Adopting the Results Based Management framework commendable, - TopicsExpress


Adopting the Results Based Management framework commendable, but… During the ZIMPREST, one broad goal was to complete the public enterprise reforms through commercialization and privatization of public enterprises as advised under ESAP. Comparing with the “new”, one notes that instead of commercializing and privatizing public enterprises, this Government intends to introduce Results Based Management with leaders of parastatals signing performance-based contracts. However, the parastatals also cry foul arguing for more capital investment to boost their operations, though they have been perennial loss makers. That will affect the desire to rationalize the fiscal situation negatively. Results-Based Management is a management strategy by which all actors on the ground, contributing directly or indirectly to achieving a set of development results, ensure that their processes, products and services contribute to the achievement of desired results in the form of outputs, outcomes and goals. RBM rests on clearly defined accountability for results and requires monitoring and self assessment of progress towards results, including reporting on performance. According to the United Nations Development Group, Results Based Management system rests on the belief that “results” are central to planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, reporting and ongoing decision-making. The reason why most development partners preferred to work through NGOs is that these organisations base their reports on highlighting the impact of a programme to the locals based on clear indicators, targets and baselines. There are three salient features of RBM; accountability, national ownership and inclusiveness. This is the challenge for the Zanu PF Government, where a clear distinction from the past is visibly seen. Gone are the days of clamoring representative democracy where MPs or Political Parties claim to represent everybody and to know their exact needs without genuine consultations and acknowledgements. If done properly, public moral and support if boosted, giving more legitimacy and support to Government programmes and processes. Going forwards, the Government must show seriousness towards enforcing the RBM framework by; (1) Adhering to the six principles that are in line with managing for results. These are; a) Foster senior-level leadership from all department and agencies with national actors playing a major lead in RBM b) Promote and support a results culture c) Build results framework d) Measure sensibly and develop user-friendly RBM information systems e) Use results information for learning and managing, reporting and accountability f) Build an adaptive and RBM regime through regular review and updating of frameworks. (2) The attitude of laissez faire exhibited in most government agencies and departments is an impediment to capitalization and financing. So, this shift towards Results Based Management is welcome albeit the mounting pressure now on the Public Service Commission to improve the calibre and efficiency of the Civil Service, to justify their being. (3) Team Cabinet must show magnanimity and resist the temptation to dictate and tyrannize civil society and those of the Tripartite process merely on claims of “overwhelming mandate” or 2/3 Parliament domination. The Government must try as much to be open, inclusive and allow effective public participation in this key process. (4) Oversight and accountability structures and institutions must be defined clearly. We are also told that the Office of the President and Cabinet would play a leading and coordinating role as an overseer of the implementation process to ensure attainment of the set targets. Where/what is the role of Cabinet, the RBZ, and the Minister of Finance, Trade and Commerce? This can be a clear recipe for corruption and demoralization of other Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, making it worse to track real progress. May the good Lord bless Zimbabwe, the Government, the Leadership, and the People of this great nation and above all, teach us to love one another and honour another in peace and unity.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:09:01 +0000

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