Adobe launch a new software adobe muse for designer and developer - TopicsExpress


Adobe launch a new software adobe muse for designer and developer both.. how to use and tricks Tips & Tricks - Adobe Muse Tutorials 1. Using Adobe Muse to publish articles instead of a blog. In this brief video we look at how we could use Muse to publish articles instead of using a blogging platform. 2. Modifying widgets. This video is dedicated to mainly modifying the slider widgets and changing their content as well as altering their content. 3. Extras - Icons and iPhones. Looking at the page properties again we look at how to add a Favicon as well as an iPhone icon and how to upload it. 4. Publishing to BC. How to use the publish and manage options with Business Catalyst and stress that this is the best option for client sites and how easy it is to set up a trial. 5. How to change the email address on a form In this brief tutorial we look at how to change the email address in forms within Adobe Muse. 6. Designing navigation menus with Adobe Muse how to separate menu items with borders In this video we look at how to stlye navigation menues with border styling to separate each navigation item and how to avoid borders doubling up. A must for anyone getting frustrated with menus. 7. Fixing broken assets in Muse If you have warnings from Muse regarding your image assets it maybe because the item needs relinking. In this video we show you how to do that. 8. How to create a persistent top navigation menu in Adobe Muse In this video we build on a previous tutorial using anchors to scroll the page and and a persistent navigation menu that only apears as you scoll down the page. This very effective method creates a great user experience with single page websites. 9. How to use museGrid widgets on your Adobe Muse website In this tutorial we see just how easy it is to use museGrid widgets in your projects, copy, paste a few minor adjustments with the arrow keys and your ready to go. 10. The museGrid Project Slider and how to use it. In this video we take a look at the museGrid Project Slider widget and how to add images and change its settings. 11. Use anchors for smooth scrolling single page designs with Adobe Muse In this video we look at how we can use anchors on a page to allow navigation with smooth vertical scrolling in Adobe Muse. This is especially useful with long pages or single page designs. 12. How to create list bullets in Adobe Muse with graphical bullets. In this tutorial we take a look at a much requested feature, bullets. We show you how to use your own graphics to create great bullets that work the way you expect them to. 13. How to modify the Show Off Logo Sliders In this video we show you how to modify the show off logo sliders. 14. How to modify the sticky feedback widgets. In this video we look at how to modify the sticky feedback widgets and place them on a page. 15. Building meta tags and SEO with museGrid SEO Tag Builder Tool In this video we look a the SEO meta tag building tool available for free on museGrid and how to use it to produce better meta/geo tags for your Muse pages. 16. Adobe Muse Tutorials - Using the alignment tools in Muse. In this video we show you how to use the alignment tools built into Adobe Muse to quickly align and equally space your content. 17. Using the museGrid Photoshow One Widget In this video we show you how to use the Photoshow One widget, add new galleries and modify its layout. 18. Using the museGrid Two Way Slider In this video we show you how to use the museGrid Two Way slider in your Adobe Muse Projects. 19. How to use the Adobe Muse menu widget to make quick and dirty text bullets In this video we show you how to create text bullets with a left aligned image bullet (modifiable by you) for easy bullet lists. 20. Whats new in Muse 6 In this video we take a look at the updated features in Muse 6.0 including updates to motion scrolling. 21. Adobe Muse Tutorials: Using the new Photoshop Generator tools with Adobe Muse In this video we take a look at how to use the Photoshop generate assets tools with our Photoshop design to export assets ready to use in Adobe Muse without the need to use the slice tool. 22. Adobe Muse Tutorials: Using Font Awesome Icon Fonts with Muse websites In this tutorial we show you how to use the Font Awesome icon fonts in your next Adobe Muse website project. We also cover how to change the size, colour and rollover effect of the font icon. 23. How to build scalable multi state buttons with Adobe Muse In this extended tutorial we build a useful button using only a simple graphic and the text tools found in Adobe Muse. The button created has four different states and is scalable in dimensions and font size. If you have not used this technique before youll love it. 24. Add older museGrid widgets to your Muse 7 library In this video we show you how to add your older museGrid widgets to your library panel. This will mean you have all of our great widgets ready to use within you new Muse projects. 25. Adding the museGrid Utilities Lite package into Muse and how to use them In this video tutorial we take a look at the new Adobe Muse Exchange and V7 musegrid widgets and how to install and use them with the new library panel in Adobe Muse 7. 26. How to build multicoloured icons in Muse that can easily change colour In this video we show you how to create multi layered icons from Photoshop files and then add effects and colours in Adobe Muse to allow them to easily change colour to match the design of you website. We also show you how to package them up to distribute on Muse Exchange. 27. Packaging Muse Library Files ready for distribution and changing the library item graphic. In this tutorial we show you how to package Adobe Muse library items files convert them into .muselib files for distribution on Adobe Muse Exchange. We also show you how to change the library item graphic to the graphic of your choice. 28. How to build a responsive design images slider in Adobe Muse In this video we show you how to build a responsive design Image slider for Adobe Muse. The method we employ makes use of the iframe pro widget from musegrid allows the user to create a fixed height Image slider that responds to the width of the page. 29. How to encode video to use in your Adobe Muse projects In this video we show you how to encode video for the web in the MP4 and WEBM formats ready to use in you Adobe Muse projects using the great free video encoding tool Miro Video Convertor. 30. How to use the Gumroad Widget In this video we show you how to use the Gumroad e-commerce service along with our Gumroad widgets. 31. Updating the Favicon and iPhone Icons in museGrid Templates In this video we show you how to update the favicon and iPhone icon in your Muse websites. 32. How to use the Muse image wrap tools. In this video we show you how to use the image wrap tool to place left and right aligned images into your Adobe Muse text. 33. Making better type panels in Adobe Muse In this video we show you how to use text tools in Muse to create better looking text content within you Adobe Muse sites. 34. How to create a pseudo 100% width dropdown panel In this video we show you how to use the panel widget and scroll fx tool to create a dropdown panel that looks and feels like a 100% width unit.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:02:16 +0000

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