Advice For The Lovers of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Shaykh Adnan - TopicsExpress


Advice For The Lovers of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Shaykh Adnan Kabbani sohbat of the 15th of October, 2014, Lefke - Cyprus Madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad, dastur ya Sayyidi, madad. Im not the one to sit and to make sohba. They know much more better than everyone. But they like. For this, ya Sayyidi, give permission and open our hearts. Connect with you, with Grandsheikh, with RasulAllah (saw), the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. And first to start with as-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi Taala wa barakatuh. As-salatu wa-s salamu alaika ya Habibana, ya HabibAllah. ya man yarsalahu Llah rahmatan wa salamun alaykum rahmatullah wa barakatuh ya alhlu Baytu n-nabi was sahabati RasuluLlah ya mawalina al kiram wa mashaykhinal idham khasatan Mawlana Sh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani Sh Abdullahi Daghestani wa sahabi zaman. We ask Sheikh to support us what you will like make my tongue to translate to me and for them. And the best is to start always with the Golden Chain. This is our line, which we are following. Anyone is free to follow any line he wants. We are not forcing. Allah saying La ikraha fi d-deen, (2:256) no force in Islam. Telling this Beloved RasulAllah Dont force anyone. Only show them, anyone. And everyone has a free will. Anyone wants to follow, most welcome. Anyone doesnt want to follow, also. I will question him in the Day of Judgment, leave them. And for this, we say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Sayyid as-Sadat wa Nur al-Mawjudat. ya man huwa maljau wal masahu daimun wa ghamun wa alam ya aqraba al wasaili Allahu subhanahu wa Taala wa ya aqwa al mustanad natawasalu ila janabika adham bi hadhihi sadat wahliLlah w-ahli baytika l-kiram li dafi daimin la yudfau illa biwasitatik la yudfau illa bi dalalatik li Sayyidi wa Mawlay Ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulallah sallAllahu alayhi was sallam ya rahmatan lil alamin An-Nabi (saw), as-Siddiq, Salman Qasim, Jafar, Tayfur, Abu Hasan, Abu Ali, Yusuf, Abul Abbas, Abdul Khaliq, Arif, Mahmoud, Ali, Muhammad Baba s- Samasi, Sayyid Amir Kulal, Khwaja Muhammad Bahauddin Naqshband, Muhammad Uwaysi al-Bukhari, Alauddin, Yaqub, Ubaydullah, Muhammad Zahid, Darwish Muhadmmad, Khwaja al-Amkanaki, Muhammad al-Baqi, Ahmad al-Faruqi, Muhammad Masum, Sayfuddin, Muhammad, HabibAllah, Sheikh Abdullah, Sheikh Khalid, Sheikh Ismail, Khas Muhammad, Sheikh Muhammad Efendi al- Yaraghi, Sayyid Jamaluddin, al-Ghumuqi al-Husayni, Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri, Abu Muhammad al- Madani, Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani Sayyidina tabibi qulubina wa hayati wujudina wa hayati ruhina khatam-ul Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah al-Faiz ad-Daghestani., Sayyidina Mawlana wa tabibi qulubina wa hayati wujudina wa hayati ruhina Sultan-ul Awliya Habibina Sheikhina Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani Habibina Mawlana Sheikhina Sheikh Muhammad Adil, the son of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Now the Golden chain is like this. He is the successor of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And we all renew our bayah with him. Because we want this line to continue with Mawlana Sheikh Nazim as Grandsheikh. So we continue with him. We dont say no. The one will say no, he is like... When Allah Almighty ordering the malaika/angels make sujud to Adam alaihi salam, the first who used his mind was satan. And even he was in the highest maqam as Azazil and most of malaika, but Allah Almighty, when he said Ill not make sujud, he was democratic - You cannot order me like this. And for this, I will not do sujud. I will not accept. If you dont accept, curse on you, go ahead. You are the loser. Keep me till the Day of Judgment. You have what you ask. And like the one who doesnt want to accept the will of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, he is loser. He is going to be at last not under the blessing of all the Golden Chain and RasulAllah (saw) and Allah Almighty. Always Mawlana Sheikh Nazim teaching Dont use your mind. Dont use your... Your mind - always full of your heart. Because the heart, Allah make it to be Godly station for everyone. And Allah Almighty make the heart to obtain and to contain all kind of jewels of the Divine oceans of realities and secrets, and Divine ocean of eternal knowledge. And