Aeon By Julio Lopez I feel numb, a heavy numbness covering the - TopicsExpress


Aeon By Julio Lopez I feel numb, a heavy numbness covering the entirety of my body, my soul. My eyes are completely closed as I lie upon grass. I can feel only the grass and the odd and nearly painful numbness in every fiber of myself. The softness of the grass slowly soothes the pain I am feeling but I strain to open my eyes to view where I am. It is as if I am unable to do so. Why can I not open my eyes? Am I too weak to do so? Where am I? Why do I feel like this? The heaviness of my body slowly lifts away as a butterfly taking flight; my lids begin to open. I am under a dim shadow, and beyond the shadow only brightness. A Fiery red orange star light that seems as close as a huge inferno can be to you without scorching you nearly force me to shut my eyes again. It is as if my neighbor’s house across the street’s home is ablaze and all I can do is stare at it, but there is no house, nothing but the warm blaze that did not originate from a forest or field, rather a star closer than close can be. As I strain to see more, my curiosity leads me to the mystery of the gloomy shadow that overcasts me. As I look to my left and I realize there is a humongous tree standing tall about a block to where I am, its dying leaves falling and dancing in the air around it. It is arched towards the fire as if it were praying, no, pleading for life. I stand in awe as the tree’s stature utterly amazes me. Sadness overwhelms me as I realize I am alone and I do not know where I am. I see that I am on a large hill. A few yards up is the top of the small mountain with the other side that is ablaze? As I look down I realize that that my body is not normal. It is completely a pearl white color and completely naked. The even more crazy part is that I have no genitals, navel, and some other noticeable missing body parts. My legs are still there but I discover in complete amazement that I am hovering above the ground. I then look at my arms and hands to see if they are there, which they are. I suddenly have come to the profound conclusion that I have died. The emotion envelopes my entire body and I begin to cry! This must be the afterlife. A strong fear quickly overwhelms me because of my solitude. Where is everyone? My family, friends. Of course they are not here. I have died. I do not know what to do. What to think. I try to remember what happened. How I died, why I am here, but nothing comes to mind. It is as if I have amnesia. And where is here? Am I in Heaven, or did I go to the other place? The only thing I can think to do is move towards the light, the fire. Is it hellfire? I don’t think so because I am not afraid of it. Instead I am drawn to it. But how do I get to it? I cannot walk. The only thing I can do is cry. Not a sad cry, but a confused cry? And then I hear a voice, a loud booming voice but with no one there. “Come.” It sounds like a male voice but it could be something else. Afraid, I cringe in confusion. What do I say? What do I do now? All I can do is whimper a quiet response. “How do I. Um? Who is?” I cannot make a sentence. “Come towards the fire.” It says in the same loud voice. “Guide yourself to me. You will not fall.” Frozen and again confused, I fail to go forward and just begin to cry more loudly ”I can’t. I, um…” After a few seconds of silence, I strain to see what seems several yards in front of me at the top of the mountain, a small light. It seems to be coming out of the fire, but is of a different color. The tiny light blue orb flies towards me at a semi slow speed which furthers my confusion. It resembles a fairy-like creature as it buzzes toward me and sends goose bumps down my back as it gets closer. It is now inches from my face and is no bigger than a large butterfly. There is no distinct detail in its form. It is only a small blue light that gets closer and closer to my nose, hovering in space. It then lands softly on the tip of my nose which, consequently, causes me, with fear, to retract back in a floating matter. It is as if we are outside of a space shuttle and something breaks on the craft which forces me to spindle off it backwards. “Do not be afraid,” it says in a soft echoing voice which reminds me of the ripples of clear water. “You are safe.” I struggle to wrap my brain around what is all happening. “Where am I?” I nearly whisper to the fairy. “My name is Lu, and I am a guardian fairy, your guardian fairy. You are no longer on the planet Earth. You have passed to the afterlife and are light years away from where and whence you once lived. There is no reason to be afraid. You are safe now. This is now your home. It is called Furlon and is galaxies away from your past. You currently have no memory of the life you once lived and that is natural. Everything will come back to your mind, as will the way in which you had passed away. Slowly but surely you will regain memory. Please, trust in my words and you will be fine. Lu then turns around and, as she flies toward the Sun, a small white fairy dust paths trails behind it, guiding me toward where I should go. “Please come.” It says at a distance then vanishes as the trail slowly starts to fade. As my heart sinks down to the floor, I hesitantly follow the path, hovering forward. I am not sure exactly how I am doing it. I just am. When I reach the top of the large hill, my eyes strain through the brightness before me. The fire is not hot, but is rather welcoming and warm. And surprisingly is not the only thing on the other side. It is a large valley, seemingly endless. The first things I notice are the ginormous trees that resemble redwoods but are far larger in width and height. What attracts me to them is that each one seems to be a different color from the other; A myriad jungle of trees. They tower to the clouds above that are the purest of white, and are not very big each which makes the tops of the trees seems larger. In the center of the trees I see a glass like lake that shimmers as a diamond. Not very big and all the more welcoming, it calls to me in secret language, as do the fallen leaves of the trees and the creatures that seemingly dance as the come out of the woods. Alien creatures that do not scare me at all, do not look at me gazing upon them but are still saying “Join us!” And then there are the fairies, perhaps thousands, playing and singing in the thick, soft, lush grass, glistening in the new bright world. As I stare in wonder and awe at everything happening, two teardrops exits my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I cannot believe it all, the beauty of everything. Then goose bumps ride up my spine as I hear the voice again and every creation under the sun feels it too as they all look towards me. The sun pulsates and reaches towards me in love. “You are home now, my son. Do not be afraid. Follow Lu to your new paradise.”
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 05:17:26 +0000

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