Admin: Lindsey Website: paranormal.about THE HOMEMADE OUIJA - TopicsExpress


Admin: Lindsey Website: paranormal.about THE HOMEMADE OUIJA BOARD This happened in the summer of 1985 in Pocatello, Idaho. My cousin, who was five years older than me, was visiting for the summer and we loved it. My brother and I both looked up to him and thought he was the greatest. One night he was telling a group of seven of us about the Ouija board and how he and his friends would play with one and get creeped out. We all wished we had one and he, being an accomplished artist, said he would make one out of the back of a cardboard box and make a pointer as well. The next day he spent most of the afternoon drawing up a board and told us after he was done that we would use it that evening, since the spirits were more active at night then during the day. That night in my parents basement, we lit candles and gathered together to see if his board would work. At first my cousin and I took a turn with the pointer and started asking it questions. Of course, my brother and others got quite a laugh out of both of us looking and acting all serious, but we got no answers. Then my brother and his best friend Tom wanted a turn and they were fooling around with the pointer, saying they didnt believe in spirits. Suddenly, the air got very cold and the pointer started to move. My brother thought Tom was doing it, but Tom insisted he wasnt. Everyone got very quiet and my cousin started asking questions like, Are you here? The pointer said YES. Then he asked its name. It spelled out INCUBUS. Then my cousin asked, Whats my name? and the pointer spelled out RICK, which was true. Then he asked, Are you an angel or demon? and it spelled out DEMON and we all started to get scared. My brother told Rick he was through, but the pointer went over to the word NO and thats when we all freaked out. Then a very cold wind blew through the windowless basement and all the candles went out. We all started to scream and my cousin ran to the wall and turned on the light. When it came on, the boards pointer was standing up by itself. At that point, my cousin took the board and went outside to my dads burn barrel and threw it in. That night we all stayed up and couldnt go to sleep. The next morning my mom went outside to water her flowers in the early summer air and found the Ouija board laying outside her front door. She called us to get rid of that thing because she swore it almost tripped her when she went outside. We all solemnly carried it to the barrel, doused it in lighter fluid, and lit it with a book of matches. It had a very hard time burning. My cousin then decided we all should say the Lords Prayer, so we all held hands. As we did - so we all swear to this day - that as it burned we heard screaming coming from the barrel! That was the first and last time I ever played with a thing like that. -- Alex N.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 16:00:55 +0000

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