(Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, SAITH GOD, - TopicsExpress


(Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, SAITH GOD, I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH: your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:) (Acts 2:18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I WILL POUR OUT IN THOSE DAYS OF MY SPIRIT; and they shall prophesy:) It is evident that only God will pour out his Spirit upon whom he desires, whom he wants to chose, it is not I that can say, that my fellow Christians out there aren’t filled with the Spirit, or he is filled with the Spirit, how would I even know that? Yea, it says know them by their fruits, but to me, all have apart in them which is good, both trinity believers and one name believers. All do by nature what seems to be good, they give generously, they forgive, and they armour themselves compassion but how would we even really detect those which are filled with his Spirit then? Ah for there is but one way we shall identify such great controversy my fellow brethren. (Acts 4:12 NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED.) It strongly states here that only one name is given unto mankind whereby we all must be saved from, saved from by what? What is destroying us that we need to be saved from? Well, I believe the carnal man spirit is the one that destroys many Christians to despise and hate each another, this carnal man spirit that causes divisions in the unity of the faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Many of the carnal minded teach us that it is not acceptable to be in another church congregation, that it is polluting us when we fellowship with other Jesus name believers. And it is sad to hear that many follow this kind of error, not being confirmed in the word of God itself. These carnal minded THINK other Jesus name believers are fallen from God and have become a religion denomination, considering it as a house of Satan. But I tell you the truth, it is incorrect, that kind of teaching brings only pride and envy in the churches today. Only God knows who are his, whom belongs unto him, whom he has poured out his Spirit upon, it is not I that should be saying, “God did not pour his Spirit on them” or “that church is not of the Spirit”. I am not made a judge nor a God that should be saying this or that, but I am made to be as a humble sheep who is just apart of the rest of the sheepfold of God, and not the shepherd, only Jesus is the shepherd and there is only one way in that God will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh and that is by that one name he has given unto us which believe on it, and that name is Jesus Christ, whosoever believeth this name, God indeed will pour down his Spirit on them which believe on it. (John 11:26 Jesus said unto her, I AM THE RESURRECTION, AND THE LIFE: HE THAT BELIEVETH IN ME, though he were dead, YET SHALL HE LIVE:) (1 John 3:23 And this is his commandment, THAT WE SHOULD BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, and LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as he gave us commandment.) Who is he that teaches you not to fellowship with your fellow brethren in the Lord? Is he mighty and better than the Almighty God, does he instruct him what to do? Woe unto him, But he is like unto you poison, and that poison will poison your mind by his corrupted tongue. Whosoever believes in that name is my brother, whosoever worships that name is my family member, wherever you may attend to a church under that name, I am your brother in the Lord, and you are apart of me as I am apart of you, dearly beloved. I believe SGC and JNC are one in the same of that precious name, all apart of that one self same Spirit, even the body of the one Son of God, us as the sheep of God, there only one shepherd that looks after us and that shepherd is our one Father, Jesus Christ.(1 Corinthians 12:11 BUT ALL THESE WORKETH THAT ONE AND THE SELF SAME SPIRIT, dividing to everyman severally AS HE WILL. (1 Corinthians 8:6 BUT TO US THERE IS BUT ONE GOD, THE FATHER, OF WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, AND WE IN HIM; AND ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, AND WE BY HIM.) Do you believe me? All I have written judge for yourself? We have been deceived by that carnal man spirit through these many years! In the beginning if we recall in remembrance the former days of glory about the one building of worship, pastured by George King Jr, all those were of one mind and one body, all looked upon one another in the self same spirit, all joined together in peace and harmony, none looked the other way, but all were filled with that same Spirit, becoming a power house, manifestations of healings, wondrous signs and prophesies, because they learned to congregate as one, as the sheepfold of many sheep but all equally joined and fellowship in one flock, not one sheep hated another sheep, nor one sheep go out the flock and ask another