the one who can dive, he can get corals and pearls, emeralds. All kinds of jewels he can get. And for this, always keep the faith, iman, the belief in your heart. And dont take it up to your mind. Because the mind, Allah created it for this physical body to own his manly body to be disciplined to have his food, to work in this life, but not for things related with heavens, with Godly teaching, with RasulAllah (saw), with AwliyaUllah. You cannot use your mind, then you must use your heart. And for this, Mawlana choosing, by the will of Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (saw), and Grandsheikh, and all Grandhseikhs signed it, the most humble, the most polite, the most calmest, the most generous, and who he is very good and can unite all the mureeds because they saw Mawlana Sheikh Nazim in him - his elder son Sheikh Muhammad. And like Sayyidina Musa alaihi salam, and Sheikh Bahauddin like Sayyidina Harun, the brother of Sayyidina Musa alaihi salam. And Haja Rukiya, also they chose her for the ladies because they have this power from RasulAllah (saw). And we respect all the family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, all the holy family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Even we respect Haja Naziha, Sheikh Hisham. And all the family, they are all to us family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, holy family. As we respect the family of RasulAllah (saw), as we respect the families of all Grandsheikhs, we also respect the family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And for this we are praying to Allah Almighty so that to be all united together, and to stop all this fighting all over the world, and to be all under the flag of Sheikh Muhammad, the successor of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, and to unite all the centers to be one center under the name of Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (saw) and Naqshbandiya al-Aliya. Tariqat an-Naqshbandiya al-Aliya, not to choose different names. Everyone who wants to be famous, and he doesnt want to follow the will of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, they are changing the names of the way of Naqshbandiya al-Aliya. Why choosing names which coming from their mind and their imagination, not given by Allah Almighty or by RasulAllah (saw), or by Mawlana or by Grandsheikh or by AwliyaUllah? No one of all these Grandsheikhs changed the name of Naqshbandiya al-Aliya. As- Sayyidina Shah Naqshband, the imam of this tariqa, he named it. They kept this name and was going on. Even you see it sometimes that they are changing: for example, in time of Sayyidina Ahmad al-Faruqi, the one of our big Grandsheikhs, qaddasAllahu sirruh, they said it is, they changed the name to at-tariqa an-Naqshbandiya al-Mujaddidiya. Because he was the renewer of the second millenium. And for this, they chose the name of an-Naqshbandiya al-Mujaddidi. But whom they chose this name? You must know that the one who didnt accept the will of Sayyidina Ahmad al-Faruqi that his son Sayyidina Muhammad Masum, he is the successor, and they were big ulama also, and they want to deviate from him. And they want to say No, we have, we are, we are Khalifa, we are Sheikh, we represent him. These are the ones they changed the name. Why Sayyidina Masum, Muhammad Masum, qaddasAllahu sirruh, and Sayyidina his son, Sayyidina Sayfuddin, qaddasAllahu sirruh till nowadays till Mawlana Sheikh Nazim qaddasAllahu sirruh were never changing the name. It was Naqshbandiya al-Aliya. And in presentation when we present our dua and Fatiha, we say wa ma Shaikhina fi tariqati n-Naqshbandiya al-Aliya. We dont say al-Mujaddidi. Then the same happened in time of Sayyidina Khalid al-Baghdadi Naqshbandi. He had 300 deputies and all big ulamas. And he was choosing as the successor for him Sayyidina Sheikh Ismail, qaddasAllahu sirruh. They refused. They can as they like - Free way for everyone. Allah only questioning everyone in the Day of Judgment. That is going to question you now one by one? No. He keep them to that day. And for this they, the one these and these all big ulama, they used to be very aggressive to Sayydina Khalid an- Naqshbandi. They were very badly treating him because his tongue was very heavy in the Arabic language. And when he was ordered to come and to live in Damascus and to bring the Naqshbandi way to the holy land of Sham Shareef, they used to tell him We are not understanding what you are saying and all your teaching. Either to say it in Arabic or go out of the country. Like this. They