Actually the final step is while this occurs and the aux engine - TopicsExpress


Actually the final step is while this occurs and the aux engine speeds up exponentially if the aux engine is jammed by a sudden processing freeze this is actually when the whole system would combust. Last Interjection - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Which gives me more currency for the Cbomb script.. since people would turn blue for two can turn blue if one is tired of existance..or one can turn Blue in the Face from holding his/her breath for too Long.. -sEung b. kim Now when the auora expands to 3/4ths full charge the spontaneous incline to cause more power build up in the power storage unit if it causes the auora to become compressed by a sudden exponential increase in demanded surplus power in the power storage unit then due to the compression factor caused by the power demand if it is done where the auora ruptures or the auora suddenly regresses in higher concentrated form as it then expands at maximum growth acceleration by causing a schizm in the power demand for the power storage unit then the computer will lastly combust. Final Step and Final trial - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now the final step is to cause the energies entering all components and extremities to be supplemented by a force to break past the shell of the unit. This can be done by causing the electron flow to be used as a conductive medium for the power storage capacitor to expand where the kinetic flow of the electron power causes a means for generating a power storage auora which if it exceeds the system size causes the electron force to be backed up by the pressure caused by the expanding energy in the power storage unit using the electron force as a medium for generating it since it creates energy potential for the expanding auora to generate as an auora. In which this energy can be generated by forcing the central power storage unit to require more energy input in which the stress of this will cause the emitting auora based on the energy requirements for the power storage unit as it also emits as the auora leaking from the power storage unit where if the power requirements are made to grow exponentially then the auora will expand to a force necessary to cause full combustion. Interjection and the Final Solution for the CBomb Project - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 I forgot to add one more vital thing. Upon the power of the system expanding to all conductive channels of the computer system full resistor closure must be made so that as the power tries to actualize to all part of the system through the conductive pathways the power of it being of over maximum capacity would cause the computer to explode spontaneously since the resistor closure done by system freeze would lead to a dynamic expulsion effect. Extension of Destructive Range - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now this is the last missing instruction that I failed to give so that I could consider things out before I would publicize it. Since the central power unit would not be sufficient since it would only result in internal combustion the logic gates must be suspended by suspending the quotient by overriding the logic sequence through forced through the CPU or the central processing unit in which the energy that overrides the central power unit is then overloaded to the CPU if the quotient is suspended through a main directive that exceeds the request that the on off switches would require when processing information if the CPU is supposed to override logic gates or through an instruction of higher priority than the requested quotient so that all logic gates are suspended and through the conductor the volatile energy would spread throughout the entire system not withheld by logic gates and once the whole system is transmitted with power through the conductive pathways opened to all parts of the computer through the suspended Gates then through the excess of energy having reached its threshold capacity the Computer will then Combust at a high proximity of decimation. Final Segment of the Cbomb - Full combustion rather than internal combustion - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Heres the final addage that would make the whole thing work out perfectly. There is much energy generated in the central Power unit that resides in the given capacitor so if the spark occurs through the wild activity in the power switch then it could be used to burn up all solidified elements in the capacitor specifically where the conductor drives in to flare up the very power-conserving fabric of the capacitor then causing the capacitor itself be the means by which the computer system combusts if the power that is being stored becomes disunified energy which is when the whole system combusts as a result but the inital step is to cause coagulated energy to burn the fabric of the Main capacitor by the intensity of heat that overmatches its capacity for it as it is then surged with the energy found in the process of the oscillating aux engine and the wild trigger sent to the power switch that takes place at the time the capacitor is heat driven and simultaneously dispersed as disunified energy through the coagulation found in the processing Power. Final Addage to the Computer Bomb Script - the Sulfurous medium - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 The combustion factor that causes the sparking mechanism to blow up the