Additional thoughts concerning immigration... Folks, this is - TopicsExpress


Additional thoughts concerning immigration... Folks, this is one issue that prevents me from being a true conservative. I simply believe we have oversimplified the issue. It needs to be addressed, but it needs to be addressed rationally and in honesty. As for all the benefits attributed to these people, I promise much of the claims accordingly are erroneous. I know some of these families. If they are illegal, they do not receive welfare and Medicaid. I have seen ten year old children bear in life the discomfort and pain of cavities and abscess teeth because they do not have the funds or coverage to seek proper dental care. I personally offer mental health services pro bono as they do not have Medicaid or other coverage. To my knowledge, much of the burden many credit to the immigrants here is a myth. That said, they do receive an education. Not sure how that happens, but it does. And in extreme situations I have been able to find medical services at the hospital, but that is only in extreme circumstances. I assure you, many an immigrant has died prematurely due to the lack of availability of proper medical services. I do grant, there are obviously burdens to the American tax payer. We assert that this is unfair due to them not paying taxes. I am not certain concerning the ins and outs of Obamas plan, but isnt that a motivation for granting them visas. If they are legal, they pay taxes. If we are going to allow them to remain here and earn wages, why not have them contribute accordingly? For those that ask what laws are to be obeyed and what laws not, that question has existed for centuries and well millenniums. I believe David ate of the priestly crops and the apostles picked corn I believe on the sabbath. Jesus was questioned concerning this very issue I believe when he was asked which was the greatest commandment. He responded basically that the two greatest commandments are love God and love others. Our love for God is our motivation for loving others. Our compassion is our love for God in action. As you both have pointed out, this is not a simple issue. Laws are here for a reason, and should be enforced. The ultimate law through is the law of compassion. If you simplify that, you have probably missed the point. Now to further complicate things, I will reveal that I believe in border control and do not Necessarily support loosening our current immigration laws regarding incoming immigrants at all. I believe we need to tighten our borders, using all available resources, including even our national guard. I believe illegal immigration is a national crisis and needs to be handled immediately and firmly. The crisis we are facing now is the result of us not enforcing our laws on the past. The immigrants did not create the problem. They simply did what we allowed them to do. This problem was created by past generations of irresponsibility by our government in controlling our borders. My contention is, we created this problem. Its our responsibility to fix it. We allowed these people to enter this country and have allowed them to stay . We cannot blame them nor punish them for providing for their families. This is something we will all do instinctively... hopefully anyway. Because of our irresponsibility we have families that have lived here for decades. I know children that were brought over from Mexico illegally as toddlers and infants that do not even sleek Spanish. These kids are not Mexican. They are Americans. I agree there is a problem. I simply say we created that problem. Let us not punish for one, innocent children in our attempts to remedy the problem. Let us instead, own up to our mistakes, take responsibility for them, and address them with great responsibility and compassion, as God would have us do.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:31:49 +0000

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