Adekunle was a key champion of the food blockade to Biafra. In a - TopicsExpress


Adekunle was a key champion of the food blockade to Biafra. In a wartime interview he had with Randolph Baumann of Stern Magazine in Igweocha (published on August 18, 1968), he stated ADEKUNLE: In the section of the front that I rule—and that is the whole south front from Lagos to the border of Kamerun—I do not want to see the Red Cross, Caritas Aid, World Church delegation, Pope, Missionary, or UN delegation. STERN: Does that mean that the many thousands of tons of food that are stored in Lagos will never get to the refugee camps in your section of the country? ADEKUNLE: You are a sharp one, my friend. That’s exactly what I am saying. STERN: But you said yourself that most of the refugees in the part you captured are not Ibos. ADEKUNLE: But there could be Ibos among them. I want to avoid feeding a single Ibo as long as this whole people have not given up yet. STERN: Do you sometimes feel sympathy for the Ibos? ADEKUNLE: I have learned a word from the British, which is “sorry”! That’s how I want to respond to your question. I did not want this war but I want to win this war. Therefore I have to kill the Ibos. Sorry! The End. Adekunles son wrote an account of his fathers military career in a biography titled The Nigeria-Biafra Letters: A Soldiers Story. He died on 13 September 2014 The oil you fought for couldnt help you and you died a wretched man. That is the law of karma after killing Biafrans, children included. Others will follow, souls of dead Biafrans are still crying for vengeance.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:49:56 +0000

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