Advice Concerning the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah - Shaykh - TopicsExpress


Advice Concerning the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah - Shaykh Muhammad Saalih Al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) Questioner: After few days will be entering into the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. So what is your advice for the people regarding taking advantage of them? I hope for an explanation of its virtues and the actions that should be performed in it. Shaykh Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah): The ten days of Dhul-Hijjah begins with the entrance of the month and ends on the day of the Eid. The Messenger, may peace and blessings be upon him, said about actions in these ten days: There are no days wherein righteous actions are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days. They said: Not even jihad in the way of Allaah? He said: Not even jihad in the way of Allaah, except for a man who leaves out (for jihad) with his wealth and self and doesnt return back with any of them. [Ibn Abbaas-Saheeh Bukhaaree] So with this I strongly encourage my Muslim brothers to seize this tremendous opportunity, to perform many righteous actions in these ten days from recitation of the Quraan, remembrance of Allaah, charity, fasting, etc. strive to perform many different acts of obedience. Its very troubling to see that the people are heedless about these ten days. Do you not find them exerting themselves in the last ten nights of Ramadan? Nam of course they exert themselves in them. However with the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah you will be hard pressed to find one who differentiates between them and other than them. But if a person performs righteous actions in these ten days he revives that which the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him instructed with doing. Also if an individual intends to slaughter at the ending of these ten days then he shouldnt remove anything from his hair, nails, or body. As for someone slaughtering on his behalf, then theres nothing wrong with him clipping his own nails or cutting his hair. And if a person wants to slaughter for himself and his household with one sacrifice as is the sunnah, then it isnt upon his family to abide by this principle. It only pertains to the one slaughtering, in this instance than being the father... The Prophet said about these 10 days There are no days wherein righteous actions are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days. They said: Not even jihad in the way of Allaah? He said: Not even jihad in the way of Allaah, except for a man who leaves out (for jihad) with his wealth and self and doesnt return back with any of them. So based upon this noble narration, it is upon us to strive upon rigteous actions in these 10 days, by way of fasting, remembering Allaah, reciting the Quraan, increasing in prayer, (giving) charity, being good to the creation and other than that which draws one closer to Allaah. For verily, a good deed in these 10 days is better that the deed is performed during the last 10 days of Ramadaan. Because the Prophet generalised [in the hadith] by confirming the word wherein There are no days wherein righteous actions are more beloved to Allaah then these 10 days. And it is upon the students of knowledge to raise awareness among the people with regards to the virtues of these 10 days, because the people are unaware of it and are ignorant with regards to its virtues. So they are in need of reminding, acknowledgement and knowledge. The most important day to fast is the day of Arafah because the Prophet was asked about fasting on the day of Arafah in which he replied, I hope that Allaah may expiate for (the sins of) the year that comes before it and the year that comes after it.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 04:05:16 +0000

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