Acts 20 28Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, - TopicsExpress


Acts 20 28Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. ______________ Pray for all those souls who have not yet understood the Holy Bible and who misinterpret so many parts of It; cutting out entire parts which could enlighten you, eradicating rich factors that could illumine you; listen and try to understand: there once was a sower who prepared an enormous field; he chose the finest grain to sow and produce the best wheat! now, when the harvest was ready to be reaped, and what a rich harvest it was, his enemy sent out a bunch of crows to fly over his field; this field, toiled and prepared with so much love and sacrifice, a ready and rich harvest able to feed the entire country, leaving no one hungry; but, these crows which were sent by his enemy, started to pick up here and there from the harvest, devouring and ravaging as much as possible; if it was not for the sower seeing all this and sending out his servants to chase away those crows they would have devastated the entire harvest; Lord, will You now explain, please? come, the sower is I, the Lord, the harvest is My Word, the enemy is Satan; the crows are those souls influenced by Satan, through many years, now and again to eat up the important elements from My Words; but, I, Jesus Christ, the Lord, will manifest Myself time and again to bring back to you those missing elements; I will embellish and repair My Church; I love you, creation; My entire Church will be renewed; these elements given back to you will embellish It and will perfect It, but first I will crown Peter, Peter-of-My-Lambs; I have given him this name which he will keep; I will enter My Temple just as I had done whilst on earth and with My Belt-of-Integrity strike all those impostors; I will enter with force and overthrow all the money-worshippers; I will enter Jerusalem so that the New Jerusalem can begin to see the Light; I will sweep away those blocks and open the Way; this, will be known as the Great Tribulation of My Church; I will then place into Peters hand an iron sceptre with which he will guard My sheep; as for those who do not know and still ask themselves why is it that we have to have a guide? I tell you this: have you ever seen or known of any flock of sheep without a shepherd? I am your Heavenly Shepherd and I have chosen Peter to keep My lambs until My Return; I have given him the responsibility, so why all these disputes, why all these futile arguments? and for all those who still do not know My Words, I tell you to read them in the Scriptures, they are to be found in the testimony of John, My disciple; (Jn. 21:15-17) I will then unite My Church and encircle you with My Arms into one fold; for today as it is you are all scattered developing too many communities, split sections; My Body you have torn apart and this CANNOT BE! I will unite you all.......JESUS CHRIST
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:56:42 +0000

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