Adams covering vs. Gods covering (Christ). we are all covered - TopicsExpress


Adams covering vs. Gods covering (Christ). we are all covered in the dirt, sin, and shame of fallen Adam from head to toe. The only solution is to put on/clothe ourselves with Christ. Once the heart and soul (inner man/woman) is dressed in HIS robes of righteousness--not fallen Adams self righteous, external, debt/works based justification (being declared righteous before God) and religion--the outside (body, flesh) will naturally take care of itself and desire to carry itself in godliness, reflecting the inner reality. Fallen Adams religion tries to cover up shame and sin by making that which is shameful and sinful seem normal, and just a part of the culture, so that which is shameful and sinful becomes hidden, even when it is on full display, in plain sight. This is how we are blinded--we are clothed in Adam. Gods truth (Christ), on the other hand, exposes sin for what it really is (sickness and death), and then offers a way, not just to cover it, but nail it to the cross and put it out of the way (kill it from the inside out), making a new creation. Only Christ and His righteousness can give you new, clean clothes; you/we, in Adam, despite our efforts, can never get clean (declared righteous and saved in the family of God). Let us change the old for the new and be truly free.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:17:58 +0000

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