Admin: Posting this with pleasure. Like a breath of fresh air! - TopicsExpress


Admin: Posting this with pleasure. Like a breath of fresh air! AN APOLOGY! To the driver of the blue car minding his own business as he drove along the one-way system at the top of town between the car parks at around 11.00 this morning. As the driver of the red Citroen C1 who almost took you out, please accept my sincere apologies. I was moving across to the right-hand lane and, although I WAS checking my mirrors (honestly) somehow you were firmly in my blind spot and my over-the-shoulder-sanity-check was almost too late to avoid a collision. I did say sorry and wave straight away, but still feel bad about giving you a scare. Its not my normal way of driving - and Im the first to complain of someone does it to me - so I hope you are ok and can forgive me. *Bows head and scuffs foot in dust*
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:22:23 +0000

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