Africa (Malawi inclusive) needs economic liberation, after the - TopicsExpress


Africa (Malawi inclusive) needs economic liberation, after the political liberation championed by our nationalists, genuinely championed by transformational leaders working together accross the continent. According to Capitalist (the rich) West, it pays to keep the poor poorer and thus they devise strategies to achieve this. Africa prides itself on being the richest continent raw-material-wise and yet it remains the poorest continent on the face of planet earth. Africa has been used and abused; plundered in the process. A case in point is Ivory Coast that produces 40% of the worlds Cocoa, the raw material in the production of chocolate and yet it remains one of Africas (worlds) poorest countries. According to todays CNNs documentary on Cocoa, Nestle, the largest producer of chocolate makes US$ 11 billlion in profit a year meaning Ivory Coast contributes 40% to Nestles profitability assuming the raw material sourcing is in the ratio 4:6 (ivory Coast to the rest of the world); simple proportion! Now one comentator in the documentary said that the farmers input in the value chain is very small and that explains the deplorable benefit from the addition (not the exact words). Now my simple logic is take the farmer out of the equation and see if those considered important in the value chain will at all be important! This kind of mentality explains why our farmers are abused by the other levels of the value chain! Thats where transformational leaders come in and bargain on behalf of the farmers and hence the continent. I watched another documentary on Bloody Diamonds in which it was said that some country (is it Liberia?) contributes 60% of the world diamonds annd yet it remains one of the poorest countries on this face of planet earth. Ordianary people are used to sell these diamonds for a song. My questions: Why does Africa continue to suffer poverty despite its richness in natural resources? Would it be that Africa has african traitors who benefit from this abuse? Shall we have a generation of leaders that will stand up against this neo-colonialism and abuse of Africans and their God-given natural resources. It may not be today; it may not be in my time, but surely Africa shall be liberated!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:30:00 +0000

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