Adubabari Mankie-tanen wrote: LETTER TO MY - TopicsExpress


Adubabari Mankie-tanen wrote: LETTER TO MY GOVERNOR,RT.HON.CHUBUIKE ROTIMI AMAECHI. …STOP DECEIVING AND TELL MY PEOPLE THE TRUTH! “For the trouble with Lying and Deceiving is that their Efficiency depend entirely upon a clear notion of the TRUTH that the Liar and Deceiver wishes to hide. In this sense, TRUTH, even if it does not prevail in Public, possesses an INERADICABLE Primacy over all falsehoods”-Hannah Arendt, Lying in Politics, Crisis of the Republic, 1972. Sir, Welcome from Ogoni-Land. I hope you read my letter to you captioned: BEWARE OF YOUR ADVISERS! If you have not, please, read and ACT on it quickly in your best interest for the coming defining days. Let me state without contradiction that the History of Rivers State CANNOT be written properly without your Development Role, though you DERAILED from the Development Mandate of GOD in your 2nd tenure. I wish you WISDOM in your remaining days in office. You are an Ikwerre Man and I am an Ogoni. You are my Governor and I am your subject. We are both Farmers by culture and Lawyers by Profession. I am your Senior in one arm. By these positions, there are certain things both of us know that some others either do not know or lack the capacity to understand or know. By your position as Governor, there are many more TRUTH that I do not know. In our both custom, there is this traditional reciprocal friendly farming practice wherein farming activities like farming is done free among friends. If you follow me to me to my farm and weed successfully, I will in return follow you to your farm. If on the day of coming to your farm same is frustrated by rain or by other cause, then I am customarily bound to follow you to your farm to repeat the weeding exercise on another date. Sir, in my calculation, you have broken the above timeless tradition that WAS WHY I OPPOSED YOUR COMING TO OGONI-LAND. Our most important Politician in the person of our Distinguished Senator Magnus Abe followed you to your Political farm but it rained, so there ought to be a repeat on your farm. Beyond that, our Senator was said to have been “SHOT” on the way to your political farm. That is a serious matter in Ogoni land. As we are talking, our Senator is not yet on the ground but said to be in London. Your now big political brother TINUBU visited our Senator in London, but strangely kept sealed lips on the reality as to what actually happened to our Senator at your political farm around College of Arts and Science, P.H. In that line, you ought to come along with our Senator on your visit if you mean well for the Ogonis. You did not even tell the Ogonis what actually happened to our Senator. Another timeless principle broken by you. Sir, I am told that you asked the OGONIS to vote out the current Federal Government whom you call Political THIEVES and CRIMINALS and also to PRAY AND FAST for a Day for the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNEP REPORT ON OGONI-LAND. Sir, with all due respect, please, do not insult the SPIRIT OF THE OGONI STRUGGLE! Further, asking us to FAST and PRAY is Pentecostal Witchcraft…. Sir; did our Distinguished Senator tell you that: 1. The Model Secondary Schools in Gokana and Khana are yet to take off till now????? 2. He is behind the building of what I call Dead-trap in the name of Kpopie/Bodo Road , instead of a dual carriage highway for the Gokana people???? 3. He knows about the abandonment of the strategic Mile 30 Biara/Kibangha Road in Gokana???? Sir, *** Can you tell the OGONIS that you and our Senator are not AWARE of the frustration of the Implementation of the UNEP Report in OGONI-Land, but rather bought into the setting up of the HYPREP, which is now Headed by the daughter of the first Ogoni Lawyer whose Company abandoned the above strategic Mile 30 Biara/Kibangha Road in Gokana?????? ***can you tell the OGONIS that you are not aware of the Process of Selection of Political irrespective of competence, rather than the people, which process has killed Ogoni land per real development today????? ***can you tell the OGONIS that you do tell the OGONIS that you do not know the recruitment of OGONI youth into SECRET CULT as a means of advancing them politically???? ***can you tell the OGONIS that you are not aware that the Local Government Chairmen in this area are not engaging in people oriented development irrespective of the MONTHLY ALLOCATIONS meant for Development???? Sir, sometime ago YOU CALLED ON US, RIVERS PEOPLE TO HOLD OUR POLITICAL LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE AS THE WAY FORWARD FOR OUR DEVELOPMENT. So, did you ask our LEADERS IN OGONI to SHOW WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR THE PEOPLE?????? ***DID YOU TELL THE OGONIS THAT THEY MUST START BY VOTING OUT THESE PRESENT UNACCOUNTABLE LEADERS who have DEVIATED FROM THE OGONI DREAM PROJECTORS LIKE HON. TIMOTHY NAAKUU PAUL BIRABIL; TOMBARI BADEY; KEN SARO-WIWA among others???? Sir, this is the MOMENT of TRUTH Sir. TELL my PEOPLE THE TRUTH. Thank you very kindly. Yours faithfully, A.Mankie-Tanen,Esq.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:31:43 +0000

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