used to do this, 300 ulama. Theyre all muftis, Sheik al-Islam at that time of the country. And then Sayyidina Khalid, he told O ya RasulAllah, you ordered me to come here and now you put me in this situation. What I will do? I cannot fight 300 big muftis, sheik al-Islam, big ulama, big bughra. Everyone is so heavy enemy to me. What I will do? He said Tell them tomorrow after fajr prayer, we will have debate in the Umayyad mosque. And what you have answers, I will answer it. Whatever you have questions, I will answer you. And this tongue was Kurdish tongue. He doesnt know Arabic very well except he knows some Arabic according to the... Because he was imam also, a scholar in shariah. But not so powerful Arabic to make them understand. But he can do it in Kurdish language. So next day, he said Ok, ya RasulAllah, as you like. If you order me like this, I will do it. Then they prayed fajr, then went to Umayyad mosque. And they make for him a special chair to sit, and for them they make 300 thrones, they sit on. Like this, Ulama, scholars. And he sat. He tried his tongue, still Kurdish. I cannot talk, ya RasulAllah. Dont joke with me now. Its not time to make fun from me in front of 300 alim/scholars. So please support me. And RasulAllah (saw) always with his big Awliya in spirituality, always supporting them. He told him I am beside you. And Allah Almighty hearing, seeing, and He is with us. Dont worry. Let them meet first and dont worry. When I will tell you stop, you stop. Ok, as you like. Then when they sat all in the thrones, and he sat in a chair, humble chair, facing them. Then they told him Start. What to say? He said, the first he was saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Amsaytu Kurdiyan, w-asbahtu Arabiyan in the very best Arabic tongue, the tongue of the Holy Quran. He was speaking the tongue of RasulAllah (saw). I was evening Kurdish, but this morning now I am the tongue of Arabic of Holy Quran and RasulAllah (saw). So first by the mufti your question, it is like this, the answer, it is like this. The other like this, like that. The sheikh al-Islam do the questioning without asking. 300 big alim, he used to give them what they want to ask and the answer of it, with all the hadith, all the ayat, all the evidence of it until all of them, they were coming and kissing his hand, his feet, and telling him Please forgive us. And all of them, they made bayah with him, and they used to be follow this one. And these mureeds, he want to appreciate them, Sayyidina Khalid, he appoint all of them to be khalif for him. And for this he used to have 300 senior deputies or khalif. Everyone he said I am the successor. I am the successor. I am the successor. No, you cannot be. I am the successor. I am better than you. I am Sheikh al-Islam. I am the mufti. They start to fight each other. Then he said No. I am searching the humble, calm, polite one, whom everyone from the Sultan, the King to the poor one will know him. And the humble between all of you, I will give him the secret. And he gave it to Sayyidina Sheikh Ismail, qaddasAllahu sirruh. And he lived, Sayyidina Sheikh Ismail, only 17 days after Sayyidina Khalid. And he passed the secret to Sayyidina Khas Muhammad ad-Daghestani. And he told him Go by one step to Daghestan and spread it in the Daghestan memleket. They used to say memleket for the countries. There was not small countries. But it used to be continents. And it was spread till Grandsheikh Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah ad-Daghestani, qaddasAllahu sirruh. And one day he immigrated to Turkey with Sayyidina Sheikh Sharafuddin, qaddasAllahu sirruh, and Sayyidina Muhammad al-Madani. Then Sayyidina Sheikh Sharafuddin Dagestani also he used to have big senior deputies. All of them, they used to claim We are the successors. And so Grandsheikh, Sayyidina Sheikh Sharafuddin, qaddasAllahu sirruh he wrote his will. And Grandsheikh was in seclusion, Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani. And in the seclusion he was reciting Holy Quran, and near him there was a lamp. At that time no electricity - this lamp worked on oil. And the servant of Sayyidina Sheikh Sharafuddin, qaddasAllahu sirruh, he told him This is the will of our Sheikh for you to be his successor. Then he didnt open it and read it. But he put it on the flame of the candle of the lamp, and it was burned. He told him I dont need this paper. Already from his heart to my heart coming this successor. No need for papers between us Awliyas. The other ones, they refused and they announced that they