Actually, nothing shocks me in that area. I think it was Mencken - TopicsExpress


Actually, nothing shocks me in that area. I think it was Mencken who said no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. The article says that baby boomers spent 77 minutes a day on average watching, listening to or reading the news. That sounds about right to me, although I havent watched any form of television news since the night we killed Osama bin Laden. I havent listened to news on the radio in at least a year (and it was BBC World Service then). I read. And I dont just read the news from one side. Most of my news consumption is from newspaper sites, although the paywalls are starting to annoy me. (I did pay recently for a year of the Washington Post) But I also follow links to places like Newsmax, and I scan columns by Pat Buchanan, George Will and even Mann Coulter, among others. It is possible to stay informed, but you have to work at it. I can spot talking points from a mile away, and I can usually tell when they come from Fats Limbaugh or the other reactionary poobahs.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:38:19 +0000

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