computer system occurs when through the given process the central Power unit goes through a disunity of energy within the central power system thus causing the combustion factor for the entire computer system holistically. Combustion Factor - final addage - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now for the outlet to react as a sparking mechanism the Power trigger device must be spontaneously enabled and disabled at 1/100ths of a second then causing the outlet to be the spark plug mechanism for the Cbomb. In which due to the oscillation of the aux engine the computer is then set to blow. Sparking Mechanism (Outlet Schizm) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now the Cbomb can be calibrated by using measured changes in the transistor switch that can collectively cause changes in contrast and volume in which tempering the transistor switch can cause measured expulsion through the resistor that limits the amount of energy being sent to the central power Unit. In effect r&D must be conducted to make precise measurements since due to the immense energy that incorporates there can be no precise means to calculate the effect upon the degree of resistance. Calibration of the Cbomb -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now by using Turin associations Gaits can be employed to bundle their associates based on their shared experiences online in which botnet can be used first by diseasing the main targetted user to cause the script to launch through any buffer feed inputted where botnet can cause a dummy system takeover that will galvanize against other users given buffer feed input through his dummy system when Firefoxs $$SYS$$ function causes an amnesaic latching of the script that activates through a botnet command to launch the amnesaic script through buffer input for an external account by opening up bufferspace for all users found through Gaits so they can be simultaneously destroyed that bundles all associated users as one entity. Botnet Device for the Computer Bomb Script -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now the SMS transference and the momentum caused by processing accumulating data causing increased oscillatory speed in the engine along with the outlet being schizmed the two forces must enter the Central Power unit and develop energy that increases in capacity exponentially until the Power goes beyond the threshold of its capacitor causing this explosion. Evidently as far as its use in places like Florida is concerned, humans will be Hells Company in Heavens Climate. Speaking of which Roeper is suspect despite his promises that he will only study the script without using it.. Roeper is a Reasonable Man. But hes a jackAss in the Process.. I am not even insinuating that you can justify its use..because Im not putting a sign on Farrington that goes, This Lane for Driveby Shootings---->* That would be nuts..I am just contributing to a historical period. now watch the good guy dodge this.. watch the Freaky Guest jump through a Flaming Hoola Hoop to the sound of a did the right thing. -sEung b. kim Now upon the schizm produced in the outlet by relaying the energy to the fiber optic channel then through a simultaneous ATDT launch taking place during the time of the blast the energies in destructive form can enter fiber optic and cause an explosion for telephone devices where the script can make target computer systems blow and attack alternate telephone devices but this would cause a power blackout and shutdown all devices plugged into the outlets of the house so that telephone security can be dismantled where there can be no Wifi detection. To further make the script operate through stealth. Destruction of Alternate Telephone Devices through the Script - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 The final step to the actual programming activity to the Computer Bomb Script is to make it combust. As the auxillary engine increases its oscillation speed through building more to process through the computer science paradox which is simple yet effective the aux engine must be jammed and the final ingredient is to cause a mass SMS Transference to cause the building momentum to snap through a schizm in the systems connection to the power outlet while the forces are directed to the central Power unit primed by the momentum of the oscillating aux engine coupled with the SMS transference aimed to the Central Power unit causing combustion. Final Step to the Cbomb Script - combustion - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now Gaits again are security devices that identify things based on tracking registered this is a means of causing the Cbomb Script user to cause detonation as it matters for getting regulars or associated groups through botnet since if corresponding patterns are found they can be bundled as one superstring set in association where a virus can be sent through the Set group and all localities can combust by making all such users coerced as dummy systems to launch the virus on each other. My suggestion is to put a lock on main names in which the full name must be registered thru the prompt and allocated through the 3 mainboxes. In which through f(x) = n!