Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told. This documentary is - TopicsExpress


Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told. This documentary is absolutely BRILLIANT a much needed alternative view point on one of the biggest moments in our history WW2 and Adolf Hitler. For too long we have LIED to and MISLEAD by TV, Propaganda, State Education and Hollywood. IM SICK AND TIRED OF THE BULLSHIT AND ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Quite simply this is a MASTERPIECE as it shows how before, during and after WW2, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich were made out to be the biggest war criminal nation and mass murderers in the world. When in fact the it is the complete opposite. All the Allied (ALL-LIED) forces crimes of that terrible war have either been covered up or glossed over. The Nuremberg Trials were a farce, the Allies covered up their crimes and the WW2 story became a fight against the Evil Nazi Regime. Stalin and his Russian Red Revolution killed over 30 Million during his regime of WW2. A hundred million in total have died for communism Russia. The mistreatment of prisoners, the rape and torture of young girls and women by red army soldiers and the millions more who died in the Gulags work camps. Roosevelt of the USA funded the mass murdering Red Army and tricked the USA public into WW2 by goading the Japanese into bombing Pearl Harbour, ignoring all the warnings of an incoming Japanese fleet. This led to the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in which hundreds of thousands of people were burned alive many of them dying instantly or in agonising pain later on. And of course how Churchill bankrupted a country, collapsed the British Empire, sold us all into never ending debt, got the UK to continue the second world war when in fact by 1940 it could have ended. This was all due to Churchill ignoring several PEACE OFFERS FROM HITLER. His never ending lust for power and war mongering resulted in the mass murder of innocent German citizens. The bombing of Dresden killed nearly 50,000 people less than 30 minutes according to historical accounts. The German Army had no more air defenses or military targets left to bomb, but Churchill still ordered the bombings of major populated civilian centres even though it served no military purpose or war effort. This documentary should be mandatory viewing in every school, home, museum, television channel, college and university. WATCH THIS BEFORE IT GETS REMOVED FROM YOUTUBE. BECAUSE IT GETS TO THE TRUTH. youtube/watch?v=Vnu5uW9No8g
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:16:16 +0000

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