Addition to the note on Indigos; Some new information I have seen. - TopicsExpress


Addition to the note on Indigos; Some new information I have seen. * I have been down here for the last 3000 years. So Indigos didnt start coming down in the 60s or 70s. Theyve been here for a long time. You cant change a world system in one lifetime. Its a slow, long task. So we have to come down many times. To prepare the world, to change things, and for us to learn the lessons and improve our skills. * Not all Indigo Higher Selves are Indigo in colour. Thats just me. My Twin Flames higher self reunited with mine a few weeks ago on the Astral plane. Hes light blue. The same colour as Archangel Michael. (Im the same colour as Archangel Zadkiel. Stands for benevolence, forgiveness, compassion, artistic skills, wisdom, spirituality and psychic skills). So maybe what the psychics said when they first started recognizing the Indigo children is correct. That their aura is Indigo. People who are highly spiritually evolved have Indigo auras. Maybe when the children come down here they have Indigo auras. But who in this world can maintain an Indigo aura for long? Some features I forgot to add: 1. They dont like to do routine jobs. 2. Extremely interested in Martial Arts. Probably as a result of having a warrior spirit and also being a warrior for so many life times. In all the years of human history when therere still wars Im a warrior in many races, many places, both male and female. 3. Do not consider peoples race, religion, nationality as a barrier when dating. I thought its just me, but then I came across a whole thread in an Indigo site where everyone else says the same thing. 4. I dont know if this one applies to others; Feel strongly about minority rights, womens rights, childrens rights and generally human rights. Maybe its a result of my particular past life experiences. I seem to have chosen lives which cause experiences that make me feel very strongly about these things. And thats why I rant if you were wondering. Ive been killed, tortured, raped, burnt alive, garroted, made to commit suicide, stoned to death, beheaded, slandered, ostracized, you name it Ive been there. So you see, my dear little world, 3000 years of this and I cant simply lie low and play dead can I?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:36:32 +0000

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