Adding to my earlier comments about the testimony given by Linda - TopicsExpress


Adding to my earlier comments about the testimony given by Linda of Sierra Leone, those things she said about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, T. B. Joshua, Apostle Johnson Suleiman, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and Dr Paul Enenche are true. I am happy that she (from Jesus Christ) commended Pastor William F. Kumuyi, who has always stood out as a defender of the Truth. The problem of many people is that they look at men, instead of looking up to God and His Word (the Bible); and this is why false prophets and ministers who carry the Bible and call Jesus deceive them, and will ultimately take them to Hell Fire. Now, there are ministers who ‘don’t even know’ that they are taking their followers to Hell Fire; they are those who are after money or fame; and there are those who are conscious agents of the devil who work with demons that they know of. Many people are busy with prosperity, healing, breakthrough, miracles, casting out demons, and destroying enemies, while satan and demons are laughing at them, because they have enslaved them and their followers with worldliness, money, and fame, as they ‘patiently’ wait for them in Hell! And God is calling out to them out of His Love and Mercy; but instead of searching themselves and repenting, they are mocking at God and fighting against His Interest. And the Almighty God and Creator of everything is also ‘patiently’ waiting for them at His Judgment Throne! On the case of what she said about Pastor Lazarus Mouka or the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, I guess that every Believer in that church is a baby Christian! Even without someone telling you that the god of chosen is a demon, assuming that you believe that the GOD OF CHOSEN is the Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who died on the Cross of Calvary, how can you be comfortable praying to God with (or addressing God as): ‘God of chosen’, ‘God of my pastor’, ‘God of Mouka’, and ‘God of my pastor’s power’? Who bewitched and brainwashed you? Where did you throw away your Bible to? After the Lord Jesus Christ died for you at the Cross of Calvary, you still don’t know God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Light of Whom there is no shadow of turning! Did you ever read or hear Peter, John, Paul, or any of the other early apostles and Disciples speak to God with (or pray to God as) even God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Elijah, except where they were reporting someone who said or wrote so in the Old Testament? Where did you ever read of the God of Peter, Paul, or John, not to talk of the God of Martin Luther, Smith Wigglesworth, etc? You want God to give you your own personal revelation (which you value above Biblical teachings and Sound Doctrine); well, if you sincerely ask Him, He will tell or show you. But if your own is the adamant “god of chosen is not a demon,” let me tell you that even if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with your heart, by habitually using: ‘God of chosen’, ‘God of my pastor’, ‘God of Mouka’, and ‘God of my pastor’s power’, you are seriously sinning against God: I tell you this as a man of God, and not even for what Linda said! THEREFORE, I maintain that I believe the testimony of Linda of Sierra Leone (as available in YouTube and Google search: LINDA NGAUJAH’S TESTIMONY). I also firmly maintain that I believe Brother Sadiq Ibrahim’s testimony in ‘Top Nigerian Preachers Seen in Hell and Others that May Miss the Rapture,’ as available in Google. I also believe what Frank Morgan said about the Overcomers Christian Mission and some other churches in his book: ‘Reasons Why Many Believers Will Not Make It to Heaven,’ as Jesus Christ gave it to Frank Morgan by revelation. You can look for the book and read it by yourself. It is Evang. Frank and Tithe Morgan that also compiled the book: ‘The Last Warning!’ Continuing with the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries (because it is actually for them that I am adding this extra write-up), many of them are really brainwashed. I said this because I spoke with two different people (a man and a woman) at different locations; and their reactions and responses actually baffled me. They have really been blinded by one set-up testimony their leadership organized from one Joy, who told them that Linda was sent to attack their church from the satanic kingdom. How can the one that is saying what is Biblically sound be from the satanic kingdom, while you that is still practicing unbiblical practice is sent by God? Revelations aside now, common Bible sense and interpretation solves the very problem. Even in the Bible, when Apostle Paul had spoken the Word of God to the Bereans, the Bereans “received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). But on their own case, many of them can’t even open their Bibles, listen to the Holy Spirit, nor think with their brains. The people I spoke with bluntly said that they wouldn’t listen to the Linda’s testimony. The man said that a ‘chosen’ cannot be deceived (and I know that he has been bound and deceived roundly). The woman spoke of how they played the counter testimony by Joy to them in the satellite (I think in their church), and when she asked about who Linda is (or about the testimony), she was told that it is dangerous to listen to the testimony. And funny enough, none of the two different people that I spoke with has either listened to the testimony by himself or herself, or decided to listen to it. THIS REMINDS ME OF A WOMAN WHO WAS TOLD TO LEAVE HER HUSBAND BY SOME FALSE PROPHETS AND MINISTERS, BECAUSE, ACCORDING TO THEM, THE HUSBAND IS IN CULT AND THAT IS WHY SHE HAD MISCARRIAGE AND STILLBORN. AND THE FALSE MINISTERS DIRECTED HER TO CHANGE HER PHONE NUMBER, AND COMMANDED HER NEVER TO SPEAK WITH THE MAN NOR SEE HIS FACE, SO THAT THE MAN WILL NOT CHARM HER. WHEN DID DEMONIC POWER BECOME STRONGER THAN DIVINE POWER? EVEN WHEN THE MAN MET THEIR ARCHBISHOP TO COMPLAIN THE MATTER TO HIM, THE ARCHBISHOP, WITHOUT EVEN INVITING THE WOMAN WHO ATTENDS THE VERY CHURCH (THE SAME HEADQUARTERS’ CHURCH), TOLD THE MAN RIGHT THERE THAT HER PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE HIM HIS MONEY BACK SO THAT HE CAN GO AND MARRY ANOTHER WOMAN. AND PEOPLE GO TO THAT VERY PLACE TO ‘WORSHIP GOD’! I WOULD RATHER ATTEND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR WORSHIP THAN GO THERE! THE VERY CHURCH I AM TALKING ABOUT CALLS ITSELF PENTECOSTAL. AND THEY HAVE KEPT THE WOMAN IN THEIR CHURCH FOR TWO YEARS NOW WITHOUT EVEN INVITING THE MAN WHO HAD HIMSELF REPORTED THE MATTER TO THEM. BROTHER, DO YOU THINK THIS VERY CHURCH, THEIR ARCHBISHOP, OR THEIR RESIDENT PASTORS KNOW THAT THERE IS A PLACE CALLED HEAVEN, NOT TO TALK OF HELL? THEY MAY CLAIM THAT THEY KNOW; BUT IF YOU ARE SPIRITUAL AND BIBLICALLY SOUND, YOU WILL KNOW THAT THEY DON’T. WELL, GOD HAS GIVEN EVERY MAN THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE; SO IN THAT CASE, IF THE VERY WOMAN DECIDES TO FOLLOW SATAN AND ABANDON JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD, SHE HAS THE CHOICE. I SAID THIS BECAUSE THE WOMAN SAID SHE WAS BORN AGAIN AND IS A CHRISTIAN WHEN SHE WAS WITH THE MAN. SOMETIMES AGO, GOD SPOKE AND SAID THAT THE WOMAN LOVED THE WORLD. AND WE WILL WATCH OUT TO SEE WHO WILL WIN THIS BATTLE – GOD OR SATAN! Please, let me go back to my article! When you consider the reactions of the members of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries to the testimony, you can’t help but get a clearer idea and view on how satan, the devil, has blinded and gripped the Roman Catholics with idolatry, and taken captive many Pentecostals and charismatics with worldliness and it-doesn’t-matter. Some people are concerned with “Do not judge.” But if you knew the millions or billions of people who are going to Hell Fire because of false, fake, half-bred, unbiblical, selfish, hardened, satanic, and demonic apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, and ministers, you would have long gone back to seek God’s Face in Bible study and prayer with fasting. Others are of “Let the wheat and the tares grow together till the Last Day,” without knowing that the wheat and the tares will always grow together till the Last Day; but God Himself has sent many people to emphasize strongly that not all the plants are wheat, but there are tares among the wheat and in the church-world, so that people can decide beforehand whether to be a wheat (and plan for Heaven) or a tare (and wait for Hell)!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:15:13 +0000

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