/(n - r)!r! where (a or b) is derivative of condition h where h is the derivative point the script can be collectively launched through the 3 main boxes by using this probability device if the morphing code progresses from start to finish and into the middle segment of the code for that which is derivative of all activity on the internet. -sEung b. kim Once the script has been latched onto a specific Javascript application that is active detonation of it can be caused by further buildup of the Cbomb script until it reaches a threshold in which expansion of the script can be done by file expansion kits where the expansion command is directed to the pre-existing script so that if the computer is internet active a cellphone registery to the computer can activate the expansion command and cause detonation of it at any given time. So the expansion must occur past lim. e where it builds to the point it is activated or it enters bufferspace. Detonation of the Hatched Script - by Seung Bum Kim Now as far as activating the hatching script goes since it is logged in Javascript amnesaically through forced registery as a pop-up item that can bypass security if the security is burned if the script is lodged into Javascript just as bugs can be inserted through pop-up items then by registery of Javascript input that causes the hatching script to activate by correlation of both input as it activates the script then the script can detonate if SMS transference signals operate as the mobility for the script which can be done through $$SYS$$ in Firefox. -sEung b. kim Now in order to access certain parts of the internet that are guarded by security one must use FireFox $$SYS$$ to detect any security system that exists in superstring association to the secured area. And upon this the $$SYS$$ identity in superstring acquisition must be driven the script by first burning the security file that prevents any access to the security system itself and then to launch the script through the opened space where the security file is eliminated by means of the script activating as a pop-up item. Destruction of Security through the Script - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now when a script is send to latch onto a computer if you cause the script to enter an area of syntax through botnet one can cause the script to activate through the targetted computer to another computer by botnet scan based on the third computer being scanned for viruses through botnet that can then register and process the script through botnet by means of syntax. Chain Reaction Detonation of Script - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 If the script is registered in the alternate memory source of the computer through Foxfires amnesaic memory unit by sending it to $$SYS$$, then the the bomb can be sent to hatch or detonate at will where the script is send to launch and run through live memory also found in bufferspace. Segment for Detonation by $$SYS$$ prompt - by Seung Bum Kim Now by accessing the 3 main boxes if the script is sent to launch by consecutive progression from one website location they visit to another if the virus is to be launched from their progressive history of being logged in specific websites until it reaches length stop at L= m(wl_m/2) where m = 1, 2, 3.. etc. then the virus can be activated at their current location where Javascript is active on their live Buffer. Tracking Device for Teleological Detonation - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now in order to make superstring associations with any user you must use the regressive data approach where the utensil for primary connection is allocated by the derivative of where the information exists centrally. So by bundling superstring data of users and then to unite the collection through f(x) = n!/(n - r)!r! where (a or b) is derivative of condition h where h is the derivative point of all superstring associations where the common basis for superstring data through the bundle leads to accessing the 3 main internet boxes where the script can be used to targetting any user directly through the mainbox and through this all connected users can be bullseyed to my targetting system. Accessing the 3 Mainboxes for Complete Targetting Location -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2014 Now to cause system freeze so that termination of the computer wouldnt cancel the operation of the script initial SMS transference must be made so that as SMS data enlarges it causes system freeze along with generating data. So it actually suspends the system for just about enough time for it to blow. Specifying System Freeze - by Seung Bum Kim Now when the script is forced to become read and processed in the form of a pop up item where security can be eliminated by burning the security device the pop up item can be given timed release if the pop item is presented amnesaically to enter the bufferspace by causing a direct prompt through it associated website by producing a superstring link to the website and the login ID. This way the cbomb can be made to latch onto the target computer and to hatch where it detonates upon this prompt. Now as a means of causing another computer system to set off the script botNet can be used first by introducing a virus into a system and to take over the system as a dummy system through botNet so that an ATDT prompt can be forced into the dummy system by installing the script in the dummy system to activate through its superstring association through a live Javascript application. Now if you want to show 100% of your love its up to you True Star.. -sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2014 Now when the script is forced to become read and processed in the form of a pop up item where security can be eliminated by burning the security device the pop up item can be given timed release if the pop item is presented amnesaically to enter the bufferspace by causing a direct prompt through it associated website by producing a superstring link to the website and the login ID. This way the cbomb can be made to latch onto the target computer and to hatch where it detonates upon this prompt. Now by generating processing data in a computer using Let A = not A then as it is processed rotationally until it faces a motor syntax then by causing predicative focus on the monitor this can be used to cause a computer bomb which superstring associations can be extrapolated by name as the activating data is sent to the buffer through the association between superstring location and active bufferspace. It can be implanted where it hatches through pop-up transmission. