Acts 14:2 But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the - TopicsExpress


Acts 14:2 But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. Thoughts for Today: Not long ago the mortgage industry went through the beginning stages of a melt down. A man I know by reputation and acquaintance owned a company involved in the sub-prime sector (loans to less creditworthy borrowers) which was hit the hardest. This man had run his company with integrity and professionalism for over ten years, however within the space of six months his company and reputation were destroyed as the result of a rumor started by one of his competitors. Ultimately it didnt matter that it was unfounded in fact or in any element of truth -- it ruined him nonetheless. Our passage today reflects first, why rumors get started; second, how they are spread; and thirdly, the ultimate result: 1 Refused to believe. Rumors and gossip always get started because someone wants to believe the worst about someone rather than the best. In other words, looking at the words, action, lifestyle or dress of someone and seeing whats wrong rather than what is right; then telling others. Rumor or gossip is always a choice and usually begins in jealousy, rivalry, envy, anger, discrimination, pride, selfishness, ambition, insecurity, etc. 2 Stirred up. Rumor and gossip are no fun unless and until other people are involved. But how far would gossip spread if no one showed any interest? Therein lies the problem. It seems like it is human nature to want to hear about anothers problems -- described in the most unflattering way; then telling it to someone else. Why is this so? Does it make us feel better about our own struggles? 3 Poisoned their minds. Rumors change and influence the way we feel about someone we may have never met. My friend had spent a lifetime building his reputation, yet people had made up their minds about him despite the fact they had never met him. How long do you think it might take to restore his reputation? Even if the rumor was recounted, there would still be some who would not hear about the recounting, and still others who regardless of the new information would not change their minds. Questions to Ponder: Have you ever noticed that corrections or retractions are printed in the back pages of the newspaper rather than as the headline such as: We Were Wrong About Him! Why? Why are we more willing to spread bad news about someone rather than good? When was the last time you boasted about someones good deeds? Why do we want more facts and confirmation for a good deed -- are we afraid someone might receive credit for something they didnt do? Why arent we more concerned that someone not be blamed or punished unfairly? Gossip stops when no one listens. Are you listening to gossip? What can you do today to reverse the trend of rumor and gossip so prevalent in our world? Do you see gossip and rumor in the church? How can you build up, rather than tear down those around you? Your Daily Impact
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:04:43 +0000

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