Adding a bit of my own opinion to what Ulf Haukenes recently noted - TopicsExpress


Adding a bit of my own opinion to what Ulf Haukenes recently noted about the many who claim themselves to be true incarnated Archangels.. In my opinion and having experienced twin flame drama myself, I can understand where other people may be, with seeing themselves in a particular way pertaining to some kind of labeling system. Yes, I do in fact consider myself a twin, but these labels can be misleading and also limiting. Its easy to get caught up with how things should be or could be and not see things for what they actually are when considering any type of label one puts on themself, because as human beings, we have the tendency to look outside of ourselves and become what we think we should be instead of looking within to recognize who we are and allow our Spirit to envelop that. Also, as we look within, its quite natural to go through a process of basically trial and error with our fantasies on our path to enlightenment. Im going to share an excerpt from a twin flame article that outlines the perspective and journey of someone who met another who they considered to be exactly like themself at soul level: I was afraid I was meaningless and I thought the twin soul theories gave me meaning (a deluded one), until I discovered I do have meaning and then the need for him fell away and the need for these inaccurate theories that are more limiting than liberating fell away too. Now that is true freedom. Its all about coming to full acceptance and understanding of who you truly are deep down. And it takes time.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:10:43 +0000

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