Adeyinka Grandson Wrote::::::::} Tinubus APC is damaging the - TopicsExpress


Adeyinka Grandson Wrote::::::::} Tinubus APC is damaging the soul of the Yoruba future - its youths. These young people are so misguided and accustomed to propaganda they can no longer think on their own anymore. Early on this past January, the propaganda was about Jonathan training snipers. Then the Chibok elaborate fraud of Bring Back Our Girls. Two weeks ago, it was all about Jonathan impeachment plot. The propaganda is gone with the wind now. The propaganda on Tompolo is done over with too. Like the CIA organized the Arab Spring debacle, America and Britain could easily planned with Tinubu and successfully re-colonise Yorubaland using propaganda. Why would any 18-year old Yoruba citizen support Buhari for President in order to fight corruption when 32 years ago, this same Jihadist Buhari ousted Shagari from government to fight corruption? We have had 7 Heads of State after Buhari and none appear to have been able to curb corruption. Definitely, corruption is not our problem, but the faulty political system - the unitary presidential system. We can forgive any Yoruba citizen above 50 who is supportive of Jihadist Buhari. Such a person may be suffering from years of brutal internal colonialists -military dictatorship under the Gambari. But any Yoruba citizen below 50 supporting Buhari over Jonathan is insane, hopeless, gullible and misguided soul. This same Buhari jailed all the Yoruba political leaders, including Awolowo, for being in opposition to Shagaris administration, while Gambari political leaders were left completely free, yet they were the people in government. Buhari, as the Executive Chairman of the PTF, used 70% of the money accrued to the establishment to fund projects in the North-West region, with only 5% of the projects situated in Yorubaland, when in actual fact, 75% of the money for the PTFs projects was realized in Yorubaland. But Buhari practically used Yorubas wealth and resources to fund development in the Hausa/Fulani region. He was quoted in 1999, alluding to the fact that he refused to plead Abiolas case with Abacha, his personal friend, because according to him, Abiola provided the money that funded Babangidas coup which ousted him from office in 1985. He did not forgive Abiola even in death. For this inadequacy on the part of Abiola, Buhari had the ability to stop Abacha from assassinating Abiolas wife, Alhaja Kudirat, but he did nothing. He possessed the power to ask Abacha to free Abiola, but he refused to forgive and forget. Now, the corrupt and ruthless Jihadist Buhari needs Yoruba votes. He will never get it! #ThinkYorubaFirst
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 11:48:30 +0000

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