Activity continued to increase at the volcano as new magma - TopicsExpress


Activity continued to increase at the volcano as new magma continues to arrive at its summit. Since the first ash emission a week ago, more and stronger explosions, as well as phases of continuous ash and gas emissions and milder strombolian activity have occurred. Ash plumes have been rising up to 4 km above the volcanos summit and moderate ash fall occurred in several areas, most notably the sectors of Choglontús, El Manzano, Motilones, Cusúa, Tisaleo and Mocha. During the night 2-3 August, activity had been lower, but with more frequent strombolian explosions ejecting incandescent material to up to 700-1000 m above the crater and causing avalanches on the upper slopes. Following this Strombolian phase, 4 explosions of small to moderate size were recorded, which occurred at 00h06, 00h22, 00h39 and 00h42 local time yesterday morning. These rattled windows in nearby villages. Yesterday morning 2 more explosions were recorded at 07h23 and 07h39, the latter being the largest recorded during the new eruptive phase so far. The observatory mentions that the current behavior of the volcano is very similar to the activity preceding the major eruption on 1 Feb this year, when a large explosion produced dangerous pyroclastic flows that reached close to the Ambato-Baños road, as well as the Chambo river. Significant ash emissions occurred on 31 July and 1 Aug, causing ash fall in the Choglontús area to the SW of the volcano. A slight dusting of black ash was also recorded in the town of Manzano. SO2 emission measurements (2-3,000 tons / day) show an increase corresponding to the rising of fresh magma. Seismic activity continued to increase. During the past days, it reached an average of 100 long-period events per day. Phases of volcanic tremor occurred as well as some volcanic-tectonic quakes probably related to rock-fracturing at depth caused by intruding magma.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:18:05 +0000

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