Admin have had enough of Zuraida making statement and speeches - TopicsExpress


Admin have had enough of Zuraida making statement and speeches that will do more harm to PKR. The current situation in Selangor is PKR own making and Selangorians are still not happy on how the MB crisis being played out and also the party election being conducted. Zuraida should be pragmatic and humble with her closing speech. She should deployed PKR Wanita to work the ground to explain and calm Selangorians and supporters. Her closing speech has all the hallmark of Kak Ijat/ Umno speeches. If a snap poll is to be held, Umno will not lose all its seat but will gain by taking some PKR seats. There are still pockets of PKR/PR supporters are still angry on the sacking of Khalid. Thus her display of arrogant and showing her stupidity will put PKR at risk which also will have an adverse effect on PAS and DAP. PR will still win the snap poll if it takes place as Selangorians voters are more mature with a better understanding of political played. But be prepared to lose some seats. PKR have to do some soul searching after the dust of the Selangor MB crisis settled. Weed out those who still have Umno DNA with them. Be honest and humble, Regain the trust and repair the dented image of PKR in the eyes of supporters, Ensure a smoothly run state government that is clean and trustworthy. Majority of Selangorians is willing to give PKR/PR another chance as state government and will not hesitate to sack PKR/PR comes GE14 if Selangor were being mismanage. Making mistake is normal, But making the same mistake twice is unforgivable. This is how Admin feel
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:03:51 +0000

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