Admin advises all students to take note of the following - TopicsExpress


Admin advises all students to take note of the following message. This comes from security at UP. Please take note!!! Incidents where students are being targeted by the so called false prophets seem to be on the increase around the Hatfield campus of the University of Pretoria. The latest incidents occurred in Festival Street between Arcadia and Frances Baard Streets. Mostly female students are approached by men and woman who indicate that they have received instruction to pray for the student so that no harm will befall them. The approach differs from incident to incident but in short the swindlers then either request the property of the students to pray over them or instruct the students to leave their belongings to purchase water for the purification process of the student and their items and when the students return their belongings are missing together with the false prophets. Mention is also made of ancestral spirits and about family members whose lives are in danger. These swindlers are very good at what they do as their livelihood depends on scamming the students out of their property. Bearing in mind that we are in injury time with the examinations coming to an end we would like to request that you communicate this modus operandi to the students still in residence to prevent any further theft incidents by these swindlers. Guys, please be aware! Cross over the road or pretend to be deaf. If they touch you or your stuff, scream at them to leave you alone!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 18:49:12 +0000

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