Adam Stop kissing Serpents, they are to be Crushed not Worshiped! - TopicsExpress


Adam Stop kissing Serpents, they are to be Crushed not Worshiped! Okay give the Serpent Sweet kisses like all all do and hump it like a Dog Jezzee How about you all just go Kiss a Serpent instead of Worshiping it! It says it RIGHT HERE EVEN! How stupid to Willingly swing by your Gene-tiles for Eternity! the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, when He separated the sons of Adam, And all the Tribes and Ephraim are all much smarter than to Swing By Their NUTS for Eternity like this, they are from Seth Ben Adam Ben Jehovah themselves! A Saxon does not Yield! We have Lex-Salica! Yes you are all going to because you are all from Adam! Seth Ben Adam Ben Jehovah! Yes you are all FROM ADAM! That means your are ALL from Seth Ben Adam Ben Jehovah yourselves! I am starting a New Club today it is called the Book of LIFE! Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden we hear the Shepherds voice calling out for His lost sheep, Adam, where are you? It is the Father searching for the prodigal (Genesis 3:8–13). Genesis three is not a place where we would expect grace. It is in the context of judgment after the Fall that the LORD God curses the serpent. Adam and Eve hear God speaking to the shining one. It is not a direct promise to Adam and Eve, but a word of judgment to Satan (Rev. 12:9; 20:2). He says to the serpent, And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel (Gen. 3:15).God created enmity There will be an undying opposition between Satan and the generations to follow. No doubt Adam and Even were so impressed with the message of hope that they reinforced it in the minds of their children and their children passed it own from generation to generation. Then came the day centuries later when Moses under the guidance of the Holy Spirit penned this great promise against the darkest day in human history.The promise of salvation was given before anyone died physically. Here is the first word of grace in the Bible at a time when least expected. It is also the first messianic prophecy.The apostle Paul observed, When the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law (Galatians 4:4).It is impossible to see the fulfillment of this promise without reflecting on and seriously considering Isaiah 7:14 and Luke 1:30–35. It is completely impossible without a miracle from God. Ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve the sin nature has been transmitted from parent to child from generation to generation. We are all born in sin and this included Joseph and Mary. As King David reflected on his sin nature he concluded, we are all shapen in iniquity (Psalm 51:5). We sin because we are sinners by nature. Mary was a sinner born to sinful parents who came from sinful parents. If Jesus had received a corrupt sinful nature from either Joseph or Mary He could not have been our sinless substitute dying for our sins. He would have been in the need of a redeemer like all other sinful men.II Samuel 7:12-16 12. When your days are finished and you shall lie with your forefathers, then I will raise up your seed that shall proceed from your body after you, and I will establish his kingdom. 13. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14. I will be to him a father, and he shall be to Me a son; so that when he goes astray I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of Adam. 15. But My mercy shall not depart from him as I withdrew it from Saul, whom I removed from before you. 16. And your house and your kingdom shall be confirmed forever before you; your throne shall be established forever. It is a ground for thanksgiving that during the last three or four generations the people of God have given considerable attention to the prophecies of Scripture which treat of the future of Israel. The old method of spiritualizing these predictions, and making them apply to the Church of the present dispensation, has been discarded by the great majority of pre-millennarians. With a steadily increasing number of Bible students it is now a settled question that Israel, as a nation, shall be saved (Rom. 11:26), and that the promises of God to the fathers will be literally fulfilled under the Messianic reign of the Lord Jesus (Rom. 9:4). Jerusalem, which for so many centuries has been a by-word in the earth, will then be known as the city of the great King (Matt. 5:35). His throne shall be established there, and it shall be the gathering point for all nations (Zech. 8:23; 14:16-21). Then shall the despised descendants of Jacob be the head of the nations, and no longer the tail (Deut. 28:13); then shall the people of Jehovahs ancient choice be the center of His earthly government; then shall the Fig Tree, so long barren, blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit (Isa. 27:6). All of this is common knowledge among those who are in any-wise acquainted with dispensational truth.But the same Word of Prophecy which announces the glorious future awaiting the children of Israel, also contains another chapter in the history of this peculiar people; a chapter yet unfulfilled, setting forth a period in their history darker and sadder than any of their past experiences. Both the Old and New Testaments plainly tell of a season of suffering for the Jews which will be far more acute than even their afflictions of old. Dan. 12:1 says, And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time. And in Matt. 24:21,22 we read, For there shall be a great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved .DEUTERONOMY 32:7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you: 8
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:21:28 +0000

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