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust-sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 Furthermore if the data Let A = not A causes accelerated processing and auxillary engine rotation upon causing also a syntax in the motor control device in which the engine then processing an increasing speeds is counteracted by the syntax causing a jam and an explosion through the direct system focus on the monitor. As such by sending the data to hatch upon being processed in bufferspace if names are registered in a searching device where once the name is registered its superstring location can be host for transmitting the data through the same channel that hatches pop-up items the tracking of the superstring name through the 3 main internet boxes by means of using botnet can be used so that one can simply register names as the script is sent to hatch. But out of precaution make sure you make it individual specific necessarily with a lock that prevents multiple string relay. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust-sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 Upon the process of ignition I mentioned if the script information enters Javascripts main buffer then it can cause through the ATDT link to spark the ignition more effectively through script registered ATDT data so that once the modem picking it up it would cause the power in the individual box to launch destructive energies into the system through the Javascript powered storage unit through a hatching process where ATDT data read would launch the script that hatches itself residing in Javascript. Final Process for the Computer Bomb Script - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 Now I failed to mention ignition and as I such I will digress into ignition. The power within the system that is acquired from the outlet is stable hence it would not undergo friction. So if the power were to frictionally react to the main power chip this in itself would be sufficient for ignition. This can be done through erratic power distribution to the computer hardware itself so it causes the ignition effect that can lead to the sparking of the other destructive actions I have mentioned previously. -sEung b. kim My last note on the Computer Bomb entails the combustion factor where matter is expelled through an explosion. As such I chose the most obvious solution which is when the cathode Ray is a default area for the force that I have presented in great detail or that the default of the entire force generated is to be transfered to the cathode ray to produce such increase in contrast that it blows up literally. Also the power storage unit could also be used in which if a bug enters the power storage unit then upon mass build up of power beyond the systems capacity would cause an explosion using the power generated to cause expulsion. Any bug that delineates the synchronicity of the Power in the storage unit will suffice. Expulsion Technique -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 Another note when the auxillary engine is in Lock then it must generate Power through it and be defaulted into the Power storage unit causing a spontaneous outlet reaction where the cathode ray for the monitor in terms of contrast must also be locked by this force in acceleration driven to this by the energy that the auxillary engine generates so upon an outlet reaction the transistor is then increased exponentially. by Seung Bum Kim Finally for combustion to occur since the detonation of it might not penetrate the hardware auxillary lock must to be done where it freezes the computer transistor switch and this would be enough to cause combustion. -sbk Now for another addage to the computer bomb software one should make the name of your fireFox program into $SYS$ fireFox since any program under the name $SYS$ is invisible to the operating system as it becomes invisible to Windows and thus invisible to networks snoopware. Covert use of the computer bomb must be through Onion Routers that pass website information through onion layers as it is passed to each layer of the onion until it reaches you so guise web communication activity even of the activated computer bomb. This way addresses or naughty addresses arent detected on the blacklist. And the script should cause SMS transference of information so that it fills the memory of the cellphone and causes it to choke on the routine operations causing system freeze again I add so that this can be done on computer systems to cause time elapsed freezing in which an alternate and internal source of energy can be used to cause necessary hatching of the script even if the powerplug is pulled temporarily causing an