are, until nowadays you can see in his zawiya. They put Sayyidina Sheikh Sharafuddin Daghestani and then they say the secret passed to Sahib al-Zaman Sayyidina Mahdi alaihi salam. They stop it like this. Even it was given to Grandsheikh, from Grandhsheikh to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, qaddasAllahu sirruh. Also Mawlana Sheikh Nazim has also senior deputies and senior mureeds and like this and khalif. And all of them, they were preparing themselves to be khalif and to be successors and to carry on emptying the pocket of people, to be famous. And so Mawlana, he said No, I will bring one that he is so humble and polite and to calm you down. Because Mawlana Sheikh Nazim he was like an atomic power between East to West, North to South spreading the Islam, the light of Islam, the light of Naqshbandi way, converting people to Islam and bringing them to Allah Almighty and to RasulAllah (saw). He said now more than 40 years or 45 years that he was the Sheikh of the Naqshbandi way. And he was not only the Sheikh, but he was the Ghauth, which means he is the owner of time. And so he said I will... Now you must practice what I taught you. Teaching, teaching, teaching and not practicing. What you are going to get benefit? The benefit by practicing the teaching, by seeing to make yourself ... Mawlana used to say Try to make yourself nothing. Make your ego, your self to be zero. Less than zero even. Make yourself to be no more existing. Find yourself, smash your body until all the light of Allah Almighty and RasulAllah appear on you. Then you will find all heavenly stations. You will be supported by heavenly wings from Allah Almighty, and Allah will make you to fly in the heavens in Throne of Allah Almighty, even in the heavens over Sayyidina Jabrail alaihi salam. Because the inheritor, the one whom they are inheriting from Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq, radiyAllahu anh can reach as RasulAllah (saw) by the guidance of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Grandsheikh and all Grandsheikhs and Abu Bakr Siddiq. And the guidance of RasulAllah to be flying and ascending as in miraj over Sayyidina Jabrail alaihi salam to the Throne of Allah Almighty to reach to the oneness of Allah Almighty, to the ocean of la ilaha illAllah, Muhammadan RasulAllah. Because the difference between the way of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq, the Siddiqi way which was called from pre-eternal by the name of Imam Sayyidina Shah Naqshband, he called it Naqshbandi Aliya. Why he called it Naqshbandi Aliya? Because his body was all engraved, all his body and his heart by light, the name of Allah Almighty. And his tongue was Bukhara Persian language. And so naqsh which means... Naqsh means engraving. Band means body. Beden in Arabic or body in English. Engraving on your body the name of Allah when you are busy by dhikrullah, by concentrating your heart with Allah Almighty, by rabitat-ush sharifa, by the connection Allah Almighty will engrave His name by light on your heart and on your body that youll not pass away from this life until the lights of the Greatest Name of Allah Almighty will be engraved on your body and shine. And for this, he called it an-Naqshbandiya. Al-Aliya. What is the meaning of al-Aliya? The meaning of aliya, then he referred that this Naqshbandi way which coming from Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq is a way, which make the one inheriting secret of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq to be busy by the divinely lights of the divinely lights reflecting from the divinely essence of Allah Almighty, to be busy by the divinely lights of the divinely essence of Allah Almighty. And for this RasulAllah (saw), he said I am the city of secrets and realities and Siddiq is the door of it. And whatever Allah Almighty dress to my chest, I dress it to Siddiq. And then from Siddiq to Siddiq to nowadays Siddiq, was Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, now Sheikh Muhammad. We must all of us approve this and to follow the will of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And this coming to Sheikh Muhammad. Finished. So now Sheikh Muhammad is our Sheikh. And he is continuing the line of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and all Grandsheikhs on Naqshbandi way, if they accept or they dont accept. The one who accept, most welcome. Allah will open for him. The one hes not accepting, there is four walls, he can hit his head on the four walls. And the difference between the 40 ways coming from