Actually to put things further in perspective on the wierdness of - TopicsExpress


Actually to put things further in perspective on the wierdness of retrospection, I give thanks for having been kicked out of a particular school in 7th grade, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have met Jason Gonzalez, Alex Cruz, Joseph Gonzalez and my high school love. I give thanks for not knowing how to deal with my feelings of lack of creativity, because i wouldnt have ended up learning how to express how I felt and then realized I actually do artistically express myself through fire spinning, poi, bike riding, martial arts and moving. Im thankful for my dad having surgery on his knee because I never would have pursued physically preparing myself to be able to not get too injured riding bmx and having to give it up all together. Im grateful that I decided once to go crash boat instead of the waterfall in San sebastian, because I wouldnt have met one of the loves of my life. Im grateful I have lied because through the tension of being found out, have discovered how easily trust can be lost and how much one has to endure to build it back. I give thanks for Kad Chagy, Pulito, Jay, Carlos Toledo letting me ride their bmx bikes and watching them do tricks on them because it has been a passion of mine ever since I was 15yrs old. Im grateful for having abused emotionally and psychologically at a catholic school because it taught me that bearing a religious banner doesnt make you a person of God, actions and Faith do. Im grateful I entered a chat room in the msn gaming zone, because i learned how to put * before a word i wrote a typo, its been a habit for the past 13yrs. Im grateful I didnt think too much about what I was going to do after graduating after high school, it gave me time to discover myself and who I really wanted to be and opened up my own business where I learned that education, the skill obtained through practice, failure and the strength in your resolve is what builds a successful business.....and a strong character. Im grateful for having met Ricardo Aponte and for letting me play with his lights that one time in cheers.....its safe to say that that night changed me forever, aside from our friendship. Im grateful that I met Moisés Ríos who started me off in my journey in Kung Fu, because even though theyre not in my life right now, Kung Fu has shaped the way I look at life and preparation. Im grateful for having been and being depressed, because it helped me reconnect with a lot of memories that really makes the rain go away in my mind. Im grateful for the love that ive received and lost. Im grateful for the health I currently have. Im grateful for having gone on omegle and having met Maria Karas and Katherine Stevens. were still friends 4 years since we first started talking. Im grateful for my grandmother inviting Denise over for thanksgiving about 7-8yrs ago and her bringing over Yeezy Conrad, that sparked a pretty amazing friendship that endures to this day and also brought other people into my life like Jorge Heredia, Joshua Emmanuel Del Valle and Laureano De Jesus. Im grateful for having been framed for cutting someones hand with a scissor in 3rd grade because i never would have met Mr. Jim Soto, one of the best teachers ive ever had in my life. Im grateful for deciding to skip work one day with my dad and visiting Ivan Morales Jr., meeting him has been one of the best things to ever happen to me in my life because he introduced me to a higher form of relevant education....and also that friendship can transcend stages in life, because he first met me when I was 6yrs old and hadnt seen me for about 12-13yrs until we met again that day. Im especially grateful for my father bringing Molly over to our house, because I was against having a pet at the time and weve been inseparable ever since. Theres a lot of things I can be thankful might have come about the way I/you wanted or not, but the fact is that beautiful things happen in our lives. the fact that it happens, I think, is more important than how it happens. its been 25yrs and it feels in a sense that a lifetime has gone by... im excited to see what else is to come. :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:35:34 +0000

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