irrefutability effect. Invisibility Cloak for Computer Bomb Script with Irrefutability Freezing Process - by Seung bum Kim For the script to also be activated by cellphone usage in which by cellphone entry through the designated line if the computer is active as you are away from the terminal it must cause activation on Javascript through a running website application to cause system freeze through a bug or system error that must be processed with limited time elapse before the system is paralyzed or frozen permanently directed to 10 systems activated on cellphone entry which then activates the script to 10 locations, then since the bombscript runs on javascript it can disable the storage box so it cause an impossibility to detect live activity since the storage memory box prevents detection of live usage this is the direct means to bypass security as one can then adjust to a laptop under the same name but in an erroneous manner just as Winston can be spelled Win5ton. Security bypass this way can lead to retrieval of hidden files. ATDT Bomb for Data Retrieval -by Seung Bum Kim Upon sending the computer bomb script if the script is accompanied by a bug that requires processing where alternate processing is blocked in which the main imperative is to process the bug that causes syntax that prevents the system from operating the computer script can thwart system rescue if in this way the system is made to freeze before detonation so it cant be rescued and also produces time expediture in the attempt to rescue the system. Computer Freeze for CBScript -by Seung Bum Kim So that it offers time to escape from detonation, one should produce a message relayed to Javascript concerning time elapse of the bomb based on preset data found in experimentation. And upon that one can even use Extension 69 to make the script bounce back to the derivative computer. So Extension 69 is not only a shield but a means to retaliate from an attempt to destroy your system and the room it occupies. Added Entry to Computer Bomb Script - by Seung Bum Kim To dodge internet security one must make system lock of teleological locations in which shared data in internet provider boxes can be sent system lock through the main command to process data that prevents alternate computer activity since processing is the main command or imperative. As it must approach the permanent shutdown of the system in time elapse. In which bypassing frozen connections one can retrieve top secret data stemming from the derivative connections in which the computer bomb can thus be sent to all linked connections to cause elimination of tracking data. Computer Bomb for Data Hacking - Encryption Stunt -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012 If a script is made that sends in string information 10 Let A = Not A to cause a rotational and repetitious syntax which requires auxillary engine processing as the syntax builds the processing speed increases where there is no default if the system is jammed by a deliberate bug introduced. Then as it builds upon a maximum level it must also add script messages that make it more crucial to process the script until the aux engine is given a spontaneous default as it defaults in the cathode ray device by spontaneously increase of the transistor degree and as it causes an eruption in the outlet or powerplug this causes the processor to fry and it also causes the monitor to explode in 10 X 25.. this post is not to boast or to let jackasses use it but I placed this in to add knowledge to the computer sciences.. and to mask this one can use botNet to make dummy systems since by sending a disease through botNet allows one to take over diseased systems as dummy systems that do your bidding.. furthermore, this can be made for type entry relay of the script if it tracks names and locality by Javascript activity in which the names can be found through its connection with the superstring..and since it is relayed to Javascript since it enters the buffer the computer can be set to explode in live usage found through the connection between names as well as the superstring location found through the names thorugh live by registering a name by superstring search the script can be sent to Javascript since Javascript operates as a live application. And the means to evade this is through botnet so you can send the blame to dummy systems in which you send this script through botNet dummy systems and cast the blame on dummy computers. I made an option for typed registery of names through superstring location found in the main internet boxes (3 boxes) so you can use it with ease by typed entry of names. In which the script is relayed by finding the superstring location through the main boxes and sent to Javascript since it runs on a life buffer or that the application runs on the website itself. So the live sending of the script for there to be direct transmission must operate through Javascript. Name seeking as an option can be done by the superstring location of the connected name through scanning done on the 3 main boxes of the internet headquarters. The outlet must be schizmed so that the cathode ray transistor increases spontaneously for an explosive effect through the exploding monitor via Javascript. The invention begins with a computer science paradox--> 10 Let A = not A. The sudden shutdown of the system can be used to cause an outlet eruption in which if it is locked onto the monitor transistor device for contrast then the monitor itself will blow up in a 10 X 15 proximity. Using the auxillary engine power as the mechanistic force behind the spontaneous transistor increase and the force behind the tangential effect on the outlet. Range can be calibrated by the speed of the bug that causes system shutdown or a systems crash done deliberately through a virus to cause a system which the processing of the bug can be done on various speeds causing calibration of the explosive range but by microseconds. