Adam Lambert insures his voice for $50 million? Teases new song & - TopicsExpress


Adam Lambert insures his voice for $50 million? Teases new song & insists he DOESN’T smoke! Via UnrealityTV Adam Lambert has reportedly insured his voice for $50 million. The American Idol star is one of the most high profile singers to ever come off the reality TV show and reports have suggested that his management were keen for him to get insurance on his amazing vocal chords, in case anything goes wrong with his throat in the next few years. The flamboyant singer is at the height of his career and as well as working hard on his new album, he’s also preparing for some new gigs with Queen, where he will act as a stand in for the late and great Freddie Mercury. There is also some speculation that he may be about to join the American Idol judging panel and though they wouldn’t confirm the rumours, bosses on the show did admit that they’d love to have Adam back this week. Lambert has been coy when asked about the insurance policy and while he was reticent to confirm the reports, he certainly didn’t deny them either. In an interview with Lee Downs, the star said: “Allegedly……It’s an important commodity. My voice is my moneymaker.” A policy of this kind is not uncommon in the music industry and makes total sense for Adam, considering where his career is right now, however he refused to elaborate any further and just cryptically said: “You tell me.” Talking about where his career has gone since he finished on Idol and if he feels like he is in a better place now than he was on the show, he continued: “I don’t know if I can say better or worse. I’ve definitely grown; I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen a lot. I feel like I get to explore so many things, musically.” Meanwhile, if Adam has insured his voice for megabucks, then the last thing he would want to be doing is smoking, but after seeing a picture of their idol sucking on a cigarette shaped object, fans were very concerned this week and made sure to tell him so. Lambert had a perfectly good explanation though and told his Twitter followers: “Glamberts: I wasn’t smoking. It was a VAPORENE. No nicotine, no smoke- Just vapor. They’re harmless. But I appreciate the concern ” He also teased a new track for his album, which is being recorded this week and just minutes ago he told fans: “Just got home from the studio. Recorded vocals to a great song! It’s coming along!” We can’t wait to hear it! What do you think of all the stories? Leave your comments below…. Pic via *GlamGlitter*
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 03:05:11 +0000

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