Addendum Document: We are requesting the Apostolic Letter of Pope - TopicsExpress


Addendum Document: We are requesting the Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis be placed immediately against the following: Dear Chief Ambassador-Shahid Amin Khan Under Uberrimae Fidei under contract as well as Uberrima Fides ultimate good faith in contract between all Nations, I like to now send that letter worldwide because under Color of Law 18 USC 4 Misprision of a Felony 18 USC 73 Obstruction of Justice and 18 USC 241 and 242 Conspiracy Against Rights and Under Color of Law-Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. Misprision of felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, as i have reported before Tracy Toulou knew what to do and Failed his onerous fiduciary duty- A letter to Mr Obama in 2009.. Wesley Glenn Dick Kwassha court case-- the Canada Xl pipeline we do not want it and here is why. 1) fracking will cause damages to water supply .... 2) Power lines will do brain damage ..... 3) Acres of land are being wasted...etc. get it. Neglected Treaty-- and most Importantly a country that is broke 4 times has no business make war worldwide.(America is not a Country --because America is only a corporation and went Bankrupt 4 times - plus named after a dead man named amerigo vespucci whom died of syphilis in 1512--nor have we ever sold our land-- there is no bill of sale for the Land..There is no purchased for the allotted land. We never sold our land, to anyone, And We still hold our treaty that the United States of America de facto government Fails to acknowledged on our land.) Whereas:: 28 U.S.C. @ 3002 Definitions 15) United States means A) a Federal Corporation. We believe this to be a French Corporation due to the Bankruptcy Acts, now 4. The 1933 Bankruptcy Act turned over all offices, agencies and departments to the receivers of the bankruptcy and all law and statutes became copy written under international law. The U.S. is practicing corporate policy not law. You further need to know that when the tribal councils became incorporated they gave up their right to self government and now rule underneath ite mans law - if any exists. Acts of treason by both Federal Employees - President and Congress and Tribal Councils. Legal maximum: no law can create harm BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY Eight Ed. Also, legal maximum “no one can forfeit another persons rights.” and no office out to be injurious to no one. As we are aware of Public Law 93-638 Law Enforcement services contract number CTH61T645F8, have and are abused by the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe, and does avoid the CFR and federal guidelines, and does not comply within the constitution of oath and bond to uphold good faith of Treaty, National and International WE ARE NOW REQUESTING TO THE SEPARATION OF POWERS.THEREFORE. WE ARE ASKING TO suspended Immunity POWERS on Tribal Offices, UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND UNITED STATES FEDERAL CONGRESS ALL OFFICIAL AND ALL UNITED STATES FEDERAL OFFICES, these entities have abuse HONEST SERVES and committed fraud, using Immunity powers, via the Sovereignty Nations.e mans law - if any exists. Acts of treason by both Federal Employees - President and Congress and Tribal Councils. leader who is names are on the Canada Xl Pipeline will either stop or face Treason- Government Document fraud -Embezzlement, Onerous Fiduciary Duty Neglect - WE feel it is important for the world to know THAT ON OUR LAND THERE 564 FEDERAL TRIBES AND MORE THEN 564 FEDERAL TREATY AND IN CALIFORNIA 18 UNRATIFIED TREATIES. AND IN MONTANA A 500 BILLION DOLLAR EMBEZZLEMENT SCAM.\ Legal Maximum: “it is a fraud to conceal a fraud.”- We are now requesting for the SEPARATION OF POWERS- because No corporation can control sovereignty power and abuse and neglected the official orinal people of the land Therefore we do want to. suspended Immunity POWERS on Tribal Offices, UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND UNITED STATES FEDERAL CONGRESS ALL OFFICIAL AND ALL UNITED STATES FEDERAL OFFICES, these entities have abuse HONEST SERVES and committed fraud, using Immunity powers, via the Sovereignty Nations. One problem at a time with your help! and the help of a preparation for the legal team and presentations with all respect in hopes you will keep your word for May. I am Seeking $630 billion for every office that neglected Our Treaties neglected per office Involved and officer in Charged, as have spoke to you in earlier reports. Respectfully Submitted, Joann Spotted Bear ____________________________ Mato-Gleska - Joann Spotted Bear Tetuwan Treaty Representative of Wounded Knee Massacre 1890 as A TREATY MEMBER consent is value forward as value accepted: Bad Man Removed Disclaimer: I, Joan Spotted Bear, AKA: Mato weyen; Director: A.R.R. , Tetuwan Lakota Oyate Nation: P.O.W. 344 AKA Reservation; reserve the right to amend or make further corrections to this document: Without prejudice as further information becomes available. Furthermore: I do not agree to any civil penalty nor criminal penalties as my investigations into the facts/evidence was given me without any force, duress and or threats. P.O. Box 20306 Reno, NV 89515 775-622-1271 Cc:David Buess CC: People of the world Cc: here is a list of every one i have sent to.. Fayyaz Hussain12:29am Ihrc Dfa12:28am Nasim Malik12:28am Francesco Paolo Scarciolla12:28am l Dharmadass Damoo Amin Sajwani12:27am Ambassador-Nur Mohammed12:27am Majid Cherakaoui12:27am Jorge Enrique Hernandez12:27am Zulfiqar Ali Katpar12:27am Tariq Razi12:27am Ambassador-Shahid Amin Khan12:25am-----------------------------------------Ambassador-DatoSri Dharmadass Also Chief Ambassador of Africa Madeleine Winkler
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:26:27 +0000

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