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust. Computer Bomb Extensive Works -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 Now by generating processing data in a computer using Let A = not A then as it is processed rotationally until it faces a motor syntax then by causing predicative focus on the monitor this can be used to cause a computer bomb which superstring associations can be extrapolated by name as the activating data is sent to the buffer through the association between superstring location and active bufferspace. It can be implanted where it hatches through pop-up transmission. -sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 Now by generating processing data in a computer using Let A = not A then as it is processed rotationally until it faces a motor syntax then by causing predicative focus on the monitor this can be used to cause a computer bomb which superstring associations can be extrapolated by name as the activating data is sent to the buffer through the association between superstring location and active bufferspace. It can be implanted where it hatches through pop-up transmission. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust-sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 As for the computer bomb if the data Let A = not A causes accelerated processing and auxillary engine rotation upon causing also a syntax in the motor control device in which the engine then processing an increasing speeds is counteracted by the syntax causing a jam and an explosion through the direct system focus on the monitor. As such by sending the data to hatch upon being processed in bufferspace if names are registered in a searching device where once the name is registered its superstring location can be host for transmitting the data through the same channel that hatches pop-up items the tracking of the superstring name through the 3 main internet boxes by means of using botnet can be used so that one can simply register names as the script is sent to hatch. But out of precaution make sure you make it individual specific necessarily with a lock that prevents multiple string relay. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust-sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 Upon completing that portion of the script if the auxillary engines rotation energy is transfered to the outlet upon jamming it through syntax sudden system shutdown must be made overt power buildup so by a spontaneous leap in system power the paradigm shift causes the outlet to react so that this can be used as power to erupt the cathode ray device. In which it is adjustment for measured range by accelerating degree of the contrast through a rotation of the monitor transistor powered by the auxillary engine and the outlet. But the main potency force in this script launched is when all capacitors are directed with the energy from the stunted outlet till they explode or burst where all resistors as such must be caused to prevent electrical resistance. So upon these instructions if heat generated in the auxillary engines rotational cycle the RAM chip must be drilled with the heat by taxing it throught the aux engine in which when the chip fries if it impacts the power reserve in the computer than the computer and the monitor through my given instructions would combust.-sEung b. kim (c)opyright 2013 Now I have said that botnet can be used so that by name input through a search bar the associated name of the superstring becomes targetted by the information allocation through the 3 main boxes as the pivitol point to accessing their location so that the script can be relayed as a pop-up item. And by cellphone # entry through a remote distance if the system is on then scripts can be sent through the cellphone number entry so that the scripts are launched to pre-set locations by the push of a button for 10 way destruction via remote distance. -sEung b. kim Ad Noctum Ad Omnibus.. Where there is Chojin there too is Kyoto. -sEung b. kim Are you ready to use the computer Bomb? Not enough condoms.. -sbk As far as encryption techniques go if you initially use the first passcode letter and conjoin it with the last letter to cause galvanism of the codes inbetween the two passcodes true to superstring theory then by application of Rajamans game theory then it naturally would generate a solution by means of combinatory probability where a given the condition of h where a and b are exclusive the equality of a and b holds (a and b)/h = a/h X b/h where Rajamans game theory can be used as a default mechanism..In which f(x) = n!/(n - r)!r! where (a or b) is derivative of condition h Σ a or not a Ü b or not b in which a or b are the conditions of variables between the two. I specifically designed this encryption stunt for the purposes of extracting files for the sake of film developers. In which even if God plays dice there are ways that it can be seen. Encryption Stunt -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 00:47:53 +0000

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