Sayyidina Ali radiyAllahu anhu - RasulAllah, he said I am the city of knowledge. I am the city of the divinely knowledge. And Sayyidina Ali radiyAllahu anh is the door of this city which making the secrets. And all the inheritance of Sayyidina Ali radiyAllahu anh all these big Grandsheikhs of the 40 ways who they were inheriting from Sayyidina Ali - big Alwiya. They used to shake the Throne of Allah Almighty starting by Sayydina Abdul Qadir Jilani up to the end. And all of them, they reach to the highest maqam. They reach it to be busy by the Divinely attributes and Divinely Godly words of Names of Allah Almighty. What we want following as-Siddiq and his inheritance or his Grandsheikhs and their mureeds, they reach to be busy by the lights of the Divine essence of Allah Almighty. This is the difference between to be busy by uniqueness of Allah Almighty, ahadiya, and to be busy by the oneness wahdaniya of Allah Almighty. And for the one who follow the will of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, he will reach to that highest rank and he will be engraved the Name of Allah Almighty on his heart. Even hes not seeing, but Allah is seeing. Allah is engraving, and RasulAllah (saw) and this promising from Allah Almighty and RasulAllah to Siddiq and to Sayyidina Shah Naqshband and to all Grandsheikhs. And this is well-known in the Divan of RasulAllah (saw). And for this he will see the ones who following Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra), Sayyidina Ali Shah Mardan (ra), they have special lights in their faces reflecting the light of the greatest Name of Allah Almighty engraved on their bodies and on their hearts. And for this, the main important thing that to follow, only to follow by your heart, to follow by iman, to follow by saying amanna wa sadaqna to follow by saying samina wa atana. And for this, all sahaba, when they want to use their mind, quickly Allah Almighty sending on His Beloved Muhammad (saw) Tell them, dont say anything using your mind. Only say samina wa atana. (We hear and obey) Amanar-Rasulu bima unzila ilay mir- Rabbihi walmuminun, kullun amana billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi, la nufarriqu bayna ahadim-mir-Rusulihi, wa qalu - say, samina wa atana ghufranaka Rabbana wa ilaykal- masir. We have only to say samina wa atana and then leave things to Allah Almighty, (2:284-5) and to RasulAllah (saw) and to Awliya. They are responsible. Why to use your mind and to be them? And then the power of shaitan playing with you and with all whom they are following you. No. No need for this And for this, I am advising only, for me and for everyone. Anyone who likes to listen, most welcome. The one doesnt like, also. He has free will. There is four walls. He can hit himself in one of them. And so in time of Sayyidina Khaliq, also these 300, they didnt accept Sheikh Ismail. Also his time very difficult, he doesnt know Arabic tongue. His tongue was Daghestani tongue. Like this. And so they said No, no. We are the Khalif. Starting by Imam and by other ulama and like this whom they full the world by knowledge, but all this knowledge like books. And the books to Awliya, it is from dead one to another dead one. While the knowledge from the heart of Sheikh Muhammad to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, to Grandsheikh from heart to heart will be life to life to life to life to the one who never die, the alive one, Allah Almighty. And for this Allah Almighty was describing these whom carrying books. And they want only to be strict to books and to take their knowledge from the books, not accepting the heart. What Allah saying: Mathalu ladhina humilu tawrata thumma lam yahmiluha kamathali l-himari yahmilu w-asfara. (62:5) The example of those who I make them to carry, to do by the Torah, and they didnt carry it. That example to me like donkeys carrying books on their backs. What the donkeys going to benefit from the books? Nothing. And for this, use your heart. And everyone knows that this is the will of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And his will from the will of Grandsheikh, and Grandsheikh from Grandsheikh till Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra) till the will of Allah, RasulAllah (saw), the most beloved to Allah. Almighty, whom his will is the will of Allah Almighty. So be careful. Only use to say samina wa atana, amanna wa sadaqna. This will save you here and hereafter. And so these 300 ulama they call it an-Naqshbandiya Khalidiya. Naqshbandiya Khalidiya. No more Naqshbandiya Aliya. And the