Adoption— Receive Sonship, in respect to God’s Word, commit, - TopicsExpress


Adoption— Receive Sonship, in respect to God’s Word, commit, to ordain as a son, denotes an active and upright position, the placing as a son. Now once we receive sonship through adoption, we Inherit— to receive an heirloom, given a portion, to take as a heritage; a patrimony; give, to divide; to assign, obtain as a gift. And also through our adoption we Change; to make different, To put other garments, clothing on, i.e. clothed in the Holy Spirit and no longer clothed with the world. Romans 8: 15-23, “We received a Spirit that shows we are adopted as His children. With this Spirit we cry, “Abba, Father!” Let’s go back a little. Vs. 13-14, “But if you put to death the actions of the body with the Spirit, you will live. All who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons and daughters.” “This same Spirit agrees with our Spirit that we are God’s children. And if we are ‘His’ children, we are also ‘His’ heirs.” Amen? So as God speaks of our adoption, He basically says, “You have always been Mine, you were bought with a price, and, you are worthy to inherit a Kingdom called Heaven.” That’s how simple this all is. So, Galatians 4: 4-5, “But when the fulfillment of the time came, God sent his Son, born through a woman, and born under the law. This was so He could redeem those under the law so that we could be adopted.” And, vs. 7, “You are no longer a slave( to the law) but a son or a daughter.” So we move forward in our adoption through the Blood on the Cross, for our past is dead and always has been, remember, our past died on that Cross also. When we are baptized in water, and then baptized in the Holy Spirit, then the truth in God’s Word is spoken, and prophecy fulfilled. Ephesians 1:5-7, “God ‘destined’ us to be his children through Christ Jesus.” And, “We have been ransomed through His Son’s Blood, and we have forgiveness for our failures based on His overflowing Grace, which He poured over us with wisdom and understanding.” “Forgiveness for our failures,” Something no one else could have done for us,,, So now we step into sonship, as we are born again through Christ’s crucifixion, and we start as little babies in Christ.. Now at that, who do we follow, that will lead us into the discipline of becoming all grown up, and becoming Christ- like ourselves? Paul speaks of this to Timothy as he says, Imitate me as I imitate Christ,, and Christ also can speak directly to your heart that even today, the Holy Spirit will guide us to the right people to help, ‘Bring us up’! Until we come to the fullness of maturity in Christ, we need proper guidance and upbringing. Use your Pastors. Bishops, Elders. All of your Brothers and Sisiters in Christ to help. Bring you up… And Now, that we become more mature in Christ, it is now OUR CHARGE TO BRING UP THOSE WHO ARE FRESH IN THE SPIRIT, just as we were when we found Christ, or He found us in the wilderness… HALLELUJAH!!! 1 John 3: 2-12, “Those born from God don’t practice sin because God’s DNA is in them”, So, “Be rooted and built up in Him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught. See to it that nobody enslaves you with philosophy and foolish deception, which conform to human traditions and the way the world thinks and acts rather than Christ.” (Colossians 2:8) This deception is truly a sin towards what the Word teaches us today, and this verse was written over 2000 years ago,, so what was spoken then is still the deception that is being spoken today.. It is what it is folks. Jesus speaks in John 8:31, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to ‘My’ teaching, then you will know the truth, and the truth will (make) you free.” Also, Paul speaks , “Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you heard from me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” He tells this to timothy in 2 Timothy 1:13. Chapter 2 talks of speaking, instructing and acting correctly, “as we present ourselves as tried and true workers”, 2 Timothy 2:14. As in now, this is the time when people are not tolerating the truth in the scriptures. They look for false words and teachings, but we must remain steadfast and take authority over those who speak falsely before us and Christ himself. This does not make us judges, it makes us true followers of Christ and the the liars will expose themselves when we speak truth. I’m going off tangent here a little so let me get back to sonship, being born again, being brought up into eating the meat of the word. Wean those who are still milking the teet, and bring them into the pure protein of the word, the meat, now what does it mean when we are eating the meat? It means we have teeth to bite off the head of the enemy, that we are mature enough to take the authority that God gave us and share it with others. So, follow the truth in the word that comes out of the mouth of the church leaders, if they are speaking the truth. If they are not use the truth to expose the falseness coming from their forked tongue, The time is now folks to accept your sonship and take the authority that God has given us in the kingdom of heaven!. Be disciplined and follow instruction from the Spirit of God first, because He will tell you before anyone else does what your mission in life will be through Him, not man. But at that, your spiritual Fathers and mothers, Elders, and leaders of the Church can only confirm what God has put in your heart. This is the true Heirarchy of the Word of God. God first, He speaks to us, the leaders confirm through prayer and supplication, and then we move forward in God’s Grace and Love. Your leaders come first, only after our Lord and Savior, So my brothers and sisters in Christ, from this point forward, speak Kingdom righteousness, walk the kingdom walk think only kingdom thoughts, love the kingdom love as Jesus loves.. Because this is our inheritance, and there is only God’s Glory in our inheritance. At that to close; the finality of the word is …..if it is not for God’s Glory, avoid even thinking that that thought, talking that talk or walking that walk,,, Because personally, I really don’t want to be kicked out of the house! In the name of Jesus!! Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:20:23 +0000

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