Addicted to “How-To’s”? Are you clueless? Are you - TopicsExpress


Addicted to “How-To’s”? Are you clueless? Are you ignorant? Are you lacking the knowledge you need to have in order to make the right... the sound… decisions? Sounds harsh. I’m sorry. I sincerely mean it. I didn’t want to come across so abrasive but I had to get your attention somehow. I feel comfortable offering you tough love because behind my abrasive words are a loving smile and a juicy hug. Yes I love you that much! Anyway, I think we are addicted to “how to’s”. Just go to a nearby bookstore, pick whatever topic it is you want to read about and count how many books have this particular structure: TITLE (Blah blah blah) “Your HOW TO guide to (Blah Blah Blah Blah)” We love those step-by-step instructions to blah blah blah; it makes us feel better. We found someone with the solution to our problems and it’s comforting to know he or she has overcome. We actively seek these “how-to’s” and yet 3 months later have failed to follow the step by step protocol. And we seek out more how-to’s. Like the first set of how-to’s were different. And these new how-to’s …well…these how-to’s are going to make our dreams finally come true. And then 3 months later….............. you are off to the bookstore perusing the same shelf of how-to’s. You know how the story goes. Like I said, we are addicted to the “how-to’s” and that can be a dangerous thing. The reason this is the most dangerous habit to have is that we give our power away! We don’t know how to go down deep into our souls for the answer. Because that’s really hard to do! Ask anyone who actually soul searches. It’s confusing, painful, and all that shit we have stuffed down deep inside resurfaces making us very uncomfortable. Usually we have the answers ourselves but we’d rather listen to an expert telling us “how-to”. Let me give you an example – Following a healthy diet plan. You buy a healthy, low calorie cookbook with delicious recipes inside. These types of cookbooks are written by holistic nutritionists, experts, and doctors – you trust their every word. The cookbook accompanies a grocery list, a step-by-step preparation instruction manual and a calendar to schedule your meals too. They even have pictures - yummy, savory visuals. MMMM!! You are excited and you follow the cookbook to the T! Great, doing well so far…. Until you fall off. Then another trendy diet plan peaks your interest. You go ahead and find the book with meal plans. You purchase it. You follow it. Same concept; just different way of presenting the information. Great, doing well so far…. Until you fall off. You find a digital program this time with the cookbook, ingredient list, videos on how to make your meals, and more awesomely juicy bonuses. You follow it all! Great, doing well so far…. Until …. You have to realize: YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO. YOU ARE JUST NOT DOING IT CONSISTENTLY. What gives? It’s not the product’s fault or the nutritionist’s fault or the doctor’s fault. It’s YOUR fault (and mine because I still find myself doing the same thing every now and again). Until you realize you are a lot smarter, more capable, more knowledgeable, and so much more worth it, you will always fall for the “how-to’s” instead of “just do’s”. Tweet that– Until you realize you are a lot smarter, more capable, more knowledgeable, and so much more worth it, you will always fall for the “how-to’s” instead of “just do’s”. -Syl, The Fit Fem It’s easier to look outside of our self for answers rather than within because it’s scary to know we have that much control over our own lives; we have so much wisdom it’s frightening. Now this is not to say I don’t commend you for going out there and wanting help. I give you round of applause for seeking self-improvement. It’s way better than doing nothing at all. The first step towards change is indeed awareness. The second step towards change is reaching out to those who’ve overcome and taking in their support, encouragement, advice and love. The third step (the most important) is applying what you learned and becoming that role model so that others seek YOU for help. And that’s how the cycle SHOULD be. Don’t get stuck and never get to step number 3. Don’t stay stuck in the “how do I do this?” place. Do what you have to do, especially when you know deep inside what you need to do and then become the person that can show others how to do it. Be the student and be the teacher. You are so much more than you think, and you have so much more to give.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:45:15 +0000

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