Adi Pateresia backs Bainimarama party ahead of 2014 poll The - TopicsExpress


Adi Pateresia backs Bainimarama party ahead of 2014 poll The vanua of Waimaro in Naitasiri has expressed its full support for the Government. This as the Radini Waimaro, Adi Pateresia Ravonokula rallies support for Prime Minister Rear Admiral (Retired) Voreqe Bainimarama leading up to the September general election. Speaking to the Fiji Sun during a break at the one-day Naitasiri Provincial Council meeting at Vunidawa yesterday, Adi Paterisia said she would vote for Mr Bainimarama because he has helped her people a lot in terms of development. “He has carried out a lot of good things in my area and that is why I am giving him my full support,” Adi Pateresia said. The district chief said she was happy with service delivery by the Government to villages in her domain. However, Adi Pateresia said she was not forcing her people to vote for him. She said she has given them the choice to choose the party that would look after them well. The Radini Waimaro is the head of the Waimaro district looking after Waidina, which has 11 villages including Nabukaluka, Nadakuni, Lomai, Vanuakula, Nauluvatu, Navurevure, Wainawaqa, Nasirotu, Nasele, Naseuvou, Delailasakau. In the previous election, the district backed the Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL) party led by former Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase. Opening the provincial council meeting yesterday, Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development Filipe Alifereti reminded council members about the upcoming election. He called on everyone in the province to ensure they cast their vote. Mr Alifereti said people must be wary of the politicians who are going around campaign for their own benefit. Meanwhile, during the meeting, members expressed their gratitude to the Government for the development and assistance in the province. Chairman Eroni Luveniyali said they had high hopes that the Government would continue to carry out developments. The meeting ended yesterday afternoon, with only the district representatives set to meet today. Service Wins Support For PM | The vanua of Waimaro in Naitasiri has expressed its full support for the Government. This as the Radini Waimaro, Adi Pateresia Ravonokula rallies support for Prime Minister Rear Admiral (Retired) Voreqe... FIJISUN.COM.FJ
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 08:24:01 +0000

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