Acts 2:44–45 Now all who believed were together, and had all - TopicsExpress


Acts 2:44–45 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. A word to single parents—and to those in the churches they attend. I know of no greater need for a ministry of support and encouragement than to those who are handling the pressures and responsibilities of vocation and childrearing alone. Single parents are fighting battles that no one else in the church is facing. God can use our resources to help meet the needs of the single parents in our churches. HE wants to use people to meet the needs of people in our churches today—especially the needs of all our SINGLE SAINTS. Are you a SINGLE CHRISTIAN? Then do what you can to express a desire for ministry and a desire to be ministered to. If you are a leader in your church, do what you can to raise the PRIORITY and RESOURCES given to MINISTRY to SINGLES. This GROWING SEGMENT of the CHURCH must no longer feel as though they are outsiders. They must be as WELCOME as the most famous single person of all time—JESUS HIMSELF .
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 11:08:32 +0000

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