Naqshbandiya Aliya means wa Huwa Aliy-ul Azeem - The name of Allah Almighty al-Aliy. And for this, Sayyidina Shah Naqshband refered this Naqshbandi way. al-Aliya mean to the Ali. Who is the Ali? Allah Almighty, huwa-l Aliy-ul Azeem. And for this, he put the one of greatest names of Allah Almighty to be the title of the Naqshbandi way. Not to be taken out, the Name of Allah Almighty from it. Now the same happen. Then it was continuing like this till time of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Never Mawlana Sheikh Nazim changing. Then now deputies here, there; everyone wants to appear as Khalif, as his successor; he wants to appear himself a famous. Not he is well satisfied by all these millions and millions and millions of dollars and palaces he has. So he wants more. Because still theres money in the pocket. Why will not take them? We are successor. But if we say Naqshbandiya Aliya, we cannot, meaning we must follow Sheikh Muhammad because he represents Naqshbandiya Aliya. So what we will say? We will change the name as the others change the name. And now you will see all over the world now the name of... foundation no more tariqa - The foundation of the Nazimiya, of the Naqshbandiya Nazimiya of Malaysia. The Nashbandiya Nazimiya of Singapore. The Naqshbandiya Nazimiya of Indonesia. The Naqshbandiya Nazimiya of Africa. The Naqshbandiya Nazimiya like this. And they open centers facing the centers of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. And everyone putting bodyguard with him. And putting some in between the centers catching Come, come to us. We will give you much more. Come. You will have much more. You will can get much more benefit. Not only spiritual, well also give you some... Well drag you. And so they are everyone is stealing from the other. They dont know this is something related to Allah Almighty. And Allah Almighty when He wants to appear, one RasulAllah (saw) started Islam only by himself. He was only the one. And the first to believe in him was his holy family, his wife, umm-ul muminin, Sayyidina Khadijatul Kubra, and his cousin was a boy, Sayyidina Ali (ra) and one man, his friend Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. He started by these three. Now there are more than 2 billions. The relation of RasulAllah, all their relation already 7 billions but 2 millions following Islam and following to say ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan RasulAllah (saw). No one changed the name of Islam. Anyone can dare to change the name of Islam? Anyone can dare to change the name of Holy Quran? Never. And they say How they dare to change names? Why the owners of the name not changing the name? And then these, they were happy. Now what they are spreading new kinds of teaching, bringing teaching from here, from there, from books, from before Islam, after Islam, from misguided party, from all these kinds of teaching so that to bring people that We have something new. We must have new things. New things cannot come from books, or from what you think, from old religions. No, cannot come. The new things will come from the Divinely oceans of realities of secrets of Allah Almighty and RasulAllah; from the Divinely oceans of knowledge of Allah Almighty will give it to Sayyidina Ali (ra) to Sayyidina Abu Bakr as- Siddiq. In every twinkle of an eye, there is new oceans in the Holy Quran opened for these Awliya. Dont say that he knows, he doesnt know. No one can balance anyone. How to balance a successor of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim? This is really bad. And for this my advice that to all they are all family of Mawlana, to unite and to all the mureeds, unite, and to all the centers, unite with each other to be under the flag. Only one flag, flag of Allah Almighty, RasulAllah (saw), and the tariqat an-Naqshbandiyatil Aliya, the flag of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and his successor Sheikh Muhammad. Because finished. Appointed by RasulAllah. If RasulAllah not signing and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra), all Grandsheikhs, cannot Mawlana Sheikh Nazim by himself put like this. Its not things given to the one. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim from the last seclusion in Madina, I was following all this. And he was telling me that by the end of that seclusion Grandsheikh, he told him that RasulAllah (saw) gave good tidings that no more the four enemies like ego, desires, shaitan, or dunya, they cant have any power on him. But he is totally now a Godly one, Rabbani. Now this element changed to be element dressed from the heavens over Sayyidina Jabrail alaihi salam from the elements of the lights of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra) the lights of RasulAllah (saw). And he will do nothing as RasulAllah Allah, Subhan wa Taala describing him in the Holy Quran - Wa ma yantiqu anil-hawa. In huwa illa wahyuy yuha. (53:3-4) which means RasulAllah never saying anything, any word, any letters even or any like this movement - Must be wahyuy yuha (inspired). It is a revelation from Allah Almighty. And this what we believe that all Grandsheikhs and Mawlana Sheikh Nazim never saying anything except it is revelation from RasulAllah (saw) and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq to them. And by this revelation and by this will of RasulAllah (saw) and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as- Siddiq appointed Sheikh Muhammad, successor of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim to teach people: Dont run so far away for palaces, gardens, for pockets, for money. But be humble. Return to Allah Almighty, return to RasulAllah. Be humble with each other. Be respecting each other. Be polite towards each other. Be kind with each other. The same you see this character with Haji Rukiya and the much more which I like is the character and behaviour of Sheikh Bahauddin, even hes assistant of Sheikh Muhammad. But even always laughing, joking. Everything make it so easy to everyone, so near to the heart. Like this is the Naqshbandi way, al-Aliya which make you to reach to Allah Almighty to RasulAllah (saw) Allah Almighty likes the one who is always smiling. Because RasulAllah (saw), he said Inna Allaha bashushun wa yuhibbu kulli wajhim bashush. Allah Almightys face is always smiling. And He likes every face smiling. He doesnt like serious ones. Its hadith of RasulAllah (saw). And for this, be careful. I am advising myself. WAllahi Im not against anyone. Not against anyone, and Im not attacking anyone. I respect everyone. I am nothing. Perhaps I am worse than shaitan, I am worse than firawn. But I am... What coming to my heart, to advise myself, I am saying. I told them Dont put the camera. I dont know what will come. So be careful. But they insist. What I will do? If they want, they can delete it. Because Allah Almighty making us to show this finger, and call it the finger of witnessing. Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh. He didnt say Close it. He didnt say Make it like this. Now they are all you see in their center. And then they will tell you This is secret. How secret telling to you not come to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim? Never we saw it in life of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim or Grandsheikh. Let them say whatever they want. Because there is no taxes or custom duty on the tongue. They can say whatever they want. Allah will question them in the day of Yawm al-Qiyama. But you will see that Allah Almighty, when He supports and when He blesses, Allah Almighty this will be always upgraded and always be under the eyes of Allah Almighty. Dont think that many people very good. No, no. Dont say if you have millions of people, its very nice. No. Sayyidina Nuh alaihi salam, he had 70 believers. Sayyidina Ibrahim, he had only his cousin, Sayyidina Lut alaihi salam, his believer. Sayyidina Jesus, Isa alaihi salam, he had only 11 disciples. 11 one from all. How much he used extraordinary power. Allah giving him and supporting him by the holy spirit and he had only 11 disciples And one of them, the 11th, he told them They take and he betrayed him. And he bring the Roman emperor of that time and the priest whom they see We are... You are nothing. We are everything. They first slaughtered Sayyidina Yahya alaihi salam. And then they tried, he betrayed this one disciple. Even disciple and he betrayed Sayyidina Isa alaihi salam. Sayyidina Yusuf alaihi salam and they call it in their tongue Joseph. Sayyidina Yusuf alaihi salam, what he said in Holy Quran? Allah saying Wa ma ubarriu nafsi inna n-nafsi la maratun bi s-sui. (12:53) I am not saying myself is an innocent. No, at all. My self, because all the self, the ego always ordering you to do things against the Will of Allah Almighty, then disobey Allah Almighty, except the one that Allah mercying and choosing, Allah protect them. And He is the most Forgiving One. And for this, I will say that we must repent all of us to Allah Almighty, and say astaghfirullah, and Allah to protect us and to forgive us from this fitna and to keep us