Aflatoon is seriously contemplating joining AAP! No, no, not for - TopicsExpress


Aflatoon is seriously contemplating joining AAP! No, no, not for any ideological reasons, but for the simple reason that where can a Chief Minister and his cabinet stage dharna, create tamasha, hold the capital to ransom and still claim pay for the day. Awesome, isn’t it? Like AAP, Aflatoon too does not believe in work but wants to be paid (actually, once an employer did offer him pay for not working, because he was creating anarchy when he worked). For all the hullaballoo over honesty and integrity, will Raja Kejriwal kindly explain whether he believes in no work and no pay? If he does, he should have announced that since he would not be discharging duties, he would be forsaking pay for the period of unauthorised absence! But then, if that theory is taken into account, then this bunch of hoodlums will never earn pay. Because put bluntly, they do not believe in governance but in creating circus. And hoodlums these guys indeed are! Not content with the disgraceful Talibani behavior with the African women, Ashutosh has now threatened Kiran Bedi with “she should be taught a lesson!” Bravo, bravo! The bravehearts will now ‘teach a lesson’ to another woman! Do they have a fetish for teaching women a lesson? Manish Sisodia asked Ashok Malik that “will see how you protest peacefully when your daughter is burnt alive.” I mean, I thought that this tamasha was because Raja Kejriwal wanted the Central Government to punish the three policemen who did not comply with the diktats of the unlawful law minister!!!!! How did this burning daughter or teaching lesson come into the picture? It gets even more surreal! AAP refers to a letter written by the Ugandan High Commission praising them for their valour against the Ugandan women the other day. As if that would justify their shame! But then the High Commission denies writing any such letter! Traits of Goebbels, my friends! The signs are unambiguous. AAP wants to impose authoritarianism and will brook no dissent. These guys want power and soon. Wonder what Gopinath and that Sanyal banker have to say about this brand of ‘change’ they apparently came looking for. But then every one of these pretentious individuals only wants to join the political bandwagon for selfish interests. And AAP provides the easiest entry. Aflatoon now hears that the Dinosaurs of Jurassic park are also sitting on a dharna. They want Salman Khursheed to resign. They are cross with him for comparing AAP with them. After all, they work hard to earn food and not lie down in the park, stopping smaller animals from commuting and earning their bread. By the way, will Raja Kejriwal empathise with the aam aadmi who lost his day’s earning because of this charade? After all, for the real aam aadmi, no work means no pay and therefore, no food. Think of the anarchy in the empty stomachs of their kids!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:08:49 +0000

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