Advertising on Facebook Facebook makes most of its money through - TopicsExpress


Advertising on Facebook Facebook makes most of its money through ads. Here’s an example:1 A business creates an ad Let’s say a gym opens in your neighborhood. The owner creates an ad to get people to come in for a free workout. 2 Facebook gets paid to deliver the ad The owner sends the ad to Facebook and describes who should see it: people who live nearby and like running. 3 The right people see the ad Facebook shows you the ad if you live in town and like to run. That’s how advertisers reach you without Facebook sharing your private info. Ads help keep Facebook free From the beginning, the people who built Facebook wanted it to be free for everyone. It now costs over a billion dollars a year to run Facebook, and delivering ads is how Facebook pays for this. You see personalized ads Facebook tries to show you the ads you’ll be most interested in. These ads are chosen based on the things you do with Facebook such as liking a page, and info Facebook receives from you and other sources. Dig into the details. You can impact the ads you see Unlike ads on television, you can influence which ads you see on Facebook. Spot something that doesn’t interest you? Click the X and it’s gone.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 23:49:53 +0000

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