AdamuTruth ---LAST BUT NOT LEAST---v004: THE MOST TRUTHFUL - TopicsExpress


AdamuTruth ---LAST BUT NOT LEAST---v004: THE MOST TRUTHFUL HAUSA MAN BREAKS HIS SILENCE--- THE TRUTH ABOUT BIAFRA, NIGERIA, ENGLAND AND FRAUD. Adamu Ismail continues from here. please read v003 first to be able to connect the dots to this v004 ... When the South eventually bids the North good-bye, we will not die of starvation. There will always be a way because necessity is the mother of invention. The North has a large and booming population which can power economic growth on the regions mineral and agricultural resources, and our leaders will not have excess to waste. They must be prudent with the hard earned resource, while the south goes with hundred percent of its oil revenues which is an annual 50 billion USD. Though if the South breaks up from the North it will further break up into at least two, and probably three. Major Isaac Boro once announced the break-away of the Ijaw nation with its oil resources a year before Biafra hoisted its flag and launched its own currency. Moreover, prominent Niger/Deltans like Saro Wiwa the pen warrior mobilised their people to oppose and fight Biafra. But Biafra needs some open-minded re-assessment. Our deployment of federal might against the Biafrans was a mistake. It was dictatorial. Nigerians were only able to accommodate that response then because the mood was military. Many justifications were advanced, but they dont really stand the test of civil rationality. Then, Biafra was called treason, and Nigerias educational, social and political institutions were programmed since the late 60s to inject a national mindset that Biafra was a bad idea, and its proponents had offended the country. And the present generation is a product of this indoctrination, which some still find quite difficult to divorce. But actually, that mentality collides head-on with the values of genuine democracy and freedom. But at present, the spirit of the times is for it. It is written on the national sky — for those who can see; and the atmosphere is welcoming. The national soil is fertile for the cultivation of the seeds of freedom and reaping of the prosperous destiny that lies ahead for he who is bold enough to take the first step in the exercise of his right to self-determination. And it is decision time for those who still fear to explore the unknown. Who is that person that is not ready? When the time finally comes, no amount of resistance can stand against the will of millions of souls provided they think and act together. Few could be dumb enough to believe that those 486 traders detained in the East are terror suspects. But many justify it. And the closer we are to 2015, the more of these we should expect. But as civil beings, we should be frank enough to adopt dialogue. If the South/East and South/South want 100 percent of their oil resources, it should be no cause for alarm. After all it was God Himself that placed them on that land complete with its continental waters and resources. If they want to have it all to themselves, they need our solidarity as their brothers who have lived and shared a name, a history and a destiny with them for the past 100 years. They will live prosperously ever after. The current wave of resistance is just similar to the federal resistance of Biafra which was purely about oil. Like-minds from that region who are made of that unique raw material Ojukwu was made of should be bold courageous enough to stand out and be counted. Ojukwu was once dismissed as a black sheep, but he was later pardoned, and at death he was instantly elevated to the status of a hero. If the Igbo nation were still into traditional religion, Ojukwu would have been accorded the status of a god, and have his statue erected in a shrine for worship. The lesson in his story and many similar stories is that the world pauses for the man who is bold enough to express his conviction in words and action. So those who wish to tread his footsteps should not hesitate. There is a ‘sign of victory’ especially now that the Igbo’dom and the rest of the east has grown in strength and numbers; and the fact that they have their own, G.E. Azikiwe Jonathan, as the President. They should be open enough to present their noble demand for democratic consideration. Besides, just like Nelson Mandela, the president has insinuated he would not contest in 2015. This is noble. We should begin to contemplate and welcome the possibility of him being the last president of one Nigeria. If it comes to pass, it will only rhyme with a prediction by the United States Intelligence Council in 2005 that the Nigerian union will not last beyond 2015. The council arrived at this conclusion after a careful examination of some trends and happenings in the country. And truly, an x-ray of some recent trends only leaves one to ask ‘how’ and not ‘why’ or ‘when’. In 1967, General Yakubu Gowon, the father of one Nigeria, affirmed that: “We are fighting this war in order to avoid the disintegration of the country into several mini-states, which will become protectorates of foreign powers. Everyone knows what the consequence of this disintegration will be. The tiny states will all recklessly acquire arms from their protectorates. There will be continuous war, insecurity of life and property, and much greater sufferings than we have yet experienced.” The wisdom of the elders cannot be questioned, but it should also be weighed against present day realities. If Nigeria disintegrates now, there will be no threat of acquisition by foreign powers, and if disintegration had been allowed then, it would have saved millions of lives lost to the civil war and the hundreds of major and minor crises that were suffered and are being suffered at the expense of national growth and development. Obviously, that decision only delayed the inevitable. If Nigeria had let Biafra go, all further disintegrations would have followed in months or a few years, and the people of the Niger would have made necessary social and structural adjustments to their new realities. Nevertheless, it is scarcely late to correct a wrong. Our generation has the options displayed on the table. It is a choice between freedom and possible prosperity or a lifelong ordeal, internal strife and stagnation for the sleeping giant who seems doomed never to wake up. We can either shrink in our comfort zones or make the decision that will set us free — to pursue our independent destinies. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remark: Dear Mr. Adamu Ismail. Not only the Biafrans but all the 15.4 millions people (lovers of truth) all over the world who have read the truth you spoke must have learnt a lesson. That lesson is that truth is light. We use this opportunity to entourage Nigerians to reject lies and embrace truth if they truly worship the Almighty God (Yahweh, Allah, ChiNaEke). May the ONLY true God, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, protect and direct you as you speak more truth in the future. Do not relent and do not allow yourself to be intimidated by those who believe in the brotherhood of falsehood-agents of darkness. We need more of your type in Nigeria and in the World. Remain Blessed. Amein The Biafrans
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:40:34 +0000

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