in the way of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Sheikh Muhammad and the holy family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim to be really blessed by Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (saw) and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and all Grandsheikhs and to be upgraded. We are not searching to be upgraded. We dont care. We want to be nothing because the one who reaches nothing then he is everything. The one who reach to be no more remembered by people, the one who is totally forgotten from people, then he will be remembered by Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (saw). And for this, RasulAllah (saw) what he said in hadith even everything built up in your heart between you and people, and built up everything to ruin in your heart between you and Allah Almighty. Build up the kingdom of Allah Almighty in your heart, and destroy the kingdom of shaitan in your heart. Make the heart to be the house of Allah Almighty. And to be the house of Allah Almighty, you must emigrate from your human state to your spiritual state. To let your spiritual heart to reach the spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, spiritual tongue, spiritual senses, spiritual censors of you which can be then supporting you from Allah Almighty and RasulAllah and Mawlana by heavenly wings to fly in the heavens of Allah Almighty, and to be one of the big saints of Allah Almighty. And for this, Allah Almighty hiding all His Awliya. 124 thousand Awliya saying Awliyai tahta qibaabi, laa ya`alamahum ghayri All My Awliya, they are under My domes There are domes in the Throne of Allah Almighty where the Awliya there, everyone has his own throne. And in this earth, you will see that His Awliya, his place is only not a mattress even, 1 cm, as if you are not sitting except on a floor. Even nothing, so humble, keeping everything, chairs without... broken chairs like this. Because all of them, they should search to have a blessing of Allah Almighty and Allah Almighty to be pleased and RasulAllah (saw) from them and from their mureeds. Because they dont like anything for themselves except to share it with all their mureeds. And for this, respect Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. How to respect Mawlana Sheikh Nazim? How to love? You say we love Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. We love you, ya Sayyidi. Love is teaching, love is mureeds. Love is family. Then you love Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. As RasulAllah (saw), he told the ummah, the sahaba and all If you love me, love my holy family and my sahaba, then you love me. Love me he said, the hadith of RasulAllah. Ahibbuni li ana Llaha yuhibuni Love me because Allah Almighty loves me. wa ahibbu ahlul baiti li hubbi ahlul baiti. Then love my holy family, because I love my holy family. The one who love me must love my holy family. And like this all the mureeds, they are the family of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Love the holy family of Mawlana Sheikh. So love them. This make you really to be when you stand by the maqam of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim and talk with him to talk with you and to dress you by salam when you dress him by salam. But if you have doubts and thoughts in your heart, and then you say as-salamu alaikum ya Mawlana, what Mawlana will say? He only will be very ashamed in the Divinely Presence of RasulAllah (saw) from what you are acting in this life. And for this, keep this advice, Allah will keep you and make you so high levels. And if you dont keep this advice, then you are free. La ikraha fi-d-deen(2:256). You have free will. But you will not reach to any blessed or any upgraded rank from Allah Almighty and RasulAllah (saw). Dont think that you by yourself can reach anything. Never. Even RasulAllah (saw) Allah obliged him to take Sayyidina Jabrail alaihi salam as a guidance for him in the night journey, in Miraj, to the Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty. Dont make like satan, shaitan who refused and using his mind because it must be democracy. There is no democracy in Islam. There is only Allah Almighty in Islam, RasulAllah and samina wa atana, amanna wa sadaqna. Ila sharafi Nabi wa alihi wa sahbihi Hadhrati Ustadhina wa Ustadhi Ustadhina Mawlana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani wa liLlahi Taala al-Fatiha. As-salamu alaikum
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:02:33 +0000

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