Acts 5: 1-11 Take Note with an ear to hear what the Spirit - TopicsExpress


Acts 5: 1-11 Take Note with an ear to hear what the Spirit speaks expressly to the Church(The BODY). The enemy is after whats in you. Study Ananias and Sapphira in Hebrew. Their names mean compassion and beauty. Its just like the enemy to try and taint the precious gifts within you. If you lose your sensitivity to be charitable and your attractiveness of the Spirit, whats left. Without LOVE we are NOTHING. Without His image we are MARRED and Spiritually DISFIGURED. The question the apostle asked both of them gave ample time to reconsider what was in their hearts. Instead of repenting, THEY BOTH WERE GUILTY OF LYING TO THE HOLY GHOST not to Peter but unto God. Ananias dropped DEAD and was carried out and buried. Sudden DEATH. Within hours not knowing what happened, Sapphira was asked what did you sell the land for and she held back the TRUTH. She too dropped dead and was carried out. People of God, Death comes suddenly. Instead of holding back portions of money for yourself, COME CLEAN and do whats right. Life and death will come. But many will die UNTIMELY DEATHS because satan has FILLED their hearts. Repent BEFORE the pallbearers come. Keep your INTEGRITY. GUARD your heart of compassion. Dont let NO-ONE taint your image(FEARFUL BEAUTY) LET HE THAT HAS AN EAR HEAR!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:04:56 +0000

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