Afari-Gyan Fakes Pinks Sheets The Alteration Counsel: Could you - TopicsExpress


Afari-Gyan Fakes Pinks Sheets The Alteration Counsel: Could you call us polling station name, code and exhibit number? Witness: The exhibit number is MBH79, the polling station name is Katamanso Presbyterian Primary A on the exhibit and the serial number is 0025200. On Exhibit EC11D (1), the polling station is Presbyterian Primary School Katamanso, the code is C140601A and it is the same as on the exhibit and the serial number is 0025199. Counsel: I am suggesting to you that the official polling station name is Katamanso Presby Primary A and has the polling station code C140601A. Witness: Yes. Counsel: And it is in exhibit of MBH79. Witness: Yes. Counsel: Can we go onto the next one? Witness: The exhibit number is MBJ000097. The polling station name is Assembly of God Church, Ataa Sackey B and the code is C141401B, the serial number is C0025200. On Exhibit EC11D (2) the polling station is Ataa Sackey B, the code is C141401B and the serial number is 0024702. Counsel: We have a situation where there is the same polling station name, code but different serial numbers. Witness: There are other differences too. Justice Rose Owusu: Dr. Afari-Gyan, answer the question before you point out the differences. Witness: Counsel, please repeat the question. Counsel: We have a situation where there is the same polling station name, code but different serial numbers. Witness: Yes. Counsel: And you are saying that there are other differences…please tell the court what they are. Witness: In the case of the MBJ000097, the entire column C is not filled at all and in the EC11D (2) there are figures filled in column C. Counsel: From D1 to D4 in the petitioners’ pink sheet it has a dash throughout but the EC’s pink sheet is blank. Witness: I disagree. The D has four dashes in here, then the last two columns have 16 and 16 and it is the same on the other. Counsel: Dr. Afari-Gyan, I’m saying that from D1 to D4 there are dash…dash…dash whereas on the EC’s it is simply blank. Witness: Yes, it is simply blank. Counsel: Now, the EC’s pink sheet surprisingly is in pink with alterations in blue ink. Witness: Yea, I see some alterations in blue ink. Counsel: But the writing generally is in pink which shouldn’t be the case. Witness: The rest of the writing is in pink…that is correct. Counsel: Which should not be the case. Witness: I am not going to… Counsel: I’m sorry? Counsel cuts in Witness: Do I expect everything in red? Counsel: I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you? Witness: I said I would expect everything to be in red. Counsel: You expect everything to be in what? Witness: Red. Counsel: I thought that the original is written in blue ink. Witness: You are saying part of it is written in red and another part in blue ink and I’m saying once part of it is written in red, I would expect all of it to be in red. Counsel: But for the EC’s copy which is the original, all should be in blue ink. Witness: You are right. The original must be in blue ink. Counsel: Sorry? Witness: The original must be in blue ink, you are right. Counsel: Thank you…Now let’s go to the differences. If you look at the results for the UFP and PNC, we have the zero in figures and zero in words in the petitioners’ pink sheets but it is blank in the EC’s. Witness: Yes, it is blank in both words and column in the EC’s but it is zero in the votes obtained column and z-e-r-o written in words on the petitioners’ pink sheet. Counsel: And the same for the results for the independent candidate…there is zero in figure and zero in words but on the EC’s copy it’s blank. Witness: Yes. Counsel: Also, when you come to total valid votes, there is 675 and also in words for the petitioners but it is totally blank for the EC. Witness: Total valid votes is blank, yes. Counsel: Again when you come to the total votes in ballot box, there is 691 in figures for the petitioners but it is totally blank for the EC. Witness: Yes, you are correct. Counsel: For the petitioners, the name of the presiding officer is A-w-u-z-u Mark Christian and there is no signature, no date, no time but the EC has A-m-u-z-u Mark C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-a-n, with a signature and date but no time. Witness: Let me tell you what I see. The petitioners, you have, Amuzu Mark Christian and date 7/12/2012. For the EC, you have, Amuzu Mar Christian and a signature but no date. Counsel: Dr. Afari-Gyan, the Christain, is it spelt the same? The EC has C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-a-n. Witness: Christiaan is spelt on the EC form as C-h-r-is-t-i-a-a-n and on the other one as C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n. Counsel: The Presiding Officer’s name on the petitioners’ is not A-m-u-z-u, it is A-w-u-z-u. Witness: Awuzu in the case of the petitioners and Amuzu in the EC’s. I am used to reading Amuzu that’s why I mispronounced it. Counsel: When you come to the polling agents, there are five names on the petitioners’ pink sheet with no signature but on the EC’s there are six names with five signatures. Witness: That is correct. Counsel: I am suggesting to you that the pink sheets are not the same. Witness: Ostensibly in respect of same polling stations but they together are different. My Lords, the polling station name is the same or abbreviated in one case and in the other, the polling station code is different, the serial numbers are different and there are differences in the execution on the pink sheets. Counsel: I’m suggesting to you that the official polling station and code is the one given by the petitioners which is the Assembly of God Church, Ataa Sackey B with polling station code C141401B. Witness: Yes, but it can be abbreviated. Next Sitting On July 31, the Supreme Court is expected to then fix a date for judgement on the validity of the declaration of John Dramani Mahama as President in the December 7 & 8, 2012 presidential election by EC Chairman Dr. Afari-Gyan.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:53:51 +0000

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