needs to be done! Be a citizen activist. To invoke common wisdom: If you wont do what needs to be done, who will—at this late stage in Americas crisis? Stand forth and be counted, early—not late—in our representative democracys vital election process. Consider it your God-given right, and obligation, to do so. Remember, weve been given a republic, if we can keep it! MORE ACTIVISM SUGGESTIONS After youve gotten materials into the hands of good candidates, consider approaching those you dont consider so worthy of your vote. You may help to educate them, on the one hand, and they may turn out to be more susceptible to impeaching Obama than you expect, on the other. If youre able to get involved in a candidates campaign, do what you can to convert the candidate and staff to impeachment. And if youre able to obtain useful contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc., of candidates and their inner circle), pass these on to us, and well follow up on our end. Consider writing letters to editors of local papers, and weigh in with your comments at blogs and websites. Post our materials everywhere—community bulletin boards, laundromats, shopping centers, etc.—and hand them out at candidate events, parades, public meetings, etc. LETTER TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY To help you enlist the support of others for our impeachment effort, weve created a one-page flier inviting them to join, titled Sign the Petition To Impeach. Youll find it at the Take Action page. Its much the same language as the letter to candidates, except its addressed to patriotic Americans everywhere. Give this flier to everyone you know—and email it to your lists. Post it on social media, blogs, and bulletin boards. Distribute it widely. Its our basic PR message (which weve recently improved, to make it more effective). FUNDRAISING We urgently need to raise funds to rent large conservative email lists to boost Petition signings; to pay the cost of printing effective materials; and to cover operating expenses. Bear in mind that all of us are volunteering our time and energy to get our impeachment effort off the ground, from a sense of duty as citizens. Anything you could do to help us defray out-of-pocket costs would be greatly appreciated. Even if you can only afford $5 or $10, that will help a lot. Any amount—large or small—will have an impact on our success. Click HERE to donate. Thank you for your generous support! INVITATION TO SIGN UP AS CO-SPONSORS Were seeking co-sponsors for our CANDIDATE PLEDGE TO IMPEACH—individuals (and organizations) who will stand with us in sponsoring this carefully-written Pledge. The more co-sponsors the Pledge has behind it, the more likely its impact on the Congressional and Senate races in the upcoming primaries, and in the fall election. Wed like to invite you to join us as a co-sponsor of the Candidate Pledge. If you accept, your name will be listed alongside other co-sponsors at PledgeToImpeach. (Note that you dont need to be a conservative leader or well-known activist to be a co-sponsor—just a concerned citizen.) To become a co-sponsor, fill out the form HERE. INFORM YOURSELF ABOUT IMPEACHMENT Be sure to visit the News & Commentary section at PledgeToImpeach and read up on the enlightening articles there regarding impeachment. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, Reagan administration diplomat Alan Keyes, WND founder Joseph Farah, and others at the Essential Readings page make a persuasive case for the need to impeach. At the Latest Updates page, youd find a wealth of news and articles to keep you informed of the latest arguments in favor of impeachment. A WORD FROM STEFANI WILLIAMS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PLEDGE TO IMPEACH— Impeaching Obama is indeed doable Stefani WilliamsIf you ask many Americans today if President Barack Obama deserves to be impeached and removed from office for his countless abuses of power and outright contempt for the U.S. Constitution, the answer you will usually get is yes, but... Then such statements often follow as Congress will never impeach the first black president, or the GOP doesnt have the numbers in the U.S. Senate to convict, so why try to impeach at all, or it will end up hurting Republicans politically. Its important to keep in mind, though, that these misperceptions are largely media creations and should not define our options. I will admit to being fairly skeptical initially about the likelihood of impeachment. It wasnt until I looked at the dismal prospects we face as a nation if we dont do all we possibly can to impeach and replace this dictatorial man—someone intent on fundamentally changing Americas moral and economic fabric—that I decided to get behind the impeachment effort. Impeaching Obama (and his associates) is within reach Its true that the current Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate will not convict and remove Obama. Thats why our focus should be on electing an impeachment Congress in 2014, thereby replacing those currently in the Senate and House with people who will have the courage and integrity to uphold their sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. In this case, its their duty to impeach and remove a lawless, dictatorial president—a man who exudes disdain for our Constitution and the rule of law. Many political pundits are predicting Republicans will win the Senate and pick up additional seats in the House. The opportunity is there. But its up to us to make sure an impeachment-minded Congress is the result. Conservative icon Michele Bachmann recently noted: In my opinion, yes, the President of the United States has violated the law, but we must have the support of the American people in order to have impeachment. That is the aim of Pledge To Impeach—to empower and motivate the American people to rise up in defense of our Constitution and our liberties by demanding the constitutional remedy of impeachment be applied to this lawless president, and by getting behind candidates who agree. Additionally, to those who think impeaching Obama is about race, or hate, I say this: We need to get past race in this country to where people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character and their actions. Impeaching Obama is about defending the Constitution, plain and simple. Refusing to impeach Obama based on his color is nothing less than an expression of racism. Get involved I suppose you can say Im old fashioned. I still believe that the United States is a blessing to the world, that God inspired our founders to write the Constitution, that America is indeed exceptional in the sense of the great opportunities and liberties she has offered mankind for over 235 years. I also believe that it is up to every generation in this nation to man up and do its part to preserve the liberties and blessings bequeathed them by their forebears. We are reaping the benefits of their sacrifices (some gave their very lives) and hard work to build the nation we enjoy. As President Ronald Reagan observed, Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our childrens children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. We are nearing those days if we dont stem the tide of socialism and lawlessness fast overtaking our country at the hands of Obama and his administration. Therefore, if you love this nation, the inspired Constitution, and your God-given unalienable rights, then you MUST get involved, and get your friends and family involved, in demanding the impeachment of Barack Obama and the top officials in his administration. I should note that some folks are calling for an outright revolution. We are not there yet. We have the remedy before us. Its impeachment. What you can do The first thing to do is to sign the Petition To Impeach. You have already done this—thank you. Next, spread the word through every avenue of communication available to you: the internet, email, social media, word of mouth, posting our banners and fliers in prominent locations, and so forth. Third, help us get candidates for Congress to sign the Candidate Pledge to Impeach. Be sure to visit the Take Action page at PledgeToImpreach and see the downloadable resources available there to help you as a citizen activist. And if you are interested in being a point person in this effort, please contact me at stefani@pledgetoimpeach. Fourth, and most importantly, petition God for His help and guidance. Impeachment will only succeed with the assistance of our Creator, God. We are a nation built on the premise that our Creator granted us our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. If we truly believe this—our American Creed—then we must respect and honor the source of our rights, and trust in Him. The American statesman Daniel Webster said, If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering.... but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all of our glory in profound obscurity. He said this in 1852, and its even more applicable today. As our nation has done in the past, we are called upon to do again: repent and follow our nations motto—In God We Trust—then will God extend His hand once again and save our country from collapse. To quote the well-known words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. If we do this, God will grant us the courage and wisdom exhibited by our founders to preserve our Constitution and stop the destruction of our beloved land of liberty, so our posterity might live free of tyranny and servitude.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 19:55:48 +0000

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