Adopted from Eliud Leleari and Kulal Peoples forum; Kindly read - TopicsExpress


Adopted from Eliud Leleari and Kulal Peoples forum; Kindly read this guys; A letter to LTWP leadership: Please note that you are all copied if you are part of Kulal gmail group. Dear Sir/Madam, There is no doubt that the whole initiative of the power project is a noble idea. I strongly commend the brain child of this project. If this initiative is well implemented Kenya and community around the project site will benefit indeed. I am obliged to write this email because from studying the pattern of the project operations since its inception, its clear that the whole excellent idea has been hijacked by few individuals who would want to benefit financially and politically in expense of the larger community. I suppose that this project should look at the outcome of this project through the eyes of the community and beneficiaries it is purporting to improve their livelihoods. In the project documents, its well stated that the project area is one of the poorest in Marsabit County. I suppose that the project recognizes that the land used is a community resource for generations and generations to come. LTWP resettlement policy clearly outlines key steps to ensure that livelihoods are not disrupted during the project implementation. The compensation strategies are mentioned too among other important items in the document. It is very sad that as much the project recognizes all this crucial aspects, the community has never been involved. The community is at two levels: 1. Men, women and youth within the area of project implementation 2. Professionals (sons and daughters) of this community who are spread all over this country. At this age openness, transparency and participation of all are key ideals that any project should apply to be credible enough in the eyes of stakeholders in its effort to meet the desired goals. I would rate this project below average on this attribute. Not a single consultative forum was held with the professionals from this community. The community on the ground has not been involved in a participatory manner on the mode of project design and implementation. There is no a single piece of memorandum of understanding between the community and the project on key important items as stated below; 1. The land: This is a communal grazing land. There must be clear agreement on the community ownership of the land, the community share on land rent charges, and the community acceptance of on the lease arrangements. That one has not happened. Few community gate keepers who have been bribed, the Marsabit council and project individuals have struck deals that are questionable on community prime resource: Land 2. LTWP resettlement policy: It is great to see the document in the website. The contents look pleasant. However, it is sad that the project is doing exactly opposite on what is written in the document. If I may quote one of paragraphs of the document “Adopting World Bank/IFC standards will ensure transparency in resettlement planning and implementation and minimise potential adverse effects on the affected communities. This RPF established the principles, procedures, entitlements and eligibility criteria, the organisational arrangements, provisions for monitoring and evaluation, the framework for public consultation and participation as well as the mechanisms for redressing grievances that will be adopted where involuntary land acquisition and resettlement are required.” Clearly since the project inception to date, there is no any sign that this project is and will ever be transparent. It is just the member parliament, his political friends and stooges who are running the show in expense of the larger community. They decide who to benefit on what and who to be hired and for what purpose.In addition, there is no trace of public involvement not even a road map. This way of operation clearly raises questions on intentions of this project as far the community is concerned. It seems the document was meant to please other international stakeholders but by practice the community is not recognized and appreciate at all as a key stakeholder 3. The community natural benefits: Considering that electric power will be generated within the community neighborhood from their land, it is natural that all centers of this community deserve to get electricity for schools, health centers, other institutions and to individuals who are interested to get electricity. There is no clue if this will ever happen. 4. Project Social responsibility: In the project documents this important aspect has be drafted in a scanty manner. The project has not clearly written with consultation how they will execute their social responsibility initiative in terms: Employment, funding of livelihood improvement of programs and environmental conservation. It is not a secret that people are employed in a very casual manner. It is not secret that the current MP has employed people who would benefit and in return sustain his political survival. How can such a huge and indeed award winning project can be so trivialized to such an extent? Is the conscience of the project leadership disabled? Or they are part of the conspiracy to benefit in expense of a poor and innocent community? It is worth noting that failure to observe these critical elements will be very costly to the project. It would be very advisable that the project goes to the draw board and follow a noble path of excellence in the implementation that will earn it respect and credibility both within the community, nationally and internationally. The community and professionals from the region are very much ready to guide and support as long as the project operates genuinely with a good intent without compromising the interest of the community that it has promised to serve. Like · Seen by 26 Lelerai Dan and Steve Ogom like this. Ledaany Amos great in put bro,God bless u stand foor the poor community. 9 hrs · Like · 1 Chornai Claudio Thank you Eliud for standing forth in defense of the defenseless. I believe that the community is a sovereign entity and we should not allow individuals to highjack the resources rightfully own by the community. It is high time the Steve Bikos, Malcom ...See More 8 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Leokoe Lolmuget Titus i love this piece of work Eliud Lelerai,,,thanks for the beautiful insight,,, Chornai Claudio,,,,bro we must stand up for our rights,,,,some people must stop robbing our community of our resources,they have robbed us of our constituency deserved resources,now they want to rob us of our soil,,,,they are going too far bro,,, 7 hrs · Like · 2 Lelerai Dan Thanks so much bro Eliud Lelerai, for beeing the voice of the voiceless,( the inocent souls of pastolist) never shall we tolerant curruption... 6 hrs · Like Steve Ogom That is very sentimental Lelerai and I hope we should all attest to that and in unity we stand together. The comprehensiveness of this work should be used as we yearn for the truth and deprive the denied justice and freedom of the voiceless communities from these egocentric,sadist and nihilist who want to benefit alone and leave the other majority in agony of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy... 6 hrs · Like · 1 Lengoyiap Bill Thanks Eli,Alex,Steve and all,its time we stand for our people. 2 hrs · Like · 1 Lepalat Mattew Thankz bro eli 4 that detailed information and bro Willy 4 running up and down to make sure things on right track.....we a one...GOD BLESS MT KULAL 2 hrs · Like · 1 David Lenaitukusho Thanks Bro it is well illustracted, this looters and community robbers must be stopped, i think every one of us got the right piece of these detail essay, thank you guyz and God Bless u. 54 mins · Like · 1
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 13:42:01 +0000

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