Adjustments in your caloric intake comprise the main factor for - TopicsExpress


Adjustments in your caloric intake comprise the main factor for stripping off body fat. If your average daily caloric expenditure exceeds your average daily caloric intake on a consistent basis, you’ll lose body fat. Lifting weights has the potential to build muscle, but only when it’s done properly in combination with adequate attention to the components of recuperation. And cardio work will help with stripping off body fat only if it’s supported by an overall caloric deficit on a daily basis for a sufficient period. You could do two hours of tough cardio each day (spread over several short bouts), but you would still add body fat if you overeat. On the other hand, you could do no cardio whatsoever, but you would still lose body fat if you undereat. If you try to lose body fat and build substantial muscle mass simultaneously, you’re going to find it very difficult, if not impossible. The former requires a caloric deficit, but the latter is most readily done with a caloric surplus. What many people refer to as cardio is really just low- to moderate-effort aerobic work. Cardio is hard, and can be sustained for just short periods. Aerobic work can be sustained for long periods. Aerobic work is the easiest addition to a fat-loss program because it burns calories without much effort, so it can be sustained easily, day after day, week after week, and month after month. It uses up fewer calories per minute than hard cardio, but hard cardio can’t be sustained for long periods.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:52:18 +0000

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