Adorable story... “I love you, Spike.” Trixie held a deep - TopicsExpress


Adorable story... “I love you, Spike.” Trixie held a deep crimson blush as she admitted her long held feelings for her dragon friend. She had been planning this moment for weeks, unbeknownst to anyone, and ensued making it special. She found this spot when she ran from Ponyville after being humiliated and stayed here for a bit to calm down. Seeing as how she had lost her traveling wagon she could not go anywhere too far away, so she arrived here often after scavenging for food from Everfree Forest. She knew that Luna planned a full moon tonight, and if she did not take Spike here this very day, she would have to wait another month to bring him here. She had planned this for weeks, and planned to make it perfect. Now all thats left is Spikes reaction. Trixie payed attention to Spikes mixed reactions, hoping for acceptance. At first, he held a look of shock, then transitioned into one of thought. His final expression displayed indifference, and remained silent for a few minutes. “Oh no, whats wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I mess up somewhere? Why wont he say anything?” Spike yet remained silent. Every second he remained silent felt like at eternity to Trixie, gnawing at her mind like a swarm of locust. “Oh no oh no oh no! What if he denies me, or doesnt love me back?! Or worse, what if he hates me and doesnt want to see me again! Oh no, no, no!” “So, are you sure about this?” Spike said in a concealing tone. “Im more sure then anything.” “Trixie, a few weeks before you came here, I was rejected by Rarity. After she did that, went through the worst feeling in my entire life, and i really dont want that to happen again. Promise me that you wont do that to me to.” “I promise.” “Really?” Spike stifled a small smile. “Really.” Spike no longer concealed his feelings, now holding a grin so large that it would put one of Pinkie Pies to shame. “Trixie, I love you too.” Hearing these words made Trixies eyes light up brighter then the full moon. She gave Spike a glomp of epic proportions, knocking the air straight out of his lungs. She then gave him a tight hug, which didnt really help since all of the air was knocked out of him a few seconds ago. He struggled a few words out. “I...cant............breathe...” Trixie heard him and got off immediately “Oh Im so sorry! I didnt mean to-” Spike silenced her with a kiss. Trixies eyes widened out of surprise, but after a few moments, she relaxed and happily accepted it. This moment was just as Trixie imagined, kissing the pony, er, dragon of her dreams under the starlit sky. They maintained the kiss for a few minutes before breaking off. Once finished with the kiss, The two newly-found lovers fell back into the meadow, looking up at the night sky. After a few minutes of silence, Spike broke it with a question. “So... How are we going to tell this to everyone else?” “...You know, I hadnt thought about that.” “Well, I think we should start by telling Twilight.” Trixie tried to think of a way to break the news to Twilight during the entire walk back, but could not come up with anything.. She started panicking when they arrived at the doorstep to the library. Spike must of noticed, because he gave her a tight hug, calming her down a bit. “Its okay, Ill explain everything to Twilight. I assure you, nothing will go wrong.” Trixie nodded in acknowledgment and put her trust in Spike. Once they opened the door, they were greeted by an ashamed looking Twilight. “There you are! I was worried sick about you two! Where were you at this time of...” Twilights mouth opened in shock. “Trixie, what happened to you!? Did you go through poison joke? No, that cant be! You can only find poison joke in the Everfree Forest...What were you doing in the Everfree Forest? And why did you take Spike with you? Whats going on here!?” “Calm down Twilight,” Spike reassured. “Ill explain everything.” Once Spike was done explaining the situation, Twilight sat in discernment. Their story seemed genuine, but there were still many questions to be asked. “So youve been lying to us about your age this whole time? Trixie looked down to the floor, feeling a pang a guilt as Twilight accused her of lying. “Yeah, Im sorry about not telling you about this before.” “But why would you hide your age? It doesnt make sense!” “Well, if a filly put on a stage act, who would take it seriously? I had to learn and cast an age-changing illusion so I can attract real audiences for my stage performance, and charge them admission for it.” Twilight thought about that for a moment, and decided that it was a reasonable explanation. “Well, thats fair I guess, but it seems a bit deceptive...” Trixie shrugged. “Well, without my parents to take care of me, I had to make a steady income to care for myself. And magic is the only thing I know how to do.” “Oh...” Twilight regretted asking the question and mentally slapped herself. Awkward silence reigned for a few moments, before Spike asked an even more awkward question... “Uh.. Im sorry if this brings back bad memories or something, but what happened to your parents?” Trixie grit her teeth and looked down to the floor. This indeed was a sore subject for her, but since Spike has done so much for her, she might as well tell them. She took a deep breath and exhaled. “Well, my dad was a scientist and my mom was a florist, so they often worked together in studying local plants. We lived in Baltimare, so we were fairly close to Everfree...” End Scene...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:46:05 +0000

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