Afo Bokatoli & Aba Thronghola true story~ Once upon a time, Afo - TopicsExpress


Afo Bokatoli & Aba Thronghola true story~ Once upon a time, Afo went to Shamator town(tuensang dist) for Census duty. Afo went to Aba Throngholas place for a short stay in her place during her stay in the Town. Abaa Throngho welcome her happily and shown her the rooms where she was to sleep. Later on, Afo went out to the bazaar and bought 2kg of fish(Pankas mass) :D as Aba Thronghola was a widow and all her children were married so she stay all alone. Aba Thronghola was very happy when Afo bought and brought the fish. Abaa Thronghola told her Ayaah Bokatoli kelae kene shae? Moi laka khor tae toh eku bi nai, moi toh Kholar hoi lae v mesamise axoni logo tae pakai na khobo lae phabna kuri thaki shae lae Afo replied, Ama ene khushi laka naam bara kineshe toh eku nahoi aji toh moi bara he baat saat v pakawo tae Abaa Throngho again said, ayaaa toi toh khor tae aji he aiasae toh moi bara pakawo toh Afo didnt let her as afo was a smart and active girl. Afo took incharge of cooking and after it was done they had together from 1 wood plate. :p (jingjingphürü) :v Abaa Thronghola appreciated her for the delicious curry she had made. Afo was happy to hear that and said her Abzaa Oshkimthewa nge which means thank u but Abaa didnt understand her so she asked what it was. So, Afo interpreted her in Nagamese and told her that it is in her dialogue(mother tongue). Abaa was glad to know that. Time came for Afo to leave the Town. Abaa Thronghola who owns Kholar field, gave her 1Sack of Kholar. :p Afo was very happy when Aba gave it to her. As Afo was a brave & strong girl, she lifted the sack up on her shoulder :D and there she left Abaa and happily went to the sumo counter. And she was waiting for the vehicle there. She waited nearly half an hour, at the time Aba Rihola who owns a fooding hotel called her to her hotel and offered her a cup of tea with Gum jawl laka biscuit :D Afo have never tested the biscuit before so she(afo) told Aba Rihola that it was really tasty and it was new to her. Before Afo finished her cup a vehicle came so she was to leave the hotel. Aba Rihola too gave her the local biscuit which was packed in the white magic amul plastic :D Afo hapily accepted it and she came down to Dimapur. :) Afo Bokatoli shared about the kindness of Shamator Abaas which means Mom :D and she is planning again to visit Chessore Town (tuensang dist) 3:) Thanks for reading. :p
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:32:59 +0000

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