Adolf Hitler. A great man! With all the horrible events in - TopicsExpress


Adolf Hitler. A great man! With all the horrible events in history considered does Adolf Hitler deserve his damning reputation? The science of the time was without a doubt completely and fundamentally flawed. However, while heinous crimes like the holocaust (controversial, regarding if it really occured) were committed under Hitler’s rule, arent we still to a lesser extent committing similar crimes? The South African government has attempted ethnic cleansing. In Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations we have been trying to spread democracy by killing off the pre-existing government structures and replacing them with our own. I would suggest that many Americans, due to the negativity of the media, feel about Muslims what Germans felt about Jews. Some would even compare the former Guantanamo Bay and its gross human rights violations to a touchier camp. All through history there have been attempts at racial and cultural genocide: China in Tibet, Roman rape policy, deliberate starvation in Ireland, and South Africa to name just a few. So does Adolf Hitler deserve his reputation as one of the worst men in history? Or is our history, like Churchill said, Written by the victors. Hitler does not desreve his reputation of unique evil because there was nothing unique about The Holocaust. Even if one ignores the conclusive evidence of the revisionists that six million did not die, there is no basis for asserting unique German evil. Jews had been expelled from European society many times before Hitler expelled (not exterminated) them. They usually deserved it because of their criminal tax farming and merciless gouging of debtors with 40% or higher compound interest. It is usually asserted that Jews were innocent victims of Hitler. But they were not so innocent. Jews had gotten the US into the First World War as the payoff for Britains Balfour Declaration, promising the Jews a national home in Palestine in return for Zionist assistance in getting the US into the war. Academic historians dispute this claim, but so said both David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of England and Mr. Samuel Landman, Political Secretary of the Zionist Organization in London. Jews were very powerful at the Paris Peace Conference after the war, where they got the Entente to pass minorities treaties guaranteeing the Jewish state within-the-state in Central Europe and got the League of Nations to pass the Mandate over Palestine, giving away Arab Palestine to the Zionists. Jews moved into Germany while the great inflation was raging and bought up evertyhing in sight while the German people starved, thereby exploiting the misery of the defeated. Naturally, the German people resolved to take back what the Jews had grabbed at bargain basement prices. The gravest charge of all is that Jews were responsible for communism. They were. Not just in Germany but in Russia, Hungary and Poland as well. Any academic reference work will give the truth away. A few titles are The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine, Jewish Nationality and Soviet Politics: The Jewish Sections Of the CPSU, 1917-1930 by Zvi Gitelman or Dark Times, Dire Consequences: Jews and Communism by Dan Diner and Jonathan Frankel. All these volumes show the deep Jewish involvement in communism and the warm support Jews gave it all over the globe. It is small wonder that the Germans shot hundreds of thousands of Jews in Russia. No group of criminals more surely deserved their fate. That the claims of extermination are phony is shown by the fact that all the Soviet satrapies after the war were dominated by Jewish commissars installed by the supposedly anti-semitic Joseph Stalin. (Consult The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State by Professor Ginsberg for confirmation. The Jews got a very small dose of their own medicine at the hands of Adolf Hitler. One to two million died of all causes, not the fabled six million. The twenty million or more killed by the Jewish commissars of Joseph Stalin was a lot worse. Jews like to make a big deal of their losses in WW2 to make the world feel constantly guilty. It puts the blame on the wrong people and takes the attention off the real killers-the Jewish commissars. By making the west pay reparations for failing to rescue a mythical six million the real question is obscured: Why did the very influential western Jews fail to rescue the twenty or more million being slaughtered by the Jewish bolsheviks? All peoples suffer in war and the sufferings of the Jews were no worse than the sufferings of the Arabs when Hulagu and the Mongols rampaged throught the Middle East in the early 1200s. Nor was it any worse than the atrocities inflicted upon the Irish by Oliver Cromwell. Now logically have you interviewed all 6 million of those people? Nope? Didnt think so! 6 million werent killed. You have not given evidence for that! Most pictures of dead childern and people were on the axiss side! Hitler probably had 400,000 at most killed and these were the radical jews who striked first! These were radical jews who wanted to overthrow the governemnt! The nazis were acting in defense! Hitler had no problem with Jews, he was one! I dont accept that the gas chambers existed, and this is well known. Ive seen no evidence at all that gas chambers existed.- [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving. I am against racism/fear/ignorance in all forms, but understand that culture is an influence on anyone. I used to watch tv movies like sobibor, Schindlers List, etc., and feel just as angry about the atrocities portrayed in such movies. Let me tell everyone, that I felt similar feelings when I saw the Abu Ghrahib gallery. At that point, I realized that any culture, any civilization, can become insane/evil. In fact, the ones most likely to become evil are those who believe it cannot happen to them. I do not know how this applies to Germanica; all I know is my own time. The truth is... is that all we know about WW2 has been taught by textbooks and movies written by people who have taken second hand information for truth without critical thought. In conclusion.... was Adolf Hitler really evil? Personally I believe his charisma spoke for itself.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:25:00 +0000

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