Aeprils Astrology Report Nov 4: irresistible impulse Receive - TopicsExpress


Aeprils Astrology Report Nov 4: irresistible impulse Receive your reading with Aepril. aeprilsastrology This might be the day of the irresistible impulse! Luna in Aries conjuncts Uranus today, and makes a square to Pluto. This may be the opening energy to the volatility that grows more intense as Mars moves into conjunction with Pluto and square with Uranus... But thats Astrologese. Lets talk about what that might mean for us. Pow! It may be that something needs release, and the pressure is on. If things have been at a stalemate, today is the day when there could be a possible break. Big feelings may come up to be dealt with, as well as old unfinished business. Theres that Collective Unconscious at work again, haha! Moon in Aries wants action. It is a combative, dynamic, passionate energy. Aries loves to spar with the Other (echoes of its opposite sign, Libra) poking holes in pretension. Jab jab jab...shadowboxing. The only problem with this is that there is effectively hit oneself in the face. Pow. Knocked unconscious. So...lets see if we might be able to take a breath and get back to our sides of the ring and see whats what. Remember, the Other is a mirror for the Self. Every right hook we throw is really a swipe at ourselves. And perhaps this is necessary at times for growth and awareness. In astrology, the 7th house represents our one-on-one partnerships: spouse, partners, besties, AND open adversaries. Fighting is a form of intimacy. (This explains why exs continue to fight with each other even after they state that they want nothing to do with you anymore. It can be an attempt to keep intimacy and avoid letting go.) Yet, we might feel that we need to say our piece, and perhaps stand up for ourselves in some way. Indeed, there may be a call for that today; being our own best friend (self-love, self-trust) means going to bat for ourselves. We dont have to accept bullying. Heres what may need a good looking at: one of the best guides on our road to Enlightenment is a feeling of happiness. Moving toward our happiness is what Joseph Campbell was talking about when he said Follow your Bliss.. How is the current situation that you are in contributing to your happiness? Im not talking about what might make us feel happiness down the road, or what might bring us some idea that we hold about growth. I mean that all we have is the NOW, and we have the choices that we make right at this moment. Are we choosing our Bliss? What might a person who is following her or his Bliss do RIGHT NOW. Laughter is one of the most clear channels for Bliss. Perhaps there is something really funny about what is happening right now. Being unable to laugh is a sure sign that we are out of alignment. Luckily, this is easily remedied! Perhaps things arent as serious as they sometimes look, and there are multiple possibilities for outcomes. I wonder if maybe a good laugh can clear some space for that. Receive your reading with Aepril. aeprilsastrology The winner of the FREE reading drawing will be announced on the website within the hour. you can still enter until the announcement is made here: aeprilsastrology/p/contact.html
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:06:33 +0000

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