sheep to join him but all sheep sticked together as one in that one body. We that are in Christ Jesus obey the commandment of God, and when we obey that commandment, the Spirit of God is poured upon us, because that one Spirit will make us one in unity, and they that follow that name are filled with that Spirit. In all the world, even in reservations, or communities, they that fellowship under that name are one body, being apart of one another, no matter how many churches are in one community where that precious name is magnified, all are one body of Jesus Christ, it is no sin to fellowship with your brethren from another congregation. Believe not what others think but believe on the word instead. Here is my proof from the word unto my discussion. (Mark 9:38 And John answered him, saying, Master, WE SAW ONE CASTING OUT DEVILS IN THY NAME, AND HE FOLLOWETH NOT US: AND WE FORBAD HIM, BECAUSE HE FOLLOWETH NOT US.) (Mark 9:39 But JESUS SAID, FORBID HIM NOT: FOR THERE IS NO MAN WHICH SHALL DO A MIRACLE IN MY NAME, THAT CAN LIGHTLY SPEAK EVIL OF ME.) (Mark 9:40 FOR HE THAT IS NOT AGAINST US IS ON OUR PART.) (Mark 9:41 FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL GIVE YOU A CUP OF WATER TO DRINK IN MY NAME, because ye belong to Christ, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, HE SHALL NOT LOSE HIS REWARD.) When John spoke about this, always remember? John was with Jesus at that time, so along with the disciples, they were a group, and that other man was not, that is why he said this “he followeth not us” the man that was casting out the devils was probably in another group but still in that same name. Just because he wasn’t in the group where the disciples were doesn’t mean he was no different, not only that he still had the power to cast out the devils using that name of Jesus. That is why Jesus told his group, his disciples not to rebuke that other man, nor despise him because he was on the same side as they were, being the same under that precious name of Jesus. Today, carnal minded spirits intend to manifest that same pattern that John expressed that day, these carnal men tend to teach us to rebuke our fellow Christians that worship that same name as we do, and they want us to entreat them as outsiders of Jesus, Christians that backslided from the first church, just like John did “he followeth not us”, this happens a lot today in the churches, in one church group they might think they are the only ones following that name, and whosoever is not of that church congregation and when they see this, as another church group they tend to dispute or forbid them, not allowing them to be a part of Jesus Christ, just like John did when he saw that man casting out devils in the name of Jesus, that he was not in the group where he was, he thought being near that man Jesus made him and the other disciples being the only members of Christ but we must think again, just because he wasn’t in that group where Jesus had his disciples doesn’t mean he was a backslider or an outsider, he was still a Jesus name believer. For example: SGC and JNC are the same, the same in that name, being one body, we know that JNC was the first building of worship in the community back in the day but that doesn’t mean that whoever is in that church, doesn’t have the right to speak against SGC as a religion or a division, neither can we say they are backsliders. Let us not be like John being carnal in the sight, but know this, whoever walked out of the church in George King Jr’s time, had envy and pride his heart and caused much confusion to the community, which led into much contention, unfriendships, quarrelling, fighting, debates and emulations. Not only that Satan had an advantage to defeat Christians that day, we have lost the power to fellowship as one in Christ, ever since then and now, the devil has been very cunning to deceive us by using the carnal man spirit in us. (Luke 9:49 And John answered and said, Master, WE SAW ONE CASTING OUT DEVILS IN THY NAME: AND WE FORBAD HIM, BECAUSE HE FOLLOWETH NOT WITH US.) (Luke 9:50 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, FORBID HIM NOT: FOR HE THAT IS NOT AGAINST US IS FOR US.) I can go and fellowship with SGC if I want, and no one can stop me, and whatever I hear of them teach and preach, or whatever they speak about in the name of Jesus Christ, it will not surely pollute me or make me unclean in anyway, for the cup of their water is clean and full of love as the same in my cup of water that I shall offer them, it will not pollute them or make them unclean. But he that teaches me not to fellowship there is already polluting me with blemish of unforgiveness and grudge of jealousy. (Mark 9:41 FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL GIVE YOU A CUP OF WATER TO DRINK IN MY NAME, because ye belong to Christ, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, HE SHALL NOT LOSE HIS REWARD.) For what time or any day have you ever rebuked your own leg, saying, “my leg I hate you, I don’t need you anymore”, Oh please do tell me? Have you ever hated one of your body part? Your leg, your eyeball, your neck, your finger, etc? No! You don’t! I have never known anyone to hate his own finger, when you hurt or cut your finger, you take care of it and you wrap it up in a bandage, nor anyone to his toe, for when you bang your toe on an edge, you straightway comfort it, holding it in love, nor anyone with his tongue, for when you thirst for water, you satisfy it to drink water, no, noone has ever tortured his tongue without a cause. (Ephesians 5:29 FOR NO MAN EVER YET HATED HIS OWN FLESH; BUT NOURISHETH IT AND CHERISHETH IT, even as the Lord the church:) (Ephesians 5:30 FOR WE ARE MEMBERS OF HIS BODY, OF HIS FLESH, AND OF HIS BONES.) I cannot hate you, for you are like my leg, my tongue, my finger, nor can you hate me, for I am like your toe, your foot, your eyeball, we are all in one body, being many and we should take care of one and another. We are like family under the same roof, of the same name, the family name of Jesus Christ. I cannot hate my brother in SGC for he is like my finger, and I love my finger, I cannot despise my sister at SGC for she is like my hair and I love my hair too much. For we were meant to be together as always and for ever, like beloved sheep that stay together in one flock, we help one another and stick by one to another being as true family members in Christ Jesus. (1 John 2:11 BUT HE THAT HATETH HIS BROTHER IS IN DARKNESS, AND WALKETH IN DARKNESS, AND KNOWETH NOT WHITHER HE GOETH, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.) That’s why John wrote that scripture, he began to saw that whoever is in that name is his brother, no matter what! He wanted to reject that man that was casting out devils in Jesus name, that man that wasn’t in the group of the disciples back in his time, but now in Jesus’s time he learned that all are one body of the same Spirit in Christ Jesus, believing all brethren are equal that are of different congregations that believe on that name, all being one in the same faith as they were. No man can separate us from the love of God. No! Noone at all, neither the things to come, neither tomorrow, neither evening, nor powers, nor principalities, nor dominions, or any carnal man spirit of this world. (Romans 8:35 WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?) (Romans 8:38 FOR I AM PERSUADED, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,) (Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.) My fellow brethren? I beg of us to reconcile, and to put aside our church names, for by it we un-friendship one another, for some of us hunger and are in agonizing torment to come together in one roof, being in one church, I feel your pain and torment, I desire most to be apart of your life as you want to be apart of mine, let us open our doors and gladly receive us one and another in peace and in harmony. Not for our sake but for the people’s sakes, the needy and the broken hearted are torn in two, not knowing which church to go to, not knowing what to do anymore, but are made to be tormented in total confusion. This I believe, if it be, to come to pass, the power house would be restored back, the manifestation of healings, peace and glory would come back. Let us come together, let us work together and let us round up an army and bruise the head of Satan once again, if we don’t come together, it’s over, we lose, Satan will rule us by separating our friendship and our love towards one another. Let us persuade the elders of the churches, us young Christians, commune with our elders of the churches, don’t mind the people which will say “he’s trying to be a leader” or “he’s trying to be a pastor”, for there is a reason why we feel this great travailing of coming together, for God said so himself, that your sons and daughters shall prophesy, in other words, they shall teach and preach and even fix up the damaged places in the body of God, your young men shall see visions, indeed I am a young man who sees this vision of the unity by these two churches, and we need to move in order for it to come to pass, persuade your elders for they must acknowledge this scripture, (Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, SAITH GOD, I WILL POUR OUT OF MY SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH: YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS, and YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS:) WHY? Our old men or elders shall dream dreams, indeed they dreamt of one day seeing young people to get saved, yes they did dream of this one day coming to pass, they did pray hard to see one day that there dreams would be answered, and indeed there dream of dreams were answered by God, so they must listen to us. Let us get up and move, and start somewhere, may God dwell in us richly